提交 06266683 编写于 作者: X Xavier Noria

little details seen while reviewing

上级 48e85d8b
......@@ -90,11 +90,11 @@ h6. Action View
Action View manages the views of your Rails application. It can create both HTML and XML output by default. Action View
manages rendering templates, including nested and partial templates, and includes built-in AJAX support. View templates
are covered in more detail in another guide called "Layouts and Rendering":http://edgeguides.rubyonrails.org/layouts_and_rendering.html.
are covered in more detail in another guide called "Layouts and Rendering":layouts_and_rendering.html.
h6. Action Dispatch
Action Dispatch handles routing of web requests and dispatches them as you want, either to your application or any other Rack application. Rack applications are a more advanced topic and are covered in a separate guide called "Rails on Rack":http://guides.rubyonrails.org/rails_on_rack.html.
Action Dispatch handles routing of web requests and dispatches them as you want, either to your application or any other Rack application. Rack applications are a more advanced topic and are covered in a separate guide called "Rails on Rack":rails_on_rack.html.
h5. Action Mailer
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