[ci skip] update ActiveStorage documentation

- added documentation on how to download files, with example of
- documentation about linking files outside of controller/view
- added section about DirectUpload JavaScript integration into
  libraries/frameworks, as well as usage in combination with Drag and Drop
上级 c991ebbc
......@@ -299,6 +299,30 @@ Call `images.attached?` to determine whether a particular message has any images
### Attaching File/IO Objects
Sometimes you need to attach a file that doesn’t arrive via an HTTP request.
For example, you may want to attach a file you generated on disk or downloaded
from a user-submitted URL. You may also want to attach a fixture file in a
model test. To do that, provide a Hash containing at least an open IO object
and a filename:
@message.image.attach(io: File.open('/path/to/file'), filename: 'file.pdf')
When possible, provide a content type as well. Active Storage attempts to
determine a file’s content type from its data. It falls back to the content
type you provide if it can’t do that.
@message.image.attach(io: File.open('/path/to/file'), filename: 'file.pdf', content_type: 'application/pdf')
If you don’t provide a content type and Active Storage can’t determine the
file’s content type automatically, it defaults to application/octet-stream.
Removing Files
......@@ -334,6 +358,68 @@ helper allows you to set the disposition.
rails_blob_path(user.avatar, disposition: "attachment")
If you need to create a link from outside of controller/view context (Background
jobs, Cronjobs, etc.), you can access the rails_blob_path like this:
Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.rails_blob_path(user.avatar, only_path: true)
Downloading Files
If you need to process the blobs on the server side, such as, when performing
analysis or further conversions, you can download the blob and get a binary
binary = user.avatar.download
In some cases you might want to convert that into an actual file on the disk to
pass the file path to external programs (such as virus scanners, converters,
optimizers, minifiers, etc.). In this case you can include the
`ActiveStorage::Downloading` module into your class which provides helpers to
download directly into files while avoiding to store the file into memory.
`ActiveStorage::Downloading` expects a `blob` method to be defined.
class VirusScanner
include ActiveStorage::Downloading
attr_reader :blob
def initialize(blob)
@blob = blob
def scan
download_blob_to_tempfile do |file|
system 'scan_virus', file.path
By default, `download_blob_to_tempfile` creates files in `Dir.tmpdir`. If you need to use another directory, override ActiveStorage::Downloading#tempdir in your class:
class VirusScanner
include ActiveStorage::Downloading
# ...
def tempdir
If the external program is run as a separate program, you might also want to
chmod the file and it's directory, as it is unaccessible by other users because
Tempfile will set the permissions to 0600.
Transforming Images
......@@ -516,6 +602,92 @@ input[type=file][data-direct-upload-url][disabled] {
### Integrating with Libraries or Frameworks
If you want to use the Direct Upload feature from a JavaScript framework, or
you want to integrate custom drag and drop solutions, you can use the
`DirectUpload` class for this purpose. Upon receiving a file from your library
of choice, instantiate a DirectUpload and call its create method. Create takes
a callback to invoke when the upload completes.
import { DirectUpload } from "activestorage"
const input = document.querySelector('input[type=file]')
// Bind to file drop - use the ondrop on a parent element or use a
// library like Dropzone
const onDrop = (event) => {
const files = event.dataTransfer.files;
Array.from(files).forEach(file => uploadFile(file))
// Bind to normal file selection
input.addEventListener('change', (event) => {
Array.from(input.files).forEach(file => uploadFile(file))
// you might clear the selected files from the input
input.value = null
const uploadFile = (file) {
// your form needs the file_field direct_upload: true, which
// provides data-direct-upload-url
const url = input.dataset.directUploadUrl
const upload = new DirectUpload(file, url)
upload.create((error, blob) => {
if (error) {
// Handle the error
} else {
// Add an appropriately-named hidden input to the form with a
// value of blob.signed_id so that the blob ids will be
// transmitted in the normal upload flow
const hiddenField = document.createElement('input')
hiddenField.setAttribute("type", "hidden");
hiddenField.setAttribute("value", blob.signed_id);
hiddenField.name = input.name
If you need to track the progress of the file upload, you can pass a third
parameter to the `DirectUpload` constructor. During the upload, DirectUpload
will call the object's `directUploadWillStoreFileWithXHR` method. You can then
bind your own progress handler on the XHR.
import { DirectUpload } from "activestorage"
class Uploader {
constructor(file, url) {
this.upload = new DirectUpload(this.file, this.url, this)
upload(file) {
this.upload.create((error, blob) => {
if (error) {
// Handle the error
} else {
// Add an appropriately-named hidden input to the form
// with a value of blob.signed_id
directUploadWillStoreFileWithXHR(request) {
event => this.directUploadDidProgress(event))
directUploadDidProgress(event) {
// Use event.loaded and event.total to update the progress bar
Discarding Files Stored During System Tests
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