提交 35623316 编写于 作者: L Leonel Galan

Ignores a default subclass when `becomes(Parent)`

Fixes issue described in #30399: A default value on the
inheritance column prevented `child.becomes(Parent)` to return
an instance of `Parent` as expected, instead it returns an instance
of the default subclass.

The change was introduced by #17169 and it was meant to affect
initialization, alone. Where `Parent.new` is expected to return
an instance of the default subclass.
上级 7bb0b397
......@@ -359,7 +359,8 @@ def destroy!
# Any change to the attributes on either instance will affect both instances.
# If you want to change the sti column as well, use #becomes! instead.
def becomes(klass)
became = klass.new
became = klass.allocate
became.instance_variable_set("@attributes", @attributes)
became.instance_variable_set("@mutations_from_database", @mutations_from_database) if defined?(@mutations_from_database)
became.instance_variable_set("@new_record", new_record?)
......@@ -473,6 +473,22 @@ def test_update_sti_subclass_type
assert_instance_of Reply, Reply.find(reply.id)
def test_becomes_default_sti_subclass
original_type = Topic.columns_hash["type"].default
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.change_column_default :topics, :type, "Reply"
reply = topics(:second)
assert_instance_of Reply, reply
topic = reply.becomes(Topic)
assert_instance_of Topic, topic
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.change_column_default :topics, :type, original_type
def test_update_after_create
klass = Class.new(Topic) do
def self.name; "Topic"; end
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