提交 59f1df1b 编写于 作者: J Jamis Buck

Update/extend ActionMailer documentation (rdoc)

git-svn-id: http://svn-commit.rubyonrails.org/rails/trunk@2648 5ecf4fe2-1ee6-0310-87b1-e25e094e27de
上级 0453525f
* Update and extend documentation (rdoc)
* Minero Aoki made TMail available to Rails/ActionMailer under the MIT license (instead of LGPL) [RubyConf '05]
* Austin Ziegler made Text::Simple available to Rails/ActionMailer under a MIT-like licens [See rails ML, subject "Text::Format Licence Exception" on Oct 15, 2005]
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Rake::TestTask.new { |t|
Rake::RDocTask.new { |rdoc|
rdoc.rdoc_dir = 'doc'
rdoc.title = "Action Mailer -- Easy email delivery and testing"
rdoc.options << '--line-numbers --inline-source --main README'
rdoc.options << '--line-numbers --inline-source --main README --accessor adv_attr_accessor=M'
rdoc.template = "#{ENV['template']}.rb" if ENV['template']
rdoc.rdoc_files.include('README', 'CHANGELOG')
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
require 'action_mailer/utils'
require 'tmail/net'
module ActionMailer #:nodoc:
module ActionMailer
# Usage:
# class ApplicationMailer < ActionMailer::Base
......@@ -160,11 +160,61 @@ class Base
@@default_implicit_parts_order = [ "text/html", "text/enriched", "text/plain" ]
cattr_accessor :default_implicit_parts_order
adv_attr_accessor :recipients, :subject, :body, :from, :sent_on, :headers,
:bcc, :cc, :charset, :content_type, :implicit_parts_order,
:template, :mailer_name, :mime_version
# Specify the BCC addresses for the message
adv_attr_accessor :bcc
# Define the body of the message. This is either a Hash (in which case it
# specifies the variables to pass to the template when it is rendered),
# or a string, in which case it specifies the actual text of the message.
adv_attr_accessor :body
# Specify the CC addresses for the message.
adv_attr_accessor :cc
# Specify the charset to use for the message. This defaults to the
# +default_charset+ specified for ActionMailer::Base.
adv_attr_accessor :charset
# Specify the content type for the message. This defaults to <tt>text/plain</tt>
# in most cases, but can be automatically set in some situations.
adv_attr_accessor :content_type
# Specify the from address for the message.
adv_attr_accessor :from
# Specify additional headers to be added to the message.
adv_attr_accessor :headers
# Specify the order in which parts should be sorted, based on content-type.
# This defaults to the value for the +default_implicit_parts_order+.
adv_attr_accessor :implicit_parts_order
# Override the mailer name, which defaults to an inflected version of the
# mailer's class name. If you want to use a template in a non-standard
# location, you can use this to specify that location.
adv_attr_accessor :mailer_name
# Defaults to "1.0", but may be explicitly given if needed.
adv_attr_accessor :mime_version
# The recipient addresses for the message, either as a string (for a single
# address) or an array (for multiple addresses).
adv_attr_accessor :recipients
# The date on which the message was sent. If not set (the default), the
# header will be set by the delivery agent.
adv_attr_accessor :sent_on
# Specify the subject of the message.
adv_attr_accessor :subject
# Specify the template name to use for current message. This is the "base"
# template name, without the extension or directory, and may be used to
# have multiple mailer methods share the same template.
adv_attr_accessor :template
attr_reader :mail
# The mail object instance referenced by this mailer.
attr_reader :mail
class << self
def method_missing(method_symbol, *parameters)#:nodoc:
......@@ -176,7 +226,18 @@ def method_missing(method_symbol, *parameters)#:nodoc:
def receive(raw_email) #:nodoc:
# Receives a raw email, parses it into an email object, decodes it,
# instantiates a new mailer, and passes the email object to the mailer
# object's #receive method. If you want your mailer to be able to
# process incoming messages, you'll need to implement a #receive
# method that accepts the email object as a parameter:
# class MyMailer < ActionMailer::Base
# def receive(mail)
# ...
# end
# end
def receive(raw_email)
logger.info "Received mail:\n #{raw_email}" unless logger.nil?
mail = TMail::Mail.parse(raw_email)
......@@ -258,7 +319,7 @@ def create!(method_name, *parameters) #:nodoc:
# Delivers a TMail::Mail object. By default, it delivers the cached mail
# object (from the #create! method). If no cached mail object exists, and
# no alternate has been given as the parameter, this will fail.
def deliver!(mail = @mail) #:nodoc:
def deliver!(mail = @mail)
raise "no mail object available for delivery!" unless mail
logger.info "Sent mail:\n #{mail.encoded}" unless logger.nil?
module ActionMailer #:nodoc:
module ActionMailer
module Helpers #:nodoc:
def self.append_features(base)
def self.append_features(base) #:nodoc:
# Initialize the base module to aggregate its helpers.
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ class << self
module ClassMethods #:nodoc:
module ClassMethods
# Makes all the (instance) methods in the helper module available to templates rendered through this controller.
# See ActionView::Helpers (link:classes/ActionView/Helpers.html) for more about making your own helper modules
# available to the templates.
require 'text/format'
module MailHelper#:nodoc:
module MailHelper
# Uses Text::Format to take the text and format it, indented two spaces for
# each line, and wrapped at 72 columns.
def block_format(text)
formatted = text.split(/\n\r\n/).collect { |paragraph|
......@@ -3,13 +3,43 @@
require 'action_mailer/utils'
module ActionMailer
class Part #:nodoc:
# Represents a subpart of an email message. It shares many similar
# attributes of ActionMailer::Base. Although you can create parts manually
# and add them to the #parts list of the mailer, it is easier
# to use the helper methods in ActionMailer::PartContainer.
class Part
include ActionMailer::AdvAttrAccessor
include ActionMailer::PartContainer
adv_attr_accessor :content_type, :content_disposition, :charset, :body
adv_attr_accessor :filename, :transfer_encoding, :headers
# Represents the body of the part, as a string. This should not be a
# Hash (like ActionMailer::Base), but if you want a template to be rendered
# into the body of a subpart you can do it with the mailer's #render method
# and assign the result here.
adv_attr_accessor :body
# Specify the charset for this subpart. By default, it will be the charset
# of the containing part or mailer.
adv_attr_accessor :charset
# The content disposition of this part, typically either "inline" or
# "attachment".
adv_attr_accessor :content_disposition
# The content type of the part.
adv_attr_accessor :content_type
# The filename to use for this subpart (usually for attachments).
adv_attr_accessor :filename
# Accessor for specifying additional headers to include with this part.
adv_attr_accessor :headers
# The transfer encoding to use for this subpart, like "base64" or
# "quoted-printable".
adv_attr_accessor :transfer_encoding
# Create a new part from the given +params+ hash. The valid params keys
# correspond to the accessors.
def initialize(params)
@content_type = params[:content_type]
@content_disposition = params[:disposition] || "inline"
......@@ -21,6 +51,8 @@ def initialize(params)
@parts = []
# Convert the part to a mail object which can be included in the parts
# list of another mail object.
def to_mail(defaults)
part = TMail::Mail.new
module ActionMailer
module PartContainer #:nodoc:
# Accessors and helpers that ActionMailer::Base and ActionMailer::Part have
# in common. Using these helpers you can easily add subparts or attachments
# to your message:
# def my_mail_message(...)
# ...
# part "text/plain" do |p|
# p.body "hello, world"
# p.transfer_encoding "base64"
# end
# attachment "image/jpg" do |a|
# a.body = File.read("hello.jpg")
# a.filename = "hello.jpg"
# end
# end
module PartContainer
# The list of subparts of this container
attr_reader :parts
# Add a part to a multipart message, with the given content-type. The
module ActionMailer
module Version
module Version #:nodoc:
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