提交 b63d532f 编写于 作者: S Sean Griffin

Don't assume all hashes are from multiparameter assignment in `composed_of`

So this bug is kinda funky. The code path is basically "if we weren't passed an
instance of the class we compose to, and we have a converter, call that".
Ignoring the hash case for a moment, everything after that was roughly intended
to be the "else" clause, meaning that we are expected to have an instance of
the class we compose to. Really, we should be blowing up in that case, as we
can give a much better error message than what they user will likely get (e.g.
`NameError: No method first for String` or something). Still, Ruby is duck
typed, so if the object you're assigning responds to the same methods as the
type you compose to, knock yourself out.

The hash case was added in 36e9be85 to remove a bunch of special cased code from
multiparameter assignment. I wrongly assumed that the only time we'd get a hash
there is in that case. Multiparameter assignment will construct a very specific
hash though, where the keys are integers, and we will have a set of keys
covering `1..part.size` exactly. I'm pretty sure this could actually be passed
around as an array, but that's a different story. Really I should convert this
to something like `class MultiParameterAssignment < Hash; end`, which I might
do soon. However for a change that I'm willing to backport to 4-2-stable, this
is what I want to go with for the time being.

Fixes #25978
上级 320d4012
* Hashes can once again be passed to setters of `composed_of`, if all of the
mapping methods are methods implemented on `Hash`.
Fixes #25978.
*Sean Griffin*
* Fix the SELECT statement in `#table_comment` for MySQL.
*Takeshi Akima*
......@@ -261,8 +261,10 @@ def writer_method(name, class_name, mapping, allow_nil, converter)
part = converter.respond_to?(:call) ? converter.call(part) : klass.send(converter, part)
if part.is_a?(Hash)
raise ArgumentError unless part.size == part.keys.max
hash_from_multiparameter_assignment = part.is_a?(Hash) &&
part.each_key.all? { |k| k.is_a?(Integer) }
if hash_from_multiparameter_assignment
raise ArgumentError unless part.size == part.each_key.max
part = klass.new(*part.sort.map(&:last))
......@@ -143,6 +143,11 @@ def test_assigning_hash_to_custom_converter
customers(:barney).fullname = { first: "Barney", last: "Stinson" }
assert_equal "Barney STINSON", customers(:barney).name
def test_assigning_hash_without_custom_converter
customers(:barney).fullname_no_converter = { first: "Barney", last: "Stinson" }
assert_equal({ first: "Barney", last: "Stinson" }.to_s, customers(:barney).name)
class OverridingAggregationsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ class Customer < ActiveRecord::Base
composed_of :non_blank_gps_location, :class_name => "GpsLocation", :allow_nil => true, :mapping => %w(gps_location gps_location),
:converter => lambda { |gps| self.gps_conversion_was_run = true; gps.blank? ? nil : GpsLocation.new(gps)}
composed_of :fullname, :mapping => %w(name to_s), :constructor => Proc.new { |name| Fullname.parse(name) }, :converter => :parse
composed_of :fullname_no_converter, :mapping => %w(name to_s), class_name: "Fullname"
class Address
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