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A Guide to Testing Rails Applications

This guide covers built-in mechanisms in Rails for testing your application.
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After reading this guide, you will know:

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* Rails testing terminology.
* How to write unit, functional, and integration tests for your application.
* Other popular testing approaches and plugins.
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Why Write Tests for your Rails Applications?

Rails makes it super easy to write your tests. It starts by producing skeleton test code while you are creating your models and controllers.

By simply running your Rails tests you can ensure your code adheres to the desired functionality even after some major code refactoring.

Rails tests can also simulate browser requests and thus you can test your application's response without having to test it through your browser.

Introduction to Testing

Testing support was woven into the Rails fabric from the beginning. It wasn't an "oh! let's bolt on support for running tests because they're new and cool" epiphany. Just about every Rails application interacts heavily with a database and, as a result, your tests will need a database to interact with as well. To write efficient tests, you'll need to understand how to set up this database and populate it with sample data.

### The Test Environment

By default, every Rails application has three environments: development, test, and production. The database for each one of them is configured in `config/database.yml`.

A dedicated test database allows you to set up and interact with test data in isolation. Tests can mangle test data with confidence, that won't touch the data in the development or production databases.

### Rails Sets up for Testing from the Word Go

Rails creates a `test` folder for you as soon as you create a Rails project using `rails new` _application_name_. If you list the contents of this folder then you shall see:

$ ls -F test
Prem Sichanugrist 已提交
40 41
controllers/    helpers/        mailers/        test_helper.rb
fixtures/       integration/    models/
42 43

Prem Sichanugrist 已提交
The `models` directory is meant to hold tests for your models, the `controllers` directory is meant to hold tests for your controllers and the `integration` directory is meant to hold tests that involve any number of controllers interacting.
45 46 47 48 49 50 51

Fixtures are a way of organizing test data; they reside in the `fixtures` folder.

The `test_helper.rb` file holds the default configuration for your tests.

### The Low-Down on Fixtures

52 53 54
For good tests, you'll need to give some thought to setting up test data.
In Rails, you can handle this by defining and customizing fixtures.
You can find comprehensive documentation in the [fixture api documentation](http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/FixtureSet.html).
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#### What Are Fixtures?

_Fixtures_ is a fancy word for sample data. Fixtures allow you to populate your testing database with predefined data before your tests run. Fixtures are database independent written in YAML. There is one file per model.

You'll find fixtures under your `test/fixtures` directory. When you run `rails generate model` to create a new model fixture stubs will be automatically created and placed in this directory.

#### YAML

YAML-formatted fixtures are a very human-friendly way to describe your sample data. These types of fixtures have the **.yml** file extension (as in `users.yml`).

Here's a sample YAML fixture file:

# lo & behold! I am a YAML comment!
71 72 73
  name: David Heinemeier Hansson
  birthday: 1979-10-15
  profession: Systems development
74 75

76 77 78
  name: Steve Ross Kellock
  birthday: 1974-09-27
  profession: guy with keyboard
79 80

Nishant Modak 已提交
Each fixture is given a name followed by an indented list of colon-separated key/value pairs. Records are typically separated by a blank space. You can place comments in a fixture file by using the # character in the first column. Keys which resemble YAML keywords such as 'yes' and 'no' are quoted so that the YAML Parser correctly interprets them.

83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98
If you are working with [associations](/association_basics.html), you can simply
define a reference node between two different fixtures. Here's an example with
a belongs_to/has_many association:

# In fixtures/categories.yml
  name: About

# In fixtures/articles.yml
  title: Welcome to Rails!
  body: Hello world!
  category: about

99 100 101
Note: For associations to reference one another by name, you cannot specify the `id:`
 attribute on the fixtures. Rails will auto assign a primary key to be consistent between
 runs. If you manually specify an `id:` attribute, this behavior will not work. For more
  information on this association behavior please read the
103 104
  [fixture api documentation](http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/FixtureSet.html).

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#### ERB'in It Up

ERB allows you to embed Ruby code within templates. The YAML fixture format is pre-processed with ERB when Rails loads fixtures. This allows you to use Ruby to help you generate some sample data. For example, the following code generates a thousand users:

<% 1000.times do |n| %>
user_<%= n %>:
Jonathan Roes 已提交
112 113
  username: <%= "user#{n}" %>
  email: <%= "user#{n}@example.com" %>
114 115 116 117 118
<% end %>

#### Fixtures in Action

Rails by default automatically loads all fixtures from the `test/fixtures` folder for your models and controllers test. Loading involves three steps:
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* Remove any existing data from the table corresponding to the fixture
* Load the fixture data into the table
* Dump the fixture data into a variable in case you want to access it directly

Steve Klabnik 已提交
#### Fixtures are Active Record objects

Steve Klabnik 已提交
Fixtures are instances of Active Record. As mentioned in point #3 above, you can access the object directly because it is automatically setup as a local variable of the test case. For example:
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# this will return the User object for the fixture named david

# this will return the property for david called id

# one can also access methods available on the User class
email(david.girlfriend.email, david.location_tonight)

Unit Testing your Models

In Rails, models tests are what you write to test your models.

For this guide we will be using Rails _scaffolding_. It will create the model, a migration, controller and views for the new resource in a single operation. It will also create a full test suite following Rails best practices. We will be using examples from this generated code and will be supplementing it with additional examples where necessary.

Nishant Modak 已提交
NOTE: For more information on Rails _scaffolding_, refer to [Getting Started with Rails](getting_started.html)
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When you use `rails generate scaffold`, for a resource among other things it creates a test stub in the `test/models` folder:

$ bin/rails generate scaffold article title:string body:text
154 155 156
create  app/models/article.rb
create  test/models/article_test.rb
create  test/fixtures/articles.yml
157 158 159

The default test stub in `test/models/article_test.rb` looks like this:
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require 'test_helper'

class ArticleTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
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166 167 168
  # test "the truth" do
  #   assert true
  # end
169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180

A line by line examination of this file will help get you oriented to Rails testing code and terminology.

require 'test_helper'

As you know by now, `test_helper.rb` specifies the default configuration to run our tests. This is included with all the tests, so any methods added to this file are available to all your tests.

class ArticleTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
182 183

The `ArticleTest` class defines a _test case_ because it inherits from `ActiveSupport::TestCase`. `ArticleTest` thus has all the methods available from `ActiveSupport::TestCase`. You'll see those methods a little later in this guide.

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Any method defined within a class inherited from `Minitest::Test`
(which is the superclass of `ActiveSupport::TestCase`) that begins with `test_` (case sensitive) is simply called a test. So, `test_password` and `test_valid_password` are legal test names and are run automatically when the test case is run.

Rails adds a `test` method that takes a test name and a block. It generates a normal `Minitest::Unit` test with method names prefixed with `test_`. So,
190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221

test "the truth" do
  assert true

acts as if you had written

def test_the_truth
  assert true

only the `test` macro allows a more readable test name. You can still use regular method definitions though.

NOTE: The method name is generated by replacing spaces with underscores. The result does not need to be a valid Ruby identifier though, the name may contain punctuation characters etc. That's because in Ruby technically any string may be a method name. Odd ones need `define_method` and `send` calls, but formally there's no restriction.

assert true

This line of code is called an _assertion_. An assertion is a line of code that evaluates an object (or expression) for expected results. For example, an assertion can check:

* does this value = that value?
* is this object nil?
* does this line of code throw an exception?
* is the user's password greater than 5 characters?

Every test contains one or more assertions. Only when all the assertions are successful will the test pass.

### Maintaining the test database schema

In order to run your tests, your test database will need to have the current structure. The test helper checks whether your test database has any pending migrations. If so, it will try to load your `db/schema.rb` or `db/structure.sql` into the test database. If migrations are still pending, an error will be raised.
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### Running Tests

Running a test is as simple as invoking the file containing the test cases through `rake test` command.
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$ bin/rake test test/models/article_test.rb
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Finished tests in 0.009262s, 107.9680 tests/s, 107.9680 assertions/s.

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236 237
1 tests, 1 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips

Aaron Patterson 已提交
You can also run a particular test method from the test case by running the test and providing the `test method name`.
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$ bin/rake test test/models/article_test.rb test_the_truth
243 244

Prem Sichanugrist 已提交
245 246 247
Finished tests in 0.009064s, 110.3266 tests/s, 110.3266 assertions/s.

1 tests, 1 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips
248 249

This will run all test methods from the test case. Note that `test_helper.rb` is in the `test` directory, hence this directory needs to be added to the load path using the `-I` switch.
Prem Sichanugrist 已提交

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The `.` (dot) above indicates a passing test. When a test fails you see an `F`; when a test throws an error you see an `E` in its place. The last line of the output is the summary.

To see how a test failure is reported, you can add a failing test to the `article_test.rb` test case.
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257 258 259
test "should not save article without title" do
  article = Article.new
  assert_not article.save
260 261 262 263 264 265

Let us run this newly added test.

$ bin/rake test test/models/article_test.rb test_should_not_save_article_without_title
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268 269

Finished tests in 0.044632s, 22.4054 tests/s, 22.4054 assertions/s.
270 271

  1) Failure:
test_should_not_save_article_without_title(ArticleTest) [test/models/article_test.rb:6]:
Prem Sichanugrist 已提交
Failed assertion, no message given.

Prem Sichanugrist 已提交
1 tests, 1 assertions, 1 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips
276 277 278 279 280

In the output, `F` denotes a failure. You can see the corresponding trace shown under `1)` along with the name of the failing test. The next few lines contain the stack trace followed by a message which mentions the actual value and the expected value by the assertion. The default assertion messages provide just enough information to help pinpoint the error. To make the assertion failure message more readable, every assertion provides an optional message parameter, as shown here:

281 282 283
test "should not save article without title" do
  article = Article.new
  assert_not article.save, "Saved the article without a title"
284 285 286 287 288 289 290

Running this test shows the friendlier assertion message:

  1) Failure:
291 292
test_should_not_save_article_without_title(ArticleTest) [test/models/article_test.rb:6]:
Saved the article without a title
293 294 295 296 297

Now to get this test to pass we can add a model level validation for the _title_ field.

class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
  validates :title, presence: true
300 301 302 303 304 305

Now the test should pass. Let us verify by running the test again:

$ bin/rake test test/models/article_test.rb test_should_not_save_article_without_title
307 308

Prem Sichanugrist 已提交
309 310 311
Finished tests in 0.047721s, 20.9551 tests/s, 20.9551 assertions/s.

1 tests, 1 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips
312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330

Now, if you noticed, we first wrote a test which fails for a desired functionality, then we wrote some code which adds the functionality and finally we ensured that our test passes. This approach to software development is referred to as _Test-Driven Development_ (TDD).

TIP: Many Rails developers practice _Test-Driven Development_ (TDD). This is an excellent way to build up a test suite that exercises every part of your application. TDD is beyond the scope of this guide, but one place to start is with [15 TDD steps to create a Rails application](http://andrzejonsoftware.blogspot.com/2007/05/15-tdd-steps-to-create-rails.html).

To see how an error gets reported, here's a test containing an error:

test "should report error" do
  # some_undefined_variable is not defined elsewhere in the test case
  assert true

Now you can see even more output in the console from running the tests:

$ bin/rake test test/models/article_test.rb test_should_report_error
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333 334

Finished tests in 0.030974s, 32.2851 tests/s, 0.0000 assertions/s.
335 336

  1) Error:
337 338 339
NameError: undefined local variable or method `some_undefined_variable' for #<ArticleTest:0x007fe32e24afe0>
    test/models/article_test.rb:10:in `block in <class:ArticleTest>'

Prem Sichanugrist 已提交
1 tests, 0 assertions, 0 failures, 1 errors, 0 skips
342 343 344 345 346 347

Notice the 'E' in the output. It denotes a test with error.

NOTE: The execution of each test method stops as soon as any error or an assertion failure is encountered, and the test suite continues with the next method. All test methods are executed in alphabetical order.

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When a test fails you are presented with the corresponding backtrace. By default
Rails filters that backtrace and will only print lines relevant to your
Calvin Tam 已提交
application. This eliminates the framework noise and helps to focus on your
351 352 353 354 355
code. However there are situations when you want to see the full
backtrace. simply set the `BACKTRACE` environment variable to enable this

$ BACKTRACE=1 bin/rake test test/models/article_test.rb
357 358

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### What to Include in Your Unit Tests

Ideally, you would like to include a test for everything which could possibly break. It's a good practice to have at least one test for each of your validations and at least one test for every method in your model.

### Available Assertions
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By now you've caught a glimpse of some of the assertions that are available. Assertions are the worker bees of testing. They are the ones that actually perform the checks to ensure that things are going as planned.

There are a bunch of different types of assertions you can use.
Here's an extract of the assertions you can use with [`Minitest`](https://github.com/seattlerb/minitest), the default testing library used by Rails. The `[msg]` parameter is an optional string message you can specify to make your test failure messages clearer. It's not required.
369 370 371

| Assertion                                                        | Purpose |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- |
| `assert( test, [msg] )`                                          | Ensures that `test` is true.|
| `assert_not( test, [msg] )`                                      | Ensures that `test` is false.|
| `assert_equal( expected, actual, [msg] )`                        | Ensures that `expected == actual` is true.|
| `assert_not_equal( expected, actual, [msg] )`                    | Ensures that `expected != actual` is true.|
| `assert_same( expected, actual, [msg] )`                         | Ensures that `expected.equal?(actual)` is true.|
| `assert_not_same( expected, actual, [msg] )`                     | Ensures that `expected.equal?(actual)` is false.|
| `assert_nil( obj, [msg] )`                                       | Ensures that `obj.nil?` is true.|
| `assert_not_nil( obj, [msg] )`                                   | Ensures that `obj.nil?` is false.|
380 381
| `assert_empty( obj, [msg] )`                                     | Ensures that `obj` is `empty?`.|
| `assert_not_empty( obj, [msg] )`                                 | Ensures that `obj` is not `empty?`.|
| `assert_match( regexp, string, [msg] )`                          | Ensures that a string matches the regular expression.|
| `assert_no_match( regexp, string, [msg] )`                       | Ensures that a string doesn't match the regular expression.|
384 385
| `assert_includes( collection, obj, [msg] )`                      | Ensures that `obj` is in `collection`.|
| `assert_not_includes( collection, obj, [msg] )`                  | Ensures that `obj` is not in `collection`.|
| `assert_in_delta( expecting, actual, [delta], [msg] )`           | Ensures that the numbers `expected` and `actual` are within `delta` of each other.|
| `assert_not_in_delta( expecting, actual, [delta], [msg] )`       | Ensures that the numbers `expected` and `actual` are not within `delta` of each other.|
| `assert_throws( symbol, [msg] ) { block }`                       | Ensures that the given block throws the symbol.|
| `assert_raises( exception1, exception2, ... ) { block }`         | Ensures that the given block raises one of the given exceptions.|
| `assert_nothing_raised( exception1, exception2, ... ) { block }` | Ensures that the given block doesn't raise one of the given exceptions.|
| `assert_instance_of( class, obj, [msg] )`                        | Ensures that `obj` is an instance of `class`.|
| `assert_not_instance_of( class, obj, [msg] )`                    | Ensures that `obj` is not an instance of `class`.|
| `assert_kind_of( class, obj, [msg] )`                            | Ensures that `obj` is or descends from `class`.|
| `assert_not_kind_of( class, obj, [msg] )`                        | Ensures that `obj` is not an instance of `class` and is not descending from it.|
| `assert_respond_to( obj, symbol, [msg] )`                        | Ensures that `obj` responds to `symbol`.|
| `assert_not_respond_to( obj, symbol, [msg] )`                    | Ensures that `obj` does not respond to `symbol`.|
| `assert_operator( obj1, operator, [obj2], [msg] )`               | Ensures that `obj1.operator(obj2)` is true.|
| `assert_not_operator( obj1, operator, [obj2], [msg] )`           | Ensures that `obj1.operator(obj2)` is false.|
399 400
| `assert_predicate ( obj, predicate, [msg] )`                     | Ensures that `obj.predicate` is true, e.g. `assert_predicate str, :empty?`|
| `assert_not_predicate ( obj, predicate, [msg] )`                 | Ensures that `obj.predicate` is false, e.g. `assert_not_predicate str, :empty?`|
401 402 403
| `assert_send( array, [msg] )`                                    | Ensures that executing the method listed in `array[1]` on the object in `array[0]` with the parameters of `array[2 and up]` is true. This one is weird eh?|
| `flunk( [msg] )`                                                 | Ensures failure. This is useful to explicitly mark a test that isn't finished yet.|

404 405
The above are subset of assertions that minitest supports. For an exhaustive & more up-to-date list, please check [Minitest API documentation](http://docs.seattlerb.org/minitest/), specifically [`Minitest::Assertions`](http://docs.seattlerb.org/minitest/Minitest/Assertions.html)

406 407 408 409 410 411
Because of the modular nature of the testing framework, it is possible to create your own assertions. In fact, that's exactly what Rails does. It includes some specialized assertions to make your life easier.

NOTE: Creating your own assertions is an advanced topic that we won't cover in this tutorial.

### Rails Specific Assertions

Rails adds some custom assertions of its own to the `minitest` framework:
413 414 415 416 417 418 419

| Assertion                                                                         | Purpose |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- |
| `assert_difference(expressions, difference = 1, message = nil) {...}`             | Test numeric difference between the return value of an expression as a result of what is evaluated in the yielded block.|
| `assert_no_difference(expressions, message = nil, &amp;block)`                    | Asserts that the numeric result of evaluating an expression is not changed before and after invoking the passed in block.|
| `assert_recognizes(expected_options, path, extras={}, message=nil)`               | Asserts that the routing of the given path was handled correctly and that the parsed options (given in the expected_options hash) match path. Basically, it asserts that Rails recognizes the route given by expected_options.|
| `assert_generates(expected_path, options, defaults={}, extras = {}, message=nil)` | Asserts that the provided options can be used to generate the provided path. This is the inverse of assert_recognizes. The extras parameter is used to tell the request the names and values of additional request parameters that would be in a query string. The message parameter allows you to specify a custom error message for assertion failures.|
| `assert_response(type, message = nil)`                                            | Asserts that the response comes with a specific status code. You can specify `:success` to indicate 200-299, `:redirect` to indicate 300-399, `:missing` to indicate 404, or `:error` to match the 500-599 range. You can also pass an explicit status number or its symbolic equivalent. For more information, see [full list of status codes](http://rubydoc.info/github/rack/rack/master/Rack/Utils#HTTP_STATUS_CODES-constant) and how their [mapping](http://rubydoc.info/github/rack/rack/master/Rack/Utils#SYMBOL_TO_STATUS_CODE-constant) works.|
| `assert_redirected_to(options = {}, message=nil)`                                 | Assert that the redirection options passed in match those of the redirect called in the latest action. This match can be partial, such that `assert_redirected_to(controller: "weblog")` will also match the redirection of `redirect_to(controller: "weblog", action: "show")` and so on. You can also pass named routes such as `assert_redirected_to root_path` and Active Record objects such as `assert_redirected_to @article`.|
422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440
| `assert_template(expected = nil, message=nil)`                                    | Asserts that the request was rendered with the appropriate template file.|

You'll see the usage of some of these assertions in the next chapter.

Functional Tests for Your Controllers

In Rails, testing the various actions of a single controller is called writing functional tests for that controller. Controllers handle the incoming web requests to your application and eventually respond with a rendered view.

### What to Include in your Functional Tests

You should test for things such as:

* was the web request successful?
* was the user redirected to the right page?
* was the user successfully authenticated?
* was the correct object stored in the response template?
* was the appropriate message displayed to the user in the view?

Now that we have used Rails scaffold generator for our `Article` resource, it has already created the controller code and tests. You can take look at the file `articles_controller_test.rb` in the `test/controllers` directory.

Let me take you through one such test, `test_should_get_index` from the file `articles_controller_test.rb`.
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class ArticlesControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
447 448 449
  test "should get index" do
    get :index
    assert_response :success
    assert_not_nil assigns(:articles)
452 453 454

In the `test_should_get_index` test, Rails simulates a request on the action called `index`, making sure the request was successful and also ensuring that it assigns a valid `articles` instance variable.
456 457 458 459

The `get` method kicks off the web request and populates the results into the response. It accepts 4 arguments:

* The action of the controller you are requesting. This can be in the form of a string or a symbol.
* An optional hash of request parameters to pass into the action (eg. query string parameters or article variables).
461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475
* An optional hash of session variables to pass along with the request.
* An optional hash of flash values.

Example: Calling the `:show` action, passing an `id` of 12 as the `params` and setting a `user_id` of 5 in the session:

get(:show, {'id' => "12"}, {'user_id' => 5})

Another example: Calling the `:view` action, passing an `id` of 12 as the `params`, this time with no session, but with a flash message.

get(:view, {'id' => '12'}, nil, {'message' => 'booya!'})

NOTE: If you try running `test_should_create_article` test from `articles_controller_test.rb` it will fail on account of the newly added model level validation and rightly so.

Let us modify `test_should_create_article` test in `articles_controller_test.rb` so that all our test pass:
479 480

481 482 483
test "should create article" do
  assert_difference('Article.count') do
    post :create, article: {title: 'Some title'}
484 485

  assert_redirected_to article_path(assigns(:article))
487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508

Now you can try running all the tests and they should pass.

### Available Request Types for Functional Tests

If you're familiar with the HTTP protocol, you'll know that `get` is a type of request. There are 6 request types supported in Rails functional tests:

* `get`
* `post`
* `patch`
* `put`
* `head`
* `delete`

All of request types are methods that you can use, however, you'll probably end up using the first two more often than the others.

NOTE: Functional tests do not verify whether the specified request type should be accepted by the action. Request types in this context exist to make your tests more descriptive.

### The Four Hashes of the Apocalypse

After a request has been made using one of the 6 methods (`get`, `post`, etc.) and processed, you will have 4 Hash objects ready for use:
510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534

* `assigns` - Any objects that are stored as instance variables in actions for use in views.
* `cookies` - Any cookies that are set.
* `flash` - Any objects living in the flash.
* `session` - Any object living in session variables.

As is the case with normal Hash objects, you can access the values by referencing the keys by string. You can also reference them by symbol name, except for `assigns`. For example:

flash["gordon"]               flash[:gordon]
session["shmession"]          session[:shmession]
cookies["are_good_for_u"]     cookies[:are_good_for_u]

# Because you can't use assigns[:something] for historical reasons:
assigns["something"]          assigns(:something)

### Instance Variables Available

You also have access to three instance variables in your functional tests:

* `@controller` - The controller processing the request
* `@request` - The request
* `@response` - The response

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### Setting Headers and CGI variables

537 538 539 540
[HTTP headers](http://tools.ietf.org/search/rfc2616#section-5.3)
[CGI variables](http://tools.ietf.org/search/rfc3875#section-4.1)
can be set directly on the `@request` instance variable:
541 542 543

# setting a HTTP Header
@request.headers["Accept"] = "text/plain, text/html"
545 546 547 548 549 550 551
get :index # simulate the request with custom header

# setting a CGI variable
@request.headers["HTTP_REFERER"] = "http://example.com/home"
post :create # simulate the request with custom env variable

552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560
### Testing Templates and Layouts

If you want to make sure that the response rendered the correct template and layout, you can use the `assert_template`

test "index should render correct template and layout" do
  get :index
  assert_template :index
  assert_template layout: "layouts/application"
562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570

Note that you cannot test for template and layout at the same time, with one call to `assert_template` method.
Also, for the `layout` test, you can give a regular expression instead of a string, but using the string, makes
things clearer. On the other hand, you have to include the "layouts" directory name even if you save your layout
file in this standard layout directory. Hence,

assert_template layout: "application"
572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583

will not work.

If your view renders any partial, when asserting for the layout, you have to assert for the partial at the same time.
Otherwise, assertion will fail.


test "new should render correct layout" do
  get :new
  assert_template layout: "layouts/application", partial: "_form"
585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594

is the correct way to assert for the layout when the view renders a partial with name `_form`. Omitting the `:partial` key in your `assert_template` call will complain.

### A Fuller Functional Test Example

Here's another example that uses `flash`, `assert_redirected_to`, and `assert_difference`:

test "should create article" do
Robin Dupret 已提交
  assert_difference('Article.count') do
    post :create, article: {title: 'Hi', body: 'This is my first article.'}
599 600
  assert_redirected_to article_path(assigns(:article))
  assert_equal 'Article was successfully created.', flash[:notice]
601 602 603 604 605 606 607

### Testing Views

Testing the response to your request by asserting the presence of key HTML elements and their content is a useful way to test the views of your application. The `assert_select` assertion allows you to do this by using a simple yet powerful syntax.

NOTE: You may find references to `assert_tag` in other documentation. This has been removed in 4.2. Use `assert_select` instead.
609 610 611

There are two forms of `assert_select`:

`assert_select(selector, [equality], [message])` ensures that the equality condition is met on the selected elements through the selector. The selector may be a CSS selector expression (String) or an expression with substitution values.

`assert_select(element, selector, [equality], [message])` ensures that the equality condition is met on all the selected elements through the selector starting from the _element_ (instance of `Nokogiri::XML::Node` or `Nokogiri::XML::NodeSet`) and its descendants.
615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643

For example, you could verify the contents on the title element in your response with:

assert_select 'title', "Welcome to Rails Testing Guide"

You can also use nested `assert_select` blocks. In this case the inner `assert_select` runs the assertion on the complete collection of elements selected by the outer `assert_select` block:

assert_select 'ul.navigation' do
  assert_select 'li.menu_item'

Alternatively the collection of elements selected by the outer `assert_select` may be iterated through so that `assert_select` may be called separately for each element. Suppose for example that the response contains two ordered lists, each with four list elements then the following tests will both pass.

assert_select "ol" do |elements|
  elements.each do |element|
    assert_select element, "li", 4

assert_select "ol" do
  assert_select "li", 8

The `assert_select` assertion is quite powerful. For more advanced usage, refer to its [documentation](https://github.com/rails/rails-dom-testing/blob/master/lib/rails/dom/testing/assertions/selector_assertions.rb).
645 646 647 648 649

#### Additional View-Based Assertions

There are more assertions that are primarily used in testing views:

Sunny Ripert 已提交
650 651 652 653 654
| Assertion                                                 | Purpose |
| --------------------------------------------------------- | ------- |
| `assert_select_email`                                     | Allows you to make assertions on the body of an e-mail. |
| `assert_select_encoded`                                   | Allows you to make assertions on encoded HTML. It does this by un-encoding the contents of each element and then calling the block with all the un-encoded elements.|
| `css_select(selector)` or `css_select(element, selector)` | Returns an array of all the elements selected by the _selector_. In the second variant it first matches the base _element_ and tries to match the _selector_ expression on any of its children. If there are no matches both variants return an empty array.|
655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671

Here's an example of using `assert_select_email`:

assert_select_email do
  assert_select 'small', 'Please click the "Unsubscribe" link if you want to opt-out.'

Integration Testing

Integration tests are used to test the interaction among any number of controllers. They are generally used to test important work flows within your application.

Unlike Unit and Functional tests, integration tests have to be explicitly created under the 'test/integration' folder within your application. Rails provides a generator to create an integration test skeleton for you.

$ bin/rails generate integration_test user_flows
673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682
      exists  test/integration/
      create  test/integration/user_flows_test.rb

Here's what a freshly-generated integration test looks like:

require 'test_helper'

class UserFlowsTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
Prem Sichanugrist 已提交
683 684 685
  # test "the truth" do
  #   assert true
  # end
686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723

Integration tests inherit from `ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest`. This makes available some additional helpers to use in your integration tests. Also you need to explicitly include the fixtures to be made available to the test.

### Helpers Available for Integration Tests

In addition to the standard testing helpers, there are some additional helpers available to integration tests:

| Helper                                                             | Purpose |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------- |
| `https?`                                                           | Returns `true` if the session is mimicking a secure HTTPS request.|
| `https!`                                                           | Allows you to mimic a secure HTTPS request.|
| `host!`                                                            | Allows you to set the host name to use in the next request.|
| `redirect?`                                                        | Returns `true` if the last request was a redirect.|
| `follow_redirect!`                                                 | Follows a single redirect response.|
| `request_via_redirect(http_method, path, [parameters], [headers])` | Allows you to make an HTTP request and follow any subsequent redirects.|
| `post_via_redirect(path, [parameters], [headers])`                 | Allows you to make an HTTP POST request and follow any subsequent redirects.|
| `get_via_redirect(path, [parameters], [headers])`                  | Allows you to make an HTTP GET request and follow any subsequent redirects.|
| `patch_via_redirect(path, [parameters], [headers])`                | Allows you to make an HTTP PATCH request and follow any subsequent redirects.|
| `put_via_redirect(path, [parameters], [headers])`                  | Allows you to make an HTTP PUT request and follow any subsequent redirects.|
| `delete_via_redirect(path, [parameters], [headers])`               | Allows you to make an HTTP DELETE request and follow any subsequent redirects.|
| `open_session`                                                     | Opens a new session instance.|

### Integration Testing Examples

A simple integration test that exercises multiple controllers:

require 'test_helper'

class UserFlowsTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
  test "login and browse site" do
    # login via https
    get "/login"
    assert_response :success

Deshi Xiao 已提交
    post_via_redirect "/login", username: users(:david).username, password: users(:david).password
    assert_equal '/welcome', path
Deshi Xiao 已提交
    assert_equal 'Welcome david!', flash[:notice]
727 728

    get "/articles/all"
730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744
    assert_response :success
    assert assigns(:products)

As you can see the integration test involves multiple controllers and exercises the entire stack from database to dispatcher. In addition you can have multiple session instances open simultaneously in a test and extend those instances with assertion methods to create a very powerful testing DSL (domain-specific language) just for your application.

Here's an example of multiple sessions and custom DSL in an integration test

require 'test_helper'

class UserFlowsTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
  test "login and browse site" do
745 746
    # User david logs in
    david = login(:david)
747 748 749 750
    # User guest logs in
    guest = login(:guest)

    # Both are now available in different sessions
    assert_equal 'Welcome david!', david.flash[:notice]
752 753
    assert_equal 'Welcome guest!', guest.flash[:notice]

754 755
    # User david can browse site
756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763
    # User guest can browse site as well

    # Continue with other assertions


764 765 766 767 768 769
    module CustomDsl
      def browses_site
        get "/products/all"
        assert_response :success
        assert assigns(:products)
770 771

772 773 774 775 776 777
    def login(user)
      open_session do |sess|
        u = users(user)
        sess.post "/login", username: u.username, password: u.password
        assert_equal '/welcome', sess.path
779 780
781 782 783 784 785 786 787

Rake Tasks for Running your Tests

788 789 790 791
You don't need to set up and run your tests by hand on a test-by-test basis.
Rails comes with a number of commands to help in testing.
The table below lists all commands that come along in the default Rakefile
when you initiate a Rails project.
Prem Sichanugrist 已提交

Vijay Dev 已提交
793 794
| Tasks                   | Description |
| ----------------------- | ----------- |
795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804
| `rake test`             | Runs all unit, functional and integration tests. You can also simply run `rake` as Rails will run all the tests by default |
| `rake test:controllers` | Runs all the controller tests from `test/controllers` |
| `rake test:functionals` | Runs all the functional tests from `test/controllers`, `test/mailers`, and `test/functional` |
| `rake test:helpers`     | Runs all the helper tests from `test/helpers` |
| `rake test:integration` | Runs all the integration tests from `test/integration` |
| `rake test:mailers`     | Runs all the mailer tests from `test/mailers` |
| `rake test:models`      | Runs all the model tests from `test/models` |
| `rake test:units`       | Runs all the unit tests from `test/models`, `test/helpers`, and `test/unit` |
| `rake test:all`         | Runs all tests quickly by merging all types and not resetting db |
| `rake test:all:db`      | Runs all tests quickly by merging all types and resetting db |
805 806

Brief Note About `Minitest`
808 809

Ruby ships with a vast Standard Library for all common use-cases including testing. Since version 1.9, Ruby provides `Minitest`, a framework for testing. All the basic assertions such as `assert_equal` discussed above are actually defined in `Minitest::Assertions`. The classes `ActiveSupport::TestCase`, `ActionController::TestCase`, `ActionMailer::TestCase`, `ActionView::TestCase` and `ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest` - which we have been inheriting in our test classes - include `Minitest::Assertions`, allowing us to use all of the basic assertions in our tests.

NOTE: For more information on `Minitest`, refer to [Minitest](http://ruby-doc.org/stdlib-2.1.0/libdoc/minitest/rdoc/MiniTest.html)
813 814 815 816

Setup and Teardown

If you would like to run a block of code before the start of each test and another block of code after the end of each test you have two special callbacks for your rescue. Let's take note of this by looking at an example for our functional test in `Articles` controller:
818 819 820 821

require 'test_helper'

class ArticlesControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
823 824 825

  # called before every single test
  def setup
    @article = articles(:one)
827 828 829 830

  # called after every single test
  def teardown
    # as we are re-initializing @article before every test
832 833
    # setting it to nil here is not essential but I hope
    # you understand how you can use the teardown method
    @article = nil
835 836

837 838
  test "should show article" do
    get :show, id: @article.id
839 840 841
    assert_response :success

842 843 844
  test "should destroy article" do
    assert_difference('Article.count', -1) do
      delete :destroy, id: @article.id
845 846

    assert_redirected_to articles_path
848 849 850 851 852


Above, the `setup` method is called before each test and so `@article` is available for each of the tests. Rails implements `setup` and `teardown` as `ActiveSupport::Callbacks`. Which essentially means you need not only use `setup` and `teardown` as methods in your tests. You could specify them by using:
854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862

* a block
* a method (like in the earlier example)
* a method name as a symbol
* a lambda

Let's see the earlier example by specifying `setup` callback by specifying a method name as a symbol:

require 'test_helper'

class ArticlesControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
866 867

  # called before every single test
  setup :initialize_article
869 870 871

  # called after every single test
  def teardown
    @article = nil
873 874

875 876
  test "should show article" do
    get :show, id: @article.id
877 878 879
    assert_response :success

880 881 882
  test "should update article" do
    patch :update, id: @article.id, article: {}
    assert_redirected_to article_path(assigns(:article))
883 884

885 886 887
  test "should destroy article" do
    assert_difference('Article.count', -1) do
      delete :destroy, id: @article.id
888 889

    assert_redirected_to articles_path
891 892 893 894


895 896
    def initialize_article
      @article = articles(:one)
898 899 900 901 902 903

Testing Routes

Like everything else in your Rails application, it is recommended that you test your routes. An example test for a route in the default `show` action of `Articles` controller above should look like:
905 906

907 908
test "should route to article" do
  assert_routing '/articles/1', {controller: "articles", action: "show", id: "1"}
909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918

Testing Your Mailers

Testing mailer classes requires some specific tools to do a thorough job.

### Keeping the Postman in Check

Your mailer classes - like every other part of your Rails application - should be tested to ensure that it is working as expected.
920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949

The goals of testing your mailer classes are to ensure that:

* emails are being processed (created and sent)
* the email content is correct (subject, sender, body, etc)
* the right emails are being sent at the right times

#### From All Sides

There are two aspects of testing your mailer, the unit tests and the functional tests. In the unit tests, you run the mailer in isolation with tightly controlled inputs and compare the output to a known value (a fixture.) In the functional tests you don't so much test the minute details produced by the mailer; instead, we test that our controllers and models are using the mailer in the right way. You test to prove that the right email was sent at the right time.

### Unit Testing

In order to test that your mailer is working as expected, you can use unit tests to compare the actual results of the mailer with pre-written examples of what should be produced.

#### Revenge of the Fixtures

For the purposes of unit testing a mailer, fixtures are used to provide an example of how the output _should_ look. Because these are example emails, and not Active Record data like the other fixtures, they are kept in their own subdirectory apart from the other fixtures. The name of the directory within `test/fixtures` directly corresponds to the name of the mailer. So, for a mailer named `UserMailer`, the fixtures should reside in `test/fixtures/user_mailer` directory.

When you generated your mailer, the generator creates stub fixtures for each of the mailers actions. If you didn't use the generator you'll have to make those files yourself.

#### The Basic Test Case

Here's a unit test to test a mailer named `UserMailer` whose action `invite` is used to send an invitation to a friend. It is an adapted version of the base test created by the generator for an `invite` action.

require 'test_helper'

class UserMailerTest < ActionMailer::TestCase
  test "invite" do
950 951
    # Send the email, then test that it got queued
    email = UserMailer.create_invite('me@example.com',
                                     'friend@example.com', Time.now).deliver_now
    assert_not ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.empty?
954 955 956 957 958 959

    # Test the body of the sent email contains what we expect it to
    assert_equal ['me@example.com'], email.from
    assert_equal ['friend@example.com'], email.to
    assert_equal 'You have been invited by me@example.com', email.subject
    assert_equal read_fixture('invite').join, email.body.to_s
960 961 962 963

964 965 966 967
In the test we send the email and store the returned object in the `email`
variable. We then ensure that it was sent (the first assert), then, in the
second batch of assertions, we ensure that the email does indeed contain what we
expect. The helper `read_fixture` is used to read in the content from this file.
968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978

Here's the content of the `invite` fixture:

Hi friend@example.com,

You have been invited.


979 980 981 982 983 984
This is the right time to understand a little more about writing tests for your
mailers. The line `ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :test` in
`config/environments/test.rb` sets the delivery method to test mode so that
email will not actually be delivered (useful to avoid spamming your users while
testing) but instead it will be appended to an array

986 987 988 989
NOTE: The `ActionMailer::Base.deliveries` array is only reset automatically in
`ActionMailer::TestCase` tests. If you want to have a clean slate outside Action
Mailer tests, you can reset it manually with:
990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000

### Functional Testing

Functional testing for mailers involves more than just checking that the email body, recipients and so forth are correct. In functional mail tests you call the mail deliver methods and check that the appropriate emails have been appended to the delivery list. It is fairly safe to assume that the deliver methods themselves do their job. You are probably more interested in whether your own business logic is sending emails when you expect them to go out. For example, you can check that the invite friend operation is sending an email appropriately:

require 'test_helper'

class UserControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
  test "invite friend" do
    assert_difference 'ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size', +1 do
      post :invite_friend, email: 'friend@example.com'
1002 1003 1004 1005 1006
    invite_email = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last

    assert_equal "You have been invited by me@example.com", invite_email.subject
    assert_equal 'friend@example.com', invite_email.to[0]
    assert_match(/Hi friend@example.com/, invite_email.body.to_s)
1008 1009 1010 1011

1012 1013 1014 1015 1016
Testing helpers

In order to test helpers, all you need to do is check that the output of the
helper method matches what you'd expect. Tests related to the helpers are
located under the `test/helpers` directory.

A helper test looks like so:
1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044

require 'test_helper'

class UserHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase

A helper is just a simple module where you can define methods which are
available into your views. To test the output of the helper's methods, you just
have to use a mixin like this:

class UserHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase
  include UserHelper

  test "should return the user name" do
    # ...

Moreover, since the test class extends from `ActionView::TestCase`, you have
access to Rails' helper methods such as `link_to` or `pluralize`.

1045 1046 1047
Other Testing Approaches

The built-in `minitest` based testing is not the only way to test Rails applications. Rails developers have come up with a wide variety of other approaches and aids for testing, including:
1049 1050 1051

* [NullDB](http://avdi.org/projects/nulldb/), a way to speed up testing by avoiding database use.
* [Factory Girl](https://github.com/thoughtbot/factory_girl/tree/master), a replacement for fixtures.
* [Fixture Builder](https://github.com/rdy/fixture_builder), a tool that compiles Ruby factories into fixtures before a test run.
* [MiniTest::Spec Rails](https://github.com/metaskills/minitest-spec-rails), use the MiniTest::Spec DSL within your rails tests.
1054 1055
* [Shoulda](http://www.thoughtbot.com/projects/shoulda), an extension to `test/unit` with additional helpers, macros, and assertions.
* [RSpec](http://relishapp.com/rspec), a behavior-driven development framework