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......@@ -5,23 +5,26 @@ module AjaxHelper
# Rails classes should not be aware of individual JS frameworks
include PrototypeHelper
# Creates a form that will submit using XMLHttpRequest in the background
# instead of the regular reloading POST arrangement and a scope around a
# specific resource that is used as a base for questioning about
# values for the fields.
# Returns a form that will allow the unobtrusive JavaScript drivers to submit the
# form the dynamic nature of their choice. The default behaviour is an XMLHttpRequest
# in the background instead of the regular POST arrangement. Even though it's using
# JavaScript to serialize the form elements, the form submission will work just like
# a regular submission as viewed by the receiving side (all elements available in
# <tt>params</tt>). The options for specifying the target with <tt>:url</tt> and
# defining callbacks is the same as +link_to_remote+.
# === Resource
# Example:
# # Generates:
# # <form class='edit_post'
# # id='edit_post_1'
# # action='/posts/1/edit'
# # method='post'
# # data-remote='true'>...</div>
# # <form action='/authors'
# # data-remote='true'
# # class='new_author'
# # id='create-author'
# # method='post'> ... </form>
# #
# <% remote_form_for(@post) do |f| %>
# <% remote_form_for(@record, {:html => { :id => 'create-author' }}) do |f| %>
# ...
# <% end %>
......@@ -47,7 +50,10 @@ module AjaxHelper
# This will expand to be the same as:
# <% remote_form_for :comment, @comment, :url => post_comment_path(@post, @comment), :html => { :method => :put, :class => "edit_comment", :id => "edit_comment_45" } do |f| %>
# <% remote_form_for :comment, @comment, :url => post_comment_path(@post, @comment),
# :html => { :method => :put,
# :class => "edit_comment",
# :id => "edit_comment_45" } do |f| %>
# ...
# <% end %>
......@@ -69,13 +75,14 @@ def remote_form_for(record_or_name_or_array, *args, &proc)
alias_method :form_remote_for, :remote_form_for
# Returns a form tag that will submit using XMLHttpRequest in the
# background instead of the regular reloading POST arrangement. Even
# though it's using JavaScript to serialize the form elements, the form
# submission will work just like a regular submission as viewed by the
# receiving side (all elements available in <tt>params</tt>). The options for
# specifying the target with <tt>:url</tt> and defining callbacks is the same as
# +link_to_remote+.
# Returns a form tag that will allow the unobtrusive JavaScript drivers to submit the
# form via the dynamic behaviour of choice. The default behaviour is an XMLHttpRequest
# in the background instead of the regular POST arrangement. Even though it's using
# JavaScript to serialize the form elements, the form submission will work just like
# a regular submission as viewed by the receiving side (all elements available in
# <tt>params</tt>). The options for specifying the target with <tt>:url</tt> and
# defining callbacks is the same as +link_to_remote+.
# A "fall-through" target for browsers that doesn't do JavaScript can be
# specified with the <tt>:action</tt>/<tt>:method</tt> options on <tt>:html</tt>.
......@@ -83,13 +90,12 @@ def remote_form_for(record_or_name_or_array, *args, &proc)
# Example:
# # Generates:
# # <form action='/some/place'
# # method='post'
# # data-remote='true'>...</div>
# # <form action="http://www.example.com/fast"
# # method="post"
# # data-remote="true"
# # data-update-success="glass_of_beer">
# #
# form_remote_tag :html => { :action =>
# url_for(:controller => "some", :action => "place") }
# < form data-remote action="/some/place" method="post" >
# form_remote_tag(:update => "glass_of_beer", :url => { :action => :fast })
# The Hash passed to the <tt>:html</tt> key is equivalent to the options (2nd)
# argument in the FormTagHelper.form_tag method.
......@@ -108,7 +114,17 @@ def remote_form_for(record_or_name_or_array, *args, &proc)
# <% form_remote_tag :url => '/posts' do -%>
# <div><%= submit_tag 'Save' %></div>
# <% end -%>
# # Generates:
# # <form action="http://www.example.com/fast"
# # method="post"
# # data-remote="true"
# # data-update-success="glass_of_beer">Hello world!</form>
# #
# <% form_remote_tag(:update => "glass_of_beer", :url => { :action => :fast }) do -%>
# <% concat "Hello world!" %>
# <% end -%>
def form_remote_tag(options = {}, &block)
html_options = options.delete(:callbacks)
......@@ -121,43 +137,40 @@ def form_remote_tag(options = {}, &block)
form_tag(attributes.delete(:action) || attributes.delete("data-url"), attributes, &block)
# Returns a link to a remote action defined by <tt>options[:url]</tt>
# (using the url_for format) that's called in the background using
# XMLHttpRequest. The result of that request can then be inserted into a
# DOM object whose id can be specified with <tt>options[:update]</tt>.
# Usually, the result would be a partial prepared by the controller with
# render :partial.
# Returns a link that will allow unobtrusive JavaScript to dynamical adjust its
# behaviour. The default behaviour is an XMLHttpRequest in the background instead
# of the regular GET arrangement. The result of that request can then be inserted
# into a DOM object whose id can be specified with <tt>options[:update]</tt>. Usually,
# the result would be a partial prepared by the controller with render :partial.
# Examples:
# # Generates:
# # <a href='/blog/3'
# # rel='nofollow'
# # data-remote='true'
# # data-method='delete' >Delete this post</ a>
# # Generates:
# # <a href="#"
# # data-remote="true"
# # data-url="http://www.example.com/whatnot"
# # data-method="delete"
# # rel="nofollow">Remove Author</a>
# #
# link_to_remote "Delete this post", :update => "posts",
# :url => { :action => "destroy", :id => post.id }
# link_to_remote("Remove Author", { :url => { :action => "whatnot" },
# :method => "delete"})
# # Generates:
# # <a data-remote='true' href="/mail/list_emails" rel="nofollow" >
# # <img src='/images/refresh.png'/>
# # </ a>
# link_to_remote(image_tag("refresh"), :update => "emails",
# :url => { :action => "list_emails" })
# You can override the generated HTML options by specifying a hash in
# <tt>options[:html]</tt>.
# # Generates:
# # <a class='destructive'
# # href='/mail/list_emails'
# # rel="nofollow"
# # data-remote='true'>Delete this post</a>
# # Generates:
# # <a class="fine"
# # href="#"
# # data-remote="true"
# # data-url="http://www.example.com/whatnot"
# # data-method="delete"
# # rel="nofollow">Remove Author</a>
# #
# link_to_remote "Delete this post", :update => "posts",
# :url => post_url(@post), :method => :delete,
# :html => { :class => "destructive" }
# link_to_remote("Remove Author", { :url => { :action => "whatnot" },
# :method => "delete",
# :html => { :class => "fine" }})
# You can also specify a hash for <tt>options[:update]</tt> to allow for
# easy redirection of output to an other DOM element if a server-side
......@@ -210,7 +223,7 @@ def form_remote_tag(options = {}, &block)
# :url => { :action => "undo", :n => word_counter },
# :complete => "undoRequestCompleted(request)"
# The callbacks that may be specified are (in order): (deprecated)
# The callbacks that may be specified are (in order):
# <tt>:loading</tt>:: Called when the remote document is being
# loaded with data by the browser.
......@@ -292,8 +305,8 @@ def form_remote_tag(options = {}, &block)
# # data-method='delete'> Delete this post</a>
# #
# link_to_remote "Delete this post",
# { :update => "posts", :url => { :action => "destroy", :id => post.id } },
# :href => url_for(:action => "destroy", :id => post.id)
# { :update => "posts", :url => { :action => "destroy", :id => post.id } }
def link_to_remote(name, options, html_options = {})
attributes = {}
attributes.merge!(:rel => "nofollow") if options[:method] && options[:method].to_s.downcase == "delete"
......@@ -310,10 +323,23 @@ def link_to_remote(name, options, html_options = {})
content_tag(:a, name, attributes)
# Creates a button with an onclick event which calls a remote action
# via XMLHttpRequest
# The options for specifying the target with :url
# and defining callbacks is the same as link_to_remote.
# Returns an input of type button, which allows the unobtrusive JavaScript driver
# to dynamically adjust its behaviour. The default driver behaviour is to call a
# remote action via XMLHttpRequest in the background.
# The options for specifying the target with :url and defining callbacks is the same
# as link_to_remote.
# Example:
# # Generates:
# # <input class="fine"
# # type="button"
# # value="Remote outpost"
# # data-remote="true"
# # data-url="http://www.example.com/whatnot" />
# #
# button_to_remote("Remote outpost", { :url => { :action => "whatnot" }}, { :class => "fine" })
def button_to_remote(name, options = {}, html_options = {})
attributes = html_options.merge!(:type => "button", :value => name)
......@@ -330,9 +356,11 @@ def button_to_remote(name, options = {}, html_options = {})
tag(:input, attributes)
# Returns a button input tag with the element name of +name+ and a value (i.e., display text) of +value+
# that will submit form using XMLHttpRequest in the background instead of a regular POST request that
# reloads the page.
# Returns an input tag of type button, with the element name of +name+ and a value (i.e., display text)
# of +value+ which will allow the unobtrusive JavaScript driver to dynamically adjust its behaviour
# The default behaviour is to call a remote action via XMLHttpRequest in the background.
# request that reloads the page.
# # Create a button that submits to the create action
# #
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