• J
    Refactor MemoryStore to use Hash ordering rather than key access times · b0cc7d98
    Jean Boussier 提交于
    This is mainly to simplify the code and use less memory, as large hash can use quite a lot:
    >> ObjectSpace.memsize_of(1000.times.map { |i| [i, i]}.to_h)
    => 28768
    >> ObjectSpace.memsize_of(10_000.times.map { |i| [i, i]}.to_h)
    => 458848
    The performance is mostly not impacted, if not slightly better:
    require 'benchmark/ips'
    require 'active_support/all'
    @store = ActiveSupport::Cache::MemoryStore.new
    @store.write("small", "small")
    Benchmark.ips do |x|
      x.report("read:miss") { @store.read("miss") }
      x.report("read:small") { @store.read("small") }
      x.report("write:small") { @store.write("small", "small") }
    Warming up --------------------------------------
               read:miss    42.466k i/100ms
              read:small    25.315k i/100ms
             write:small    17.826k i/100ms
    Calculating -------------------------------------
               read:miss    426.923k (± 1.9%) i/s -      2.166M in   5.074890s
              read:small    248.518k (± 2.7%) i/s -      1.266M in   5.097049s
             write:small    180.388k (± 1.6%) i/s -    909.126k in   5.041238s
    This branch:
    Warming up --------------------------------------
               read:miss    42.040k i/100ms
              read:small    28.364k i/100ms
             write:small    19.361k i/100ms
    Calculating -------------------------------------
               read:miss    417.814k (± 2.1%) i/s -      2.102M in   5.033186s
              read:small    278.950k (± 2.8%) i/s -      1.418M in   5.088135s
             write:small    193.384k (± 1.8%) i/s -    968.050k in   5.007446s
memory_store.rb 5.2 KB