提交 6ff506ff 编写于 作者: J Jeremy Kemper

Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails

* Fixed RedCloth and BlueCloth shouldn't preload. Instead just assume that they're available if you want to use textilize and markdown and let autoload require them [DHH]
*2.2.1 [RC2] (November 14th, 2008)*
* Restore backwards compatible functionality for setting relative_url_root. Include deprecation
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ class Type
# These are the content types which browsers can generate without using ajax, flash, etc
# i.e. following a link, getting an image or posting a form. CSRF protection
# only needs to protect against these types.
@@browser_generated_types = Set.new [:html, :url_encoded_form, :multipart_form]
@@browser_generated_types = Set.new [:html, :url_encoded_form, :multipart_form, :text]
cattr_reader :browser_generated_types
......@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ def ==(mime_type)
# Returns true if Action Pack should check requests using this Mime Type for possible request forgery. See
# ActionController::RequestForgerProtection.
# ActionController::RequestForgeryProtection.
def verify_request?
......@@ -226,91 +226,79 @@ def word_wrap(text, *args)
end * "\n"
require_library_or_gem "redcloth" unless Object.const_defined?(:RedCloth)
# Returns the text with all the Textile[http://www.textism.com/tools/textile] codes turned into HTML tags.
# You can learn more about Textile's syntax at its website[http://www.textism.com/tools/textile].
# <i>This method is only available if RedCloth[http://whytheluckystiff.net/ruby/redcloth/]
# is available</i>.
# ==== Examples
# textilize("*This is Textile!* Rejoice!")
# # => "<p><strong>This is Textile!</strong> Rejoice!</p>"
# textilize("I _love_ ROR(Ruby on Rails)!")
# # => "<p>I <em>love</em> <acronym title="Ruby on Rails">ROR</acronym>!</p>"
# textilize("h2. Textile makes markup -easy- simple!")
# # => "<h2>Textile makes markup <del>easy</del> simple!</h2>"
# textilize("Visit the Rails website "here":http://www.rubyonrails.org/.)
# # => "<p>Visit the Rails website <a href="http://www.rubyonrails.org/">here</a>.</p>"
def textilize(text)
if text.blank?
textilized = RedCloth.new(text, [ :hard_breaks ])
textilized.hard_breaks = true if textilized.respond_to?(:hard_breaks=)
# Returns the text with all the Textile[http://www.textism.com/tools/textile] codes turned into HTML tags.
# You can learn more about Textile's syntax at its website[http://www.textism.com/tools/textile].
# <i>This method is only available if RedCloth[http://whytheluckystiff.net/ruby/redcloth/]
# is available</i>.
# ==== Examples
# textilize("*This is Textile!* Rejoice!")
# # => "<p><strong>This is Textile!</strong> Rejoice!</p>"
# textilize("I _love_ ROR(Ruby on Rails)!")
# # => "<p>I <em>love</em> <acronym title="Ruby on Rails">ROR</acronym>!</p>"
# textilize("h2. Textile makes markup -easy- simple!")
# # => "<h2>Textile makes markup <del>easy</del> simple!</h2>"
# textilize("Visit the Rails website "here":http://www.rubyonrails.org/.)
# # => "<p>Visit the Rails website <a href="http://www.rubyonrails.org/">here</a>.</p>"
def textilize(text)
if text.blank?
textilized = RedCloth.new(text, [ :hard_breaks ])
textilized.hard_breaks = true if textilized.respond_to?(:hard_breaks=)
# Returns the text with all the Textile codes turned into HTML tags,
# but without the bounding <p> tag that RedCloth adds.
# You can learn more about Textile's syntax at its website[http://www.textism.com/tools/textile].
# <i>This method is only available if RedCloth[http://whytheluckystiff.net/ruby/redcloth/]
# is available</i>.
# ==== Examples
# textilize_without_paragraph("*This is Textile!* Rejoice!")
# # => "<strong>This is Textile!</strong> Rejoice!"
# textilize_without_paragraph("I _love_ ROR(Ruby on Rails)!")
# # => "I <em>love</em> <acronym title="Ruby on Rails">ROR</acronym>!"
# textilize_without_paragraph("h2. Textile makes markup -easy- simple!")
# # => "<h2>Textile makes markup <del>easy</del> simple!</h2>"
# textilize_without_paragraph("Visit the Rails website "here":http://www.rubyonrails.org/.)
# # => "Visit the Rails website <a href="http://www.rubyonrails.org/">here</a>."
def textilize_without_paragraph(text)
textiled = textilize(text)
if textiled[0..2] == "<p>" then textiled = textiled[3..-1] end
if textiled[-4..-1] == "</p>" then textiled = textiled[0..-5] end
return textiled
rescue LoadError
# We can't really help what's not there
# Returns the text with all the Textile codes turned into HTML tags,
# but without the bounding <p> tag that RedCloth adds.
# You can learn more about Textile's syntax at its website[http://www.textism.com/tools/textile].
# <i>This method is requires RedCloth[http://whytheluckystiff.net/ruby/redcloth/]
# to be available</i>.
# ==== Examples
# textilize_without_paragraph("*This is Textile!* Rejoice!")
# # => "<strong>This is Textile!</strong> Rejoice!"
# textilize_without_paragraph("I _love_ ROR(Ruby on Rails)!")
# # => "I <em>love</em> <acronym title="Ruby on Rails">ROR</acronym>!"
# textilize_without_paragraph("h2. Textile makes markup -easy- simple!")
# # => "<h2>Textile makes markup <del>easy</del> simple!</h2>"
# textilize_without_paragraph("Visit the Rails website "here":http://www.rubyonrails.org/.)
# # => "Visit the Rails website <a href="http://www.rubyonrails.org/">here</a>."
def textilize_without_paragraph(text)
textiled = textilize(text)
if textiled[0..2] == "<p>" then textiled = textiled[3..-1] end
if textiled[-4..-1] == "</p>" then textiled = textiled[0..-5] end
return textiled
require_library_or_gem "bluecloth" unless Object.const_defined?(:BlueCloth)
# Returns the text with all the Markdown codes turned into HTML tags.
# <i>This method is only available if BlueCloth[http://www.deveiate.org/projects/BlueCloth]
# is available</i>.
# ==== Examples
# markdown("We are using __Markdown__ now!")
# # => "<p>We are using <strong>Markdown</strong> now!</p>"
# markdown("We like to _write_ `code`, not just _read_ it!")
# # => "<p>We like to <em>write</em> <code>code</code>, not just <em>read</em> it!</p>"
# markdown("The [Markdown website](http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/) has more information.")
# # => "<p>The <a href="http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/">Markdown website</a>
# # has more information.</p>"
# markdown('![The ROR logo](http://rubyonrails.com/images/rails.png "Ruby on Rails")')
# # => '<p><img src="http://rubyonrails.com/images/rails.png" alt="The ROR logo" title="Ruby on Rails" /></p>'
def markdown(text)
text.blank? ? "" : BlueCloth.new(text).to_html
rescue LoadError
# We can't really help what's not there
# Returns the text with all the Markdown codes turned into HTML tags.
# <i>This method requires BlueCloth[http://www.deveiate.org/projects/BlueCloth]
# to be available</i>.
# ==== Examples
# markdown("We are using __Markdown__ now!")
# # => "<p>We are using <strong>Markdown</strong> now!</p>"
# markdown("We like to _write_ `code`, not just _read_ it!")
# # => "<p>We like to <em>write</em> <code>code</code>, not just <em>read</em> it!</p>"
# markdown("The [Markdown website](http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/) has more information.")
# # => "<p>The <a href="http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/">Markdown website</a>
# # has more information.</p>"
# markdown('![The ROR logo](http://rubyonrails.com/images/rails.png "Ruby on Rails")')
# # => '<p><img src="http://rubyonrails.com/images/rails.png" alt="The ROR logo" title="Ruby on Rails" /></p>'
def markdown(text)
text.blank? ? "" : BlueCloth.new(text).to_html
# Returns +text+ transformed into HTML using simple formatting rules.
* Added default_scope to Base #1381 [Paweł Kondzior]. Example:
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
default_scope :order => 'last_name, first_name'
class Company < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :people
Person.all # => Person.find(:all, :order => 'last_name, first_name')
Company.find(1).people # => Person.find(:all, :order => 'last_name, first_name', :conditions => { :company_id => 1 })
*2.2.1 [RC2] (November 14th, 2008)*
* Ensure indices don't flip order in schema.rb #1266 [Jordi Bunster]
......@@ -495,6 +495,10 @@ def self.reset_subclasses #:nodoc:
superclass_delegating_accessor :store_full_sti_class
self.store_full_sti_class = false
# Stores the default scope for the class
class_inheritable_accessor :default_scoping, :instance_writer => false
self.default_scoping = []
class << self # Class methods
# Find operates with four different retrieval approaches:
......@@ -2016,6 +2020,16 @@ def subclasses #:nodoc:
@@subclasses[self] + extra = @@subclasses[self].inject([]) {|list, subclass| list + subclass.subclasses }
# Sets the default options for the model. The format of the
# <tt>method_scoping</tt> argument is the same as in with_scope.
# class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
# default_scope :find => { :order => 'last_name, first_name' }
# end
def default_scope(options = {})
self.default_scoping << { :find => options, :create => options.is_a?(Hash) ? options[:conditions] : {} }
# Test whether the given method and optional key are scoped.
def scoped?(method, key = nil) #:nodoc:
if current_scoped_methods && (scope = current_scoped_methods[method])
......@@ -2031,7 +2045,7 @@ def scope(method, key = nil) #:nodoc:
def scoped_methods #:nodoc:
Thread.current[:"#{self}_scoped_methods"] ||= []
Thread.current[:"#{self}_scoped_methods"] ||= self.default_scoping.dup
def current_scoped_methods #:nodoc:
......@@ -925,6 +925,7 @@ def setup_fixtures
@fixture_cache = {}
@@already_loaded_fixtures ||= {}
# Load fixtures once and begin transaction.
if use_transactional_fixtures?
......@@ -939,7 +940,6 @@ def setup_fixtures
# Load fixtures for every test.
@@already_loaded_fixtures ||= {}
@@already_loaded_fixtures[self.class] = nil
......@@ -522,6 +522,67 @@ def test_nested_scope
class DefaultScopingTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
fixtures :developers
def test_default_scope
expected = Developer.find(:all, :order => 'salary DESC').collect { |dev| dev.salary }
received = DeveloperOrderedBySalary.find(:all).collect { |dev| dev.salary }
assert_equal expected, received
def test_default_scoping_with_threads
scope = [{:create=>nil, :find=>{:order=>"salary DESC"}}]
2.times do
Thread.new { assert_equal scope, DeveloperOrderedBySalary.send(:scoped_methods) }.join
def test_default_scoping_with_inheritance
scope = [{:create=>nil, :find=>{:order=>"salary DESC"}}]
# Inherit a class having a default scope and define a new default scope
klass = Class.new(DeveloperOrderedBySalary)
klass.send :default_scope, {}
# Scopes added on children should append to parent scope
expected_klass_scope = [{:create=>nil, :find=>{:order=>"salary DESC"}}, {:create=>nil, :find=>{}}]
assert_equal expected_klass_scope, klass.send(:scoped_methods)
# Parent should still have the original scope
assert_equal scope, DeveloperOrderedBySalary.send(:scoped_methods)
def test_method_scope
expected = Developer.find(:all, :order => 'name DESC').collect { |dev| dev.salary }
received = DeveloperOrderedBySalary.all_ordered_by_name.collect { |dev| dev.salary }
assert_equal expected, received
def test_nested_scope
expected = Developer.find(:all, :order => 'name DESC').collect { |dev| dev.salary }
received = DeveloperOrderedBySalary.with_scope(:find => { :order => 'name DESC'}) do
DeveloperOrderedBySalary.find(:all).collect { |dev| dev.salary }
assert_equal expected, received
def test_nested_exclusive_scope
expected = Developer.find(:all, :limit => 100).collect { |dev| dev.salary }
received = DeveloperOrderedBySalary.with_exclusive_scope(:find => { :limit => 100 }) do
DeveloperOrderedBySalary.find(:all).collect { |dev| dev.salary }
assert_equal expected, received
def test_overwriting_default_scope
expected = Developer.find(:all, :order => 'salary').collect { |dev| dev.salary }
received = DeveloperOrderedBySalary.find(:all, :order => 'salary').collect { |dev| dev.salary }
assert_equal expected, received
# We disabled the scoping for has_one and belongs_to as we can't think of a proper use case
......@@ -77,3 +77,15 @@ def raise_if_projects_empty!
raise if projects.empty?
class DeveloperOrderedBySalary < ActiveRecord::Base
self.table_name = 'developers'
default_scope :order => "salary DESC"
def self.all_ordered_by_name
with_scope(:find => { :order => "name DESC" }) do
......@@ -134,7 +134,6 @@ def inflections
# "octopus".pluralize # => "octopi"
# "sheep".pluralize # => "sheep"
# "words".pluralize # => "words"
# "the blue mailman".pluralize # => "the blue mailmen"
# "CamelOctopus".pluralize # => "CamelOctopi"
def pluralize(word)
result = word.to_s.dup
......@@ -154,7 +153,6 @@ def pluralize(word)
# "octopi".singularize # => "octopus"
# "sheep".singluarize # => "sheep"
# "word".singularize # => "word"
# "the blue mailmen".singularize # => "the blue mailman"
# "CamelOctopi".singularize # => "CamelOctopus"
def singularize(word)
result = word.to_s.dup
Markdown is supported
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