提交 8d6ac59d 编写于 作者: R Ryan Bigg

Added documentation for config.generators to the config guide

上级 72e973eb
......@@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ h4. Rails General Configuration
* +config.app_generators+ alternate name for +config.generators+. See the "Configuring Generators" section below for how to use this.
* +config.autoload_once_paths+ accepts an array of paths from which Rails will automatically load from only once. All elements of this array must also be in +autoload_paths+.
* +config.autoload_paths+ accepts an array of additional paths to prepend to the load path. By default, all app, lib, vendor and mock paths are included in this list.
......@@ -79,6 +81,31 @@ h4. Rails General Configuration
* +config.whiny_nils+ enables or disabled warnings when an methods of nil are invoked. Defaults to _false_.
h4. Configuring Generators
Rails 3 allows you to alter what generators are used with the +config.generators+ method. This method takes a block:
config.generators do |g|
g.orm :active_record
g.test_framework :test_unit
The full set of methods that can be used in this block are as follows:
* +force_plural+ allows pluralized model names. Defaults to _false_.
* +helper+ defines whether or not to generate helpers. Defaults to _true_
* +orm+ defines which orm to use. Defaults to _nil_, so will use Active Record by default.
* +integration_tool+ defines which integration tool to use. Defaults to _nil_
* +performance_tool+ defines which performance tool to use. Defaults to _nil_
* +resource_controller+ defines which generator to use for generating a controller when using +rails generate resource+. Defaults to +:controller+.
* +scaffold_controller+ different from +resource_controller+, defines which generator to use for generating a _scaffolded_ controller when using +rails generate scaffold+. Defaults to +:scaffold_controller+
* +stylesheets+ turns on the hook for stylesheets in generators. Used in Rails for when the +scaffold+ generator is ran, but this hook can be used in other generates as well.
* +test_framework+ defines which test framework to use. Defaults to _nil_, so will use Test::Unit by default.
* +template_engine+ defines which template engine to use, such as ERB or Haml. Defaults to +:erb+.
h4. Configuring i18n
* +config.i18n.default_locale+ sets the default locale of an application used for i18n. Defaults to +:en+.
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