提交 1949412a 编写于 作者: R Rafael França

Merge pull request #24799 from prathamesh-sonpatki/18439-followup

Active Model: Improve CHANGELOG and documentation for `validates_acceptance_of` [ci skip]
......@@ -123,11 +123,13 @@
*Wojciech Wnętrzak*
* Change validates_acceptance_of to accept true by default.
* Change `validates_acceptance_of` to accept `true` by default besides `'1'`.
The default for validates_acceptance_of is now "1" and true.
In the past, only "1" was the default and you were required to add
accept: true.
The default for `validates_acceptance_of` is now `'1'` and `true`.
In the past, only `"1"` was the default and you were required to pass
`accept: true` separately.
* Remove deprecated `ActiveModel::Dirty#reset_#{attribute}` and
......@@ -278,12 +278,6 @@ form was submitted. This is typically used when the user needs to agree to your
application's terms of service, confirm that some text is read, or any similar
This validation is very specific to web applications and this
'acceptance' does not need to be recorded anywhere in your database. If you
don't have a field for it, the helper will just create a virtual attribute. If
the field does exist in your database, the `accept` option must be set to
`true` or else the validation will not run.
class Person < ApplicationRecord
validates :terms_of_service, acceptance: true
......@@ -292,16 +286,31 @@ end
This check is performed only if `terms_of_service` is not `nil`.
The default error message for this helper is _"must be accepted"_.
You can also pass custom message via the `message` option.
It can receive an `:accept` option, which determines the value that will be
considered acceptance. It defaults to "1" and can be easily changed.
class Person < ApplicationRecord
validates :terms_of_service, acceptance: true, message: 'must be abided'
It can also receive an `:accept` option, which determines the allowed values
that will be considered as accepted. It defaults to `['1', true]` and can be
easily changed.
class Person < ApplicationRecord
validates :terms_of_service, acceptance: { accept: 'yes' }
validates :eula, acceptance: { accept: ['TRUE', 'accepted'] }
This validation is very specific to web applications and this
'acceptance' does not need to be recorded anywhere in your database. If you
don't have a field for it, the helper will just create a virtual attribute. If
the field does exist in your database, the `accept` option must be set to
or include `true` or else the validation will not run.
### `validates_associated`
You should use this helper when your model has associations with other models
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