Remove the content_tag_for change from CHANGELOG since it was reverted

上级 740c4e2f
## Rails 4.0.0 (unreleased) ##
* config.assets.enabled is now true by default. If you're upgrading from a Rails 3.x app
* `config.assets.enabled` is now true by default. If you're upgrading from a Rails 3.x app
that does not use the asset pipeline, you'll be required to add `config.assets.enabled = false`
to your application.rb. If you don't want the asset pipeline on a new app use --skip-sprockets
to your application.rb. If you don't want the asset pipeline on a new app use `--skip-sprockets`
* Environment name can be a start substring of the default environment names
......@@ -167,8 +167,6 @@
* Add convenience `hide!` method to Rails generators to hide current generator
namespace from showing when running `rails generate`. *Carlos Antonio da Silva*
* Scaffold now uses `content_tag_for` in index.html.erb *José Valim*
* Rails::Plugin has gone. Instead of adding plugins to vendor/plugins use gems or bundler with path or git dependencies. *Santiago Pastorino*
* Set config.action_mailer.async = true to turn on asynchronous
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