Add some Action Cable CHANGELOG entries

And improve changelongs.

[ci skip]
上级 49f6ce63
## Rails 5.0.0.beta2 (February 01, 2016) ##
* No changes.
* Support PostgreSQL pubsub adapter.
*Jon Moss*
* Remove EventMachine dependency.
*Matthew Draper*
* Remove Celluloid dependency.
*Mike Perham*
* Create notion of an `ActionCable::SubscriptionAdapter`.
Separate out Redis functionality into
## Rails 5.0.0.beta2 (February 01, 2016) ##
* No changes.
* Add `-g` and `-c` (short for _grep_ and _controller_ respectively) options
to `bin/rake routes`. These options return the url `name`, `verb` and
`path` field that match the pattern or match a specific controller.
## Rails 5.0.0.beta2 (February 01, 2016) ##
* No changes.
* Fix stripping the digest from the automatically generated img tag alt
attribute when assets are handled by Sprockets >=3.0.
## Rails 5.0.0.beta2 (February 01, 2016) ##
* No changes.
* `ActiveRecord::Relation#reverse_order` throws `ActiveRecord::IrreversibleOrderError`
when the order can not be reversed using current trivial algorithm.
Also raises the same error when `#reverse_order` is called on
## Rails 5.0.0.beta2 (February 01, 2016) ##
* No changes.
* Change number_to_currency behavior for checking negativity.
Used `to_f.negative` instead of using `to_f.phase` for checking negativity
## Rails 5.0.0.beta2 (February 01, 2016) ##
* No changes.
* Add `after_bundle` callbacks in Rails plugin templates. Useful for allowing
templates to perform actions that are dependent upon `bundle install`.
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*Will Fisher*
## Rails 5.0.0.beta1 (December 18, 2015) ##
* Newly generated plugins get a `` in Markdown.
Markdown is supported
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