base.rb 7.6 KB
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require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/options'
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/manifest'
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec'

# Rails::Generator is a code generation platform tailored for the Rails
# web application framework.  Generators are easily invoked within Rails
# applications to add and remove components such as models and controllers.
# New generators are easy to create and may be distributed as RubyGems or
# tarballs for inclusion system-wide, per-user, or per-application.
# Generators may subclass other generators to provide variations that
# require little or no new logic but replace the template files.
# The postback generator is an example:  it subclasses the scaffold
# generator and just replaces the code templates with its own.
# Now go forth and multiply^Wgenerate.
module Rails
  module Generator
    class GeneratorError < StandardError; end
    class UsageError < GeneratorError; end

    # The base code generator is bare-bones.  It sets up the source and
    # destination paths and tells the logger whether to keep its trap shut.
    # You're probably looking for NamedBase, a subclass meant for generating
    # "named" components such as models, controllers, and mailers.
    # Generators create a manifest of the actions they perform then hand
    # the manifest to a command which replay the actions to do the heavy
    # lifting.  Create, destroy, and list commands are included.  Since a
    # single manifest may be used by any command, creating new generators is
    # as simple as writing some code templates and declaring what you'd like
    # to do with them.
    # The manifest method must be implemented by subclasses, returning a
    # Rails::Generator::Manifest.  The record method is provided as a
    # convenience for manifest creation.  Example:
    #   class EliteGenerator < Rails::Generator::Base
    #     def manifest
    #       record do |m|
    #         m.things(in) { here }
    #       end
    #     end
    #   end
    class Base
      include Options

      # Declare default options for the generator.  These options
      # are inherited to subclasses.
      default_options :collision => :ask, :quiet => false

      # A logger instance available everywhere in the generator.
      cattr_accessor :logger

      # Every generator that is dynamically looked up is tagged with a
      # Spec describing where it was found.
      class_inheritable_accessor :spec

      attr_reader :source_root, :destination_root, :args

      def initialize(runtime_args, runtime_options = {})
        @args = runtime_args
        parse!(@args, runtime_options)

        # Derive source and destination paths.
        @source_root = options[:source] || File.join(spec.path, 'templates')
        if options[:destination]
          @destination_root = options[:destination]
70 71
        elsif defined? ::RAILS_ROOT
          @destination_root = ::RAILS_ROOT
72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146

        # Silence the logger if requested.
        logger.quiet = options[:quiet]

        # Raise usage error if help is requested.
        usage if options[:help]

      # Generators must provide a manifest.  Use the record method to create
      # a new manifest and record your generator's actions.
      def manifest
        raise NotImplementedError, "No manifest for '#{}' generator."

      # Return the full path from the source root for the given path.
      # Example for source_root = '/source':
      #   source_path('some/path.rb') == '/source/some/path.rb'
      # The given path may include a colon ':' character to indicate that
      # the file belongs to another generator.  This notation allows any
      # generator to borrow files from another.  Example:
      #   source_path('model:fixture.yml') = '/model/source/path/fixture.yml'
      def source_path(relative_source)
        # Check whether we're referring to another generator's file.
        name, path = relative_source.split(':', 2)

        # If not, return the full path to our source file.
        if path.nil?
          File.join(source_root, name)

        # Otherwise, ask our referral for the file.
          # FIXME: this is broken, though almost always true.  Others'
          # source_root are not necessarily the templates dir.
          File.join(self.class.lookup(name).path, 'templates', path)

      # Return the full path from the destination root for the given path.
      # Example for destination_root = '/dest':
      #   destination_path('some/path.rb') == '/dest/some/path.rb'
      def destination_path(relative_destination)
        File.join(destination_root, relative_destination)

        # Convenience method for generator subclasses to record a manifest.
        def record
 { |m| yield m }

        # Override with your own usage banner.
        def banner
          "Usage: #{$0} #{} [options]"

        # Read USAGE from file in generator base path.
        def usage_message
, 'USAGE')) rescue ''

    # The base generator for named components: models, controllers, mailers,
    # etc.  The target name is taken as the first argument and inflected to
    # singular, plural, class, file, and table forms for your convenience.
    # The remaining arguments are aliased to actions for controller and
    # mailer convenience.
    # If no name is provided, the generator raises a usage error with content
    # optionally read from the USAGE file in the generator's base path.
    # See Rails::Generator::Base for a discussion of Manifests and Commands.
    class NamedBase < Base
      attr_reader   :name, :class_name, :singular_name, :plural_name, :table_name
      attr_reader   :class_path, :file_path, :class_nesting, :class_nesting_depth
149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171
      alias_method  :file_name,  :singular_name
      alias_method  :actions, :args

      def initialize(runtime_args, runtime_options = {})

        # Name argument is required.
        usage if runtime_args.empty?

        @args = runtime_args.dup
        base_name = @args.shift

        # Override with your own usage banner.
        def banner
          "Usage: #{$0} #{} #{}Name [options]"

        def assign_names!(name)
          @name = name
          base_name, @class_path, @file_path, @class_nesting, @class_nesting_depth = extract_modules(@name)
          @class_name_without_nesting, @singular_name, @plural_name = inflect_names(base_name)
          @table_name = ActiveRecord::Base.pluralize_table_names ? plural_name : singular_name
175 176 177 178 179
          if @class_nesting.empty?
            @class_name = @class_name_without_nesting
            @class_name = "#{@class_nesting}::#{@class_name_without_nesting}"
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        # Extract modules from filesystem-style or ruby-style path:
        #   good/fun/stuff
        #   Good::Fun::Stuff
        # produce the same results.
        def extract_modules(name)
          modules = name.include?('/') ? name.split('/') : name.split('::')
188 189
          name    = modules.pop
          path    = { |m| m.underscore }
          file_path = (path + [name.underscore]).join('/')
          nesting = { |m| m.camelize }.join('::')
          [name, path, file_path, nesting, modules.size]
193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203

        def inflect_names(name)
          camel  = name.camelize
          under  = camel.underscore
          plural = under.pluralize
          [camel, under, plural]