提交 672ffd4c 编写于 作者: D Daniel Lobato

Uniq cannot be used directly on an ActiveRecord model. 'DISTINCT field' is the...

Uniq cannot be used directly on an ActiveRecord model. 'DISTINCT field' is the only pluck query that translates into the aforementioned SQL
上级 dbafd36a
......@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ def calculate(operation, column_name, options = {})
# # SELECT people.id, people.name FROM people
# # => [[1, 'David'], [2, 'Jeremy'], [3, 'Jose']]
# Person.uniq.pluck(:role)
# Person.pluck('DISTINCT role')
# # SELECT DISTINCT role FROM people
# # => ['admin', 'member', 'guest']
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