未验证 提交 17507e8b 编写于 作者: T Travis Pew 提交者: Aaron Patterson

Include Content-Length in signature for ActiveStorage direct upload

上级 b738f193
......@@ -81,7 +81,8 @@ def url(key, expires_in:, filename:, disposition:, content_type:)
def url_for_direct_upload(key, expires_in:, content_type:, content_length:, checksum:)
instrument :url, key: key do |payload|
generated_url = object_for(key).presigned_url :put, expires_in: expires_in.to_i,
content_type: content_type, content_length: content_length, content_md5: checksum
content_type: content_type, content_length: content_length, content_md5: checksum,
whitelist_headers: ['content-length']
payload[:url] = generated_url
......@@ -30,6 +30,29 @@ class ActiveStorage::Service::S3ServiceTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
@service.delete key
test "directly uploading file larger than the provided content-length does not work" do
key = SecureRandom.base58(24)
data = "Some text that is longer than the specified content length"
checksum = Digest::MD5.base64digest(data)
url = @service.url_for_direct_upload(key, expires_in: 5.minutes, content_type: "text/plain", content_length: data.size - 1, checksum: checksum)
uri = URI.parse url
request = Net::HTTP::Put.new uri.request_uri
request.body = data
request.add_field "Content-Type", "text/plain"
request.add_field "Content-MD5", checksum
upload_result = Net::HTTP.start(uri.host, uri.port, use_ssl: true) do |http|
http.request request
assert_equal "403", upload_result.code
assert_raises ActiveStorage::FileNotFoundError do
@service.delete key
test "upload a zero byte file" do
blob = directly_upload_file_blob filename: "empty_file.txt", content_type: nil
user = User.create! name: "DHH", avatar: blob
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