提交 bf0b6e4b 编写于 作者: A Aaron Patterson 提交者: Xavier Noria

add section about notifying implementors

上级 a7a3169c
......@@ -14,6 +14,20 @@ Today is mostly coordination tasks. Here are the things you must do today:
Let them know of your plans to release. There may be security issues to be
addressed, and that can impact your release date.
=== Notify implementors.
Ruby implementors have high stakes in making sure Rails works. Be kind and
give them a heads up that Rails will be released soonish.
Send an email just giving a heads up about the upcoming release to these
* team@jruby.org
* community@rubini.us
* rubyonrails-core@googlegroups.com
Implementors will love you and help you.
=== Is the CI green? If not, make it green. (See "Fixing the CI")
Do not release with a Red CI. You can find the CI status here:
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