提交 63c71f89 编写于 作者: V Vijay Dev

sync AS guide with the Ruby 1.9 related deletions in master

上级 e52572ab
......@@ -1838,43 +1838,6 @@ NOTE: Defined in +active_support/core_ext/string/inflections.rb+.
h4(#string-conversions). Conversions
h5. +ord+
Ruby 1.9 defines +ord+ to be the codepoint of the first character of the receiver. Active Support backports +ord+ for single-byte encodings like ASCII or ISO-8859-1 in Ruby 1.8:
"a".ord # => 97
"à".ord # => 224, in ISO-8859-1
In Ruby 1.8 +ord+ doesn't work in general in UTF8 strings, use the multibyte support in Active Support for that:
"a".mb_chars.ord # => 97
"à".mb_chars.ord # => 224, in UTF8
Note that the 224 is different in both examples. In ISO-8859-1 "à" is represented as a single byte, 224. Its single-character representation in UTF8 has two bytes, namely 195 and 160, but its Unicode codepoint is 224. If we call +ord+ on the UTF8 string "à" the return value will be 195 in Ruby 1.8. That is not an error, because UTF8 is unsupported, the call itself would be bogus.
INFO: +ord+ is equivalent to +getbyte(0)+.
NOTE: Defined in +active_support/core_ext/string/conversions.rb+.
h5. +getbyte+
Active Support backports +getbyte+ from Ruby 1.9:
"foo".getbyte(0) # => 102, same as "foo".ord
"foo".getbyte(1) # => 111
"foo".getbyte(9) # => nil
"foo".getbyte(-1) # => 111
INFO: +getbyte+ is equivalent to +[]+.
NOTE: Defined in +active_support/core_ext/string/conversions.rb+.
h5. +to_date+, +to_time+, +to_datetime+
The methods +to_date+, +to_time+, and +to_datetime+ are basically convenience wrappers around +Date._parse+:
......@@ -1967,20 +1930,6 @@ h3. Extensions to +BigDecimal+
h3. Extensions to +Enumerable+
h4. +group_by+
Active Support redefines +group_by+ in Ruby 1.8.7 so that it returns an ordered hash as in 1.9:
entries_by_surname_initial = address_book.group_by do |entry|
Distinct block return values are added to the hash as they come, so that's the resulting order.
NOTE: Defined in +active_support/core_ext/enumerable.rb+.
h4. +sum+
The method +sum+ adds the elements of an enumerable:
......@@ -2135,20 +2084,6 @@ The methods +second+, +third+, +fourth+, and +fifth+ return the corresponding el
NOTE: Defined in +active_support/core_ext/array/access.rb+.
h4. Random Access
Active Support backports +sample+ from Ruby 1.9:
shape_type = [Circle, Square, Triangle].sample
# => Square, for example
shape_types = [Circle, Square, Triangle].sample(2)
# => [Triangle, Circle], for example
NOTE: Defined in +active_support/core_ext/array/random_access.rb+.
h4. Adding Elements
h5. +prepend+
......@@ -2901,14 +2836,6 @@ WARNING: The original +Range#include?+ is still the one aliased to +Range#===+.
NOTE: Defined in +active_support/core_ext/range/include_range.rb+.
h4. +cover?+
Ruby 1.9 provides +cover?+, and Active Support defines it for previous versions as an alias for +include?+.
The method +include?+ in Ruby 1.9 is different from the one in 1.8 for non-numeric ranges: instead of being based on comparisons between the value and the range's endpoints, it walks the range with +succ+ looking for value. This works better for ranges with holes, but it has different complexity and may not finish in some other cases.
In Ruby 1.9 the old behavior is still available in the new +cover?+, which Active Support backports for forward compatibility. For example, Rails uses +cover?+ for ranges in +validates_inclusion_of+.
h4. +overlaps?+
The method +Range#overlaps?+ says whether any two given ranges have non-void intersection:
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