提交 3e095163 编写于 作者: R Roy Nicholson 提交者: Jeremy Kemper

Add ability to set SSL options on ARes connections.

[#2370 state:committed]
Signed-off-by: NJeremy Kemper <jeremy@bitsweat.net>
上级 c5896bfd
* More thorough SSL support. #2370 [Roy Nicholson]
* HTTP proxy support. #2133 [Marshall Huss, Sébastien Dabet]
......@@ -103,6 +103,8 @@ module ActiveResource
# Many REST APIs will require authentication, usually in the form of basic
# HTTP authentication. Authentication can be specified by:
# === HTTP Basic Authentication
# * putting the credentials in the URL for the +site+ variable.
# class Person < ActiveResource::Base
......@@ -123,6 +125,19 @@ module ActiveResource
# Note: Some values cannot be provided in the URL passed to site. e.g. email addresses
# as usernames. In those situations you should use the separate user and password option.
# === Certificate Authentication
# * End point uses an X509 certificate for authentication. <tt>See ssl_options=</tt> for all options.
# class Person < ActiveResource::Base
# self.site = "https://secure.api.people.com/"
# self.ssl_options = {:cert => OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(File.open(pem_file))
# :key => OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(File.open(pem_file)),
# :ca_path => "/path/to/OpenSSL/formatted/CA_Certs",
# :verify_mode => OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER}
# end
# == Errors & Validation
# Error handling and validation is handled in much the same manner as you're used to seeing in
......@@ -342,6 +357,31 @@ def timeout
# Options that will get applied to an SSL connection.
# * <tt>:key</tt> - An OpenSSL::PKey::RSA or OpenSSL::PKey::DSA object.
# * <tt>:cert</tt> - An OpenSSL::X509::Certificate object as client certificate
# * <tt>:ca_file</tt> - Path to a CA certification file in PEM format. The file can contrain several CA certificates.
# * <tt>:ca_path</tt> - Path of a CA certification directory containing certifications in PEM format.
# * <tt>:verify_mode</tt> - Flags for server the certification verification at begining of SSL/TLS session. (OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE or OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER is acceptable)
# * <tt>:verify_callback</tt> - The verify callback for the server certification verification.
# * <tt>:verify_depth</tt> - The maximum depth for the certificate chain verification.
# * <tt>:cert_store</tt> - OpenSSL::X509::Store to verify peer certificate.
# * <tt>:ssl_timeout</tt> -The SSL timeout in seconds.
def ssl_options=(opts={})
@connection = nil
@ssl_options = opts
# Returns the SSL options hash.
def ssl_options
if defined?(@ssl_options)
elsif superclass != Object && superclass.ssl_options
# An instance of ActiveResource::Connection that is the base \connection to the remote service.
# The +refresh+ parameter toggles whether or not the \connection is refreshed at every request
# or not (defaults to <tt>false</tt>).
......@@ -352,6 +392,7 @@ def connection(refresh = false)
@connection.user = user if user
@connection.password = password if password
@connection.timeout = timeout if timeout
@connection.ssl_options = ssl_options if ssl_options
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ class Connection
:delete => 'Accept'
attr_reader :site, :user, :password, :timeout, :proxy
attr_reader :site, :user, :password, :timeout, :proxy, :ssl_options
attr_accessor :format
class << self
......@@ -61,6 +61,11 @@ def timeout=(timeout)
@timeout = timeout
# Hash of options applied to Net::HTTP instance when +site+ protocol is 'https'.
def ssl_options=(opts={})
@ssl_options = opts
# Executes a GET request.
# Used to get (find) resources.
def get(path, headers = {})
......@@ -102,6 +107,8 @@ def request(method, path, *arguments)
rescue Timeout::Error => e
raise TimeoutError.new(e.message)
rescue OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError => e
raise SSLError.new(e.message)
# Handles response and error codes from the remote service.
......@@ -149,8 +156,7 @@ def new_http
def configure_http(http)
http.use_ssl = @site.is_a?(URI::HTTPS)
http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE if http.use_ssl?
http = apply_ssl_options(http)
# Net::HTTP timeouts default to 60 seconds.
if @timeout
......@@ -161,6 +167,29 @@ def configure_http(http)
def apply_ssl_options(http)
return http unless @site.is_a?(URI::HTTPS)
http.use_ssl = true
http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
return http unless defined?(@ssl_options)
http.ca_path = @ssl_options[:ca_path] if @ssl_options[:ca_path]
http.ca_file = @ssl_options[:ca_file] if @ssl_options[:ca_file]
http.cert = @ssl_options[:cert] if @ssl_options[:cert]
http.key = @ssl_options[:key] if @ssl_options[:key]
http.cert_store = @ssl_options[:cert_store] if @ssl_options[:cert_store]
http.ssl_timeout = @ssl_options[:ssl_timeout] if @ssl_options[:ssl_timeout]
http.verify_mode = @ssl_options[:verify_mode] if @ssl_options[:verify_mode]
http.verify_callback = @ssl_options[:verify_callback] if @ssl_options[:verify_callback]
http.verify_depth = @ssl_options[:verify_depth] if @ssl_options[:verify_depth]
def default_header
@default_header ||= {}
......@@ -20,6 +20,14 @@ def initialize(message)
def to_s; @message ;end
# Raised when a OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError occurs.
class SSLError < ConnectionError
def initialize(message)
@message = message
def to_s; @message ;end
# 3xx Redirection
class Redirection < ConnectionError # :nodoc:
def to_s; response['Location'] ? "#{super} => #{response['Location']}" : super; end
......@@ -166,6 +166,13 @@ def test_should_accept_setting_timeout
assert_equal(5, Forum.connection.timeout)
def test_should_accept_setting_ssl_options
expected = {:verify => 1}
Forum.ssl_options= expected
assert_equal(expected, Forum.ssl_options)
assert_equal(expected, Forum.connection.ssl_options)
def test_user_variable_can_be_reset
actor = Class.new(ActiveResource::Base)
actor.site = 'http://cinema'
......@@ -196,6 +203,16 @@ def test_timeout_variable_can_be_reset
assert_nil actor.connection.timeout
def test_ssl_options_hash_can_be_reset
actor = Class.new(ActiveResource::Base)
actor.site = 'https://cinema'
assert_nil actor.ssl_options
actor.ssl_options = {:foo => 5}
actor.ssl_options = nil
assert_nil actor.ssl_options
assert_nil actor.connection.ssl_options
def test_credentials_from_site_are_decoded
actor = Class.new(ActiveResource::Base)
actor.site = 'http://my%40email.com:%31%32%33@cinema'
......@@ -395,6 +412,40 @@ def test_timeout_reader_uses_superclass_timeout_until_written
assert_equal fruit.timeout, apple.timeout, 'subclass did not adopt changes from parent class'
def test_ssl_options_reader_uses_superclass_ssl_options_until_written
# Superclass is Object so returns nil.
assert_nil ActiveResource::Base.ssl_options
assert_nil Class.new(ActiveResource::Base).ssl_options
Person.ssl_options = {:foo => 'bar'}
# Subclass uses superclass ssl_options.
actor = Class.new(Person)
assert_equal Person.ssl_options, actor.ssl_options
# Changing subclass ssl_options doesn't change superclass ssl_options.
actor.ssl_options = {:baz => ''}
assert_not_equal Person.ssl_options, actor.ssl_options
# Changing superclass ssl_options doesn't overwrite subclass ssl_options.
Person.ssl_options = {:color => 'blue'}
assert_not_equal Person.ssl_options, actor.ssl_options
# Changing superclass ssl_options after subclassing changes subclass ssl_options.
jester = Class.new(actor)
actor.ssl_options = {:color => 'red'}
assert_equal actor.ssl_options, jester.ssl_options
# Subclasses are always equal to superclass ssl_options when not overridden.
fruit = Class.new(ActiveResource::Base)
apple = Class.new(fruit)
fruit.ssl_options = {:alpha => 'betas'}
assert_equal fruit.ssl_options, apple.ssl_options, 'subclass did not adopt changes from parent class'
fruit.ssl_options = {:omega => 'moos'}
assert_equal fruit.ssl_options, apple.ssl_options, 'subclass did not adopt changes from parent class'
def test_updating_baseclass_site_object_wipes_descendent_cached_connection_objects
# Subclasses are always equal to superclass site when not overridden
fruit = Class.new(ActiveResource::Base)
......@@ -204,6 +204,24 @@ def test_accept_http_header
assert_nothing_raised(Mocha::ExpectationError) { @conn.get(path, {'Accept' => 'application/xhtml+xml'}) }
def test_ssl_options_get_applied_to_http
http = Net::HTTP.new('')
@conn.ssl_options={:verify_mode => OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER}
@conn.timeout = 10 # prevent warning about uninitialized.
@conn.send(:configure_http, http)
assert http.use_ssl?
assert_equal http.verify_mode, OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER
def test_ssl_error
http = Net::HTTP.new('')
http.expects(:get).raises(OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError, 'Expired certificate')
assert_raise(ActiveResource::SSLError) { @conn.get('/people/1.xml') }
def assert_response_raises(klass, code)
assert_raise(klass, "Expected response code #{code} to raise #{klass}") do
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