提交 24b18501 编写于 作者: J Jeremy Daer

Missed Gemfile change in f849cfe3

上级 f849cfe3
......@@ -5,10 +5,6 @@ gemspec
# We need a newish Rake since Active Job sets its test tasks' descriptions.
gem 'rake', '>= 10.3'
# Active Support depends on a prerelease concurrent-ruby 1.0.0, so track
# latest master as it approaches release.
gem 'concurrent-ruby', '~> 1.0.0.pre3', github: 'ruby-concurrency/concurrent-ruby'
# Active Job depends on the URI::GID::MissingModelIDError, which isn't released yet.
gem 'globalid', github: 'rails/globalid', branch: 'master'
gem 'rack', github: 'rack/rack', branch: 'master'
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