提交 1ca31331 编写于 作者: A Aaron Patterson

Merge pull request #4132 from Juanmcuello/clone_structure

Reset postgreSQL search path in db:test:clone_structure.
......@@ -410,6 +410,7 @@ db_namespace = namespace :db do
`pg_dump -i -s -x -O -f #{Shellwords.escape(filename)} #{search_path} #{Shellwords.escape(abcs[Rails.env]['database'])}`
raise 'Error dumping database' if $?.exitstatus == 1
File.open(filename, "a") { |f| f << "SET search_path TO #{ActiveRecord::Base.connection.schema_search_path};\n\n" }
when /sqlite/
dbfile = abcs[Rails.env]['database']
`sqlite3 #{dbfile} .schema > #{filename}`
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