• E
    Path parameters should default to UTF8 · 92209356
    eileencodes 提交于
    This commit changes the behavior such the path_params now default to
    UTF8 just like regular parameters. This also changes the behavior such
    that if a path parameter contains invalid UTF8 it returns a 400 bad
    request. Previously the behavior was to encode the path params as binary
    but that's not the same as query params.
    So this commit makes path params behave the same as query params.
    It's important to test with a path that's encoded as binary because
    that's how paths are encoded from the socket. The test that was altered
    was changed to make the behavior for bad encoding the same as query
    params. We want to treat path params the same as query params. The params
    in the test are invalid UTF8 so they should return a bad request.
    Fixes #29669
    *Eileen M. Uchitelle, Aaron Patterson, & Tsukuru Tanimichi*
parameters.rb 4.3 KB