Add SVG as a default mime type

上级 e2bc819f
* Add image/svg+xml as a default mime type.
## Rails 5.0.0.beta2 (February 01, 2016) ##
* Add `-g` and `-c` (short for _grep_ and _controller_ respectively) options
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
Mime::Type.register "image/gif", :gif, [], %w(gif)
Mime::Type.register "image/bmp", :bmp, [], %w(bmp)
Mime::Type.register "image/tiff", :tiff, [], %w(tif tiff)
Mime::Type.register "image/svg+xml", :svg
Mime::Type.register "video/mpeg", :mpeg, [], %w(mpg mpeg mpe)
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