提交 2b18e22e 编写于 作者: R Rafael Mendonça França

Merge pull request #12949 from akshay-vishnoi/documentation

[ci skip] `apropriate` => `appropriate`, spaces added
......@@ -5,35 +5,35 @@
# Configure using Gemfile:
# gem 'activerecord-jdbcmssql-adapter'
# adapter: mssql
# username: <%= app_name %>
# password:
# host: localhost
# database: <%= app_name %>_development
# development:
# adapter: mssql
# username: <%= app_name %>
# password:
# host: localhost
# database: <%= app_name %>_development
# Warning: The database defined as "test" will be erased and
# re-generated from your development database when you run "rake".
# Do not set this db to the same as development or production.
# adapter: mssql
# username: <%= app_name %>
# password:
# host: localhost
# database: <%= app_name %>_test
# test:
# adapter: mssql
# username: <%= app_name %>
# password:
# host: localhost
# database: <%= app_name %>_test
# adapter: mssql
# username: <%= app_name %>
# password:
# host: localhost
# database: <%= app_name %>_production
# production:
# adapter: mssql
# username: <%= app_name %>
# password:
# host: localhost
# database: <%= app_name %>_production
# If you are using oracle, db2, sybase, informix or prefer to use the plain
# JDBC adapter, configure your database setting as the example below (requires
# you to download and manually install the database vendor's JDBC driver .jar
# file). See your driver documentation for the apropriate driver class and
# file). See your driver documentation for the appropriate driver class and
# connection string:
default: &default
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