• E
    Fix issue where duration where always rounded up to a second: · c85e3f65
    Edouard CHIN 提交于
    - Adding a Float as a duration to a datetime would result in the Float
      being rounded. Doing something like would have no effect because the
      0.45 seconds would be rounded to 0 second.
        time = DateTime.parse("2018-1-1")
        time += 0.45.seconds
      This behavior was intentionally added a very long time ago, the
      reason was because Ruby 1.8 was using `Integer#gcd` in the
      constructor of Rational which didn't accept a float value.
      That's no longer the case and doing `Rational(0.45, 86400)` would
      now perfectly work fine.
    - Fixes #34008
calculations.rb 7.1 KB