提交 60b67d76 编写于 作者: X Xavier Noria

modernizes hash syntax in the rest of the project

上级 1607ee29
......@@ -5,16 +5,16 @@ require "tasks/release"
require "railties/lib/rails/api/task"
desc "Build gem files for all projects"
task :build => "all:build"
task build: "all:build"
desc "Prepare the release"
task :prep_release => "all:prep_release"
task prep_release: "all:prep_release"
desc "Release all gems to rubygems and create a tag"
task :release => "all:release"
task release: "all:release"
desc "Run all tests by default"
task :default => %w(test test:isolated)
task default: %w(test test:isolated)
%w(test test:isolated package gem).each do |task_name|
desc "Run #{task_name} task for all projects"
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ task :smoke do
desc "Install gems for all projects."
task :install => "all:install"
task install: "all:install"
desc "Generate documentation for the Rails framework"
if ENV["EDGE"]
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ else
desc "Bump all versions to match RAILS_VERSION"
task :update_versions => "all:update_versions"
task update_versions: "all:update_versions"
# We have a webhook configured in GitHub that gets invoked after pushes.
# This hook triggers the following tasks:
......@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ def run_bug_report_templates
next if gem == "aj:integration" && isolated
next if gem == "guides" && isolated
build = Build.new(gem, :isolated => isolated)
build = Build.new(gem, isolated: isolated)
results[build.key] = build.run!
......@@ -53,12 +53,12 @@
sh cmd
task :build => [:clean, gem]
task :install => :build do
task build: [:clean, gem]
task install: :build do
sh "gem install --pre #{gem}"
task :push => :build do
task push: :build do
sh "gem push #{gem}"
# When running the release task we usually run build first to check that the gem works properly.
......@@ -137,10 +137,10 @@
namespace :all do
task :build => FRAMEWORKS.map { |f| "#{f}:build" } + ["rails:build"]
task :update_versions => FRAMEWORKS.map { |f| "#{f}:update_versions" } + ["rails:update_versions"]
task :install => FRAMEWORKS.map { |f| "#{f}:install" } + ["rails:install"]
task :push => FRAMEWORKS.map { |f| "#{f}:push" } + ["rails:push"]
task build: FRAMEWORKS.map { |f| "#{f}:build" } + ["rails:build"]
task update_versions: FRAMEWORKS.map { |f| "#{f}:update_versions" } + ["rails:update_versions"]
task install: FRAMEWORKS.map { |f| "#{f}:install" } + ["rails:install"]
task push: FRAMEWORKS.map { |f| "#{f}:push" } + ["rails:push"]
task :ensure_clean_state do
unless `git status -s | grep -v 'RAILS_VERSION\\|CHANGELOG\\|Gemfile.lock'`.strip.empty?
......@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@
sh "git push --tags"
task :prep_release => %w(ensure_clean_state build)
task prep_release: %w(ensure_clean_state build)
task :release => %w(ensure_clean_state build bundle commit tag push)
task release: %w(ensure_clean_state build bundle commit tag push)
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