• J
    Use separate Relation subclasses for each AR class · 64c53d7c
    Jon Leighton 提交于
    At present, ActiveRecord::Delegation compiles delegation methods on a
    global basis. The compiled methods apply to all subsequent Relation
    instances. This creates several problems:
    1) After Post.all.recent has been called, User.all.respond_to?(:recent)
       will be true, even if User.all.recent will actually raise an error due
       to no User.recent method existing. (See #8080.)
    2) Depending on the AR class, the delegation should do different things.
       For example, if a Post.zip method exists, then Post.all.zip should call
       it. But this will then result in User.zip being called by a subsequent
       User.all.zip, even if User.zip does not exist, when in fact
       User.all.zip should call User.all.to_a.zip. (There are various
       variants of this problem.)
    We are creating these compiled delegations in order to avoid method
    missing and to avoid repeating logic on each invocation.
    One way of handling these issues is to add additional checks in various
    places to ensure we're doing the "right thing". However, this makes the
    compiled methods signficantly slower. In which case, there's almost no
    point in avoiding method_missing at all. (See #8127 for a proposed
    solution which takes this approach.)
    This is an alternative approach which involves creating a subclass of
    ActiveRecord::Relation for each AR class represented. So, with this
    patch, Post.all.class != User.all.class. This means that the delegations
    are compiled for and only apply to a single AR class. A compiled method
    for Post.all will not be invoked from User.all.
    This solves the above issues without incurring significant performance
    penalties. It's designed to be relatively seamless, however the downside
    is a bit of complexity and potentially confusion for a user who thinks
    that Post.all and User.all should be instances of the same class.
    require 'active_record'
    require 'benchmark/ips'
    class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
      establish_connection adapter: 'sqlite3', database: ':memory:'
      connection.create_table :posts
      def self.omg
    relation = Post.all
    Benchmark.ips do |r|
      r.report('delegation')   { relation.omg }
      r.report('constructing') { Post.all }
    Calculating -------------------------------------
              delegation      4392 i/100ms
            constructing      4780 i/100ms
              delegation   144235.9 (±27.7%) i/s -     663192 in   5.038075s
            constructing   182015.5 (±21.2%) i/s -     850840 in   5.005364s
    Calculating -------------------------------------
              delegation      6677 i/100ms
            constructing      6260 i/100ms
              delegation   166828.2 (±34.2%) i/s -     754501 in   5.001430s
            constructing   116575.5 (±18.6%) i/s -     563400 in   5.036690s
    Bear in mind that the standard deviations in the above are huge, so we
    can't compare the numbers too directly. However, we can conclude that
    Relation construction has become a little slower (as we'd expect), but
    not by a huge huge amount, and we can still construct a large number of
    Relations quite quickly.
delegation.rb 4.2 KB