提交 b6fa3ff8 编写于 作者: J John Hawthorn

Add regression test for url_helpers duplication

This adds a regression test that previously failed checking controllers
don't have multiple ancestors which include url_helpers or path_helpers.

This is checked by digging through the ancestors and seeing if they
include either the url_helpers_module or path_helpers_module and making
sure only one ancestor does that.

We usually don't test performance changes (and also would not prefer to
test implementation this closely), but because this has regressed in the
past, and I think it would be relatively easy to accidentally introduce
again, I think we should test this one.
上级 37e778b6
# frozen_string_literal: true
require "abstract_unit"
class RouteHelperIntegrationTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def self.routes
@routes ||= ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet.new
class FakeACBase < ActionController::Base
# Normally done by app initialization to ActionController::Base
app = RouteHelperIntegrationTest
extend ::AbstractController::Railties::RoutesHelpers.with(app.routes)
class ApplicationController < FakeACBase
class FooController < ApplicationController
# We define many routes in these modules after they have been included into
# the controllers. For boot performance, it's important that we don't
# duplicate these modules an maked method cache invalidation expensive.
# https://github.com/rails/rails/pull/37927
test "only includes one module with route helpers" do
app = self.class
url_helpers_module = app.routes.named_routes.url_helpers_module
path_helpers_module = app.routes.named_routes.path_helpers_module
assert_operator FooController, :<, url_helpers_module
assert_operator ApplicationController, :<, url_helpers_module
assert_not_operator FakeACBase, :<, url_helpers_module
assert_operator FooController, :<, path_helpers_module
assert_operator ApplicationController, :<, path_helpers_module
assert_not_operator FakeACBase, :<, path_helpers_module
included_modules = FooController.ancestors.grep_v(Class)
included_modules -= [url_helpers_module, path_helpers_module]
modules_with_routes = included_modules.select do |mod|
mod < url_helpers_module || mod < path_helpers_module
assert_equal 1, modules_with_routes.size
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