• E
    Implement H2 Early Hints for Rails · 59a02fb7
    eileencodes 提交于
    When puma/puma#1403 is merged Puma will support the Early Hints status
    code for sending assets before a request has finished.
    While the Early Hints spec is still in draft, this PR prepares Rails to
    allowing this status code.
    If the proxy server supports Early Hints, it will send H2 pushes to the
    This PR adds a method for setting Early Hints Link headers via Rails,
    and also automatically sends Early Hints if supported from the
    `stylesheet_link_tag` and the `javascript_include_tag`.
    Once puma supports Early Hints the `--early-hints` argument can be
    passed to the server to enable this or set in the puma config with
    `early_hints(true)`. Note that for Early Hints to work
    in the browser the requirements are 1) a proxy that can handle H2,
    and 2) HTTPS.
    To start the server with Early Hints enabled pass `--early-hints` to
    `rails s`.
    This has been verified to work with h2o, Puma, and Rails with Chrome.
    The commit adds a new option to the rails server to enable early hints
    for Puma.
    Early Hints spec:
    [Eileen M. Uchitelle, Aaron Patterson]
request_test.rb 47.4 KB