提交 a6cca5d1 编写于 作者: F Frederick Cheung 提交者: Michael Koziarski

Ensure postgresql tests work when starting from scratch.

上级 874603ce
......@@ -72,8 +72,6 @@ namespace :postgresql do
task :build_databases do
%x( createdb activerecord_unittest )
%x( createdb activerecord_unittest2 )
%x( psql activerecord_unittest -f #{File.join(SCHEMA_ROOT, 'postgresql.sql')} )
%x( psql activerecord_unittest2 -f #{File.join(SCHEMA_ROOT, 'postgresql2.sql')} )
desc 'Drop the PostgreSQL test databases'
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
%w(postgresql_arrays postgresql_moneys postgresql_numbers postgresql_times postgresql_network_addresses postgresql_bit_strings
postgresql_oids defaults geometrics).each do |table_name|
drop_table table_name
execute "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #{quote_table_name table_name}"
execute 'DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS companies_nonstd_seq CASCADE'
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