time_zone.rb 15.1 KB
Newer Older
class TimeZone
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42
    "International Date Line West" => "Pacific/Midway",
    "Midway Island"                => "Pacific/Midway",
    "Samoa"                        => "Pacific/Pago_Pago",
    "Hawaii"                       => "Pacific/Honolulu",
    "Alaska"                       => "America/Juneau",
    "Pacific Time (US & Canada)"   => "America/Los_Angeles",
    "Tijuana"                      => "America/Tijuana",
    "Mountain Time (US & Canada)"  => "America/Denver",
    "Arizona"                      => "America/Phoenix",
    "Chihuahua"                    => "America/Chihuahua",
    "Mazatlan"                     => "America/Mazatlan",
    "Central Time (US & Canada)"   => "America/Chicago",
    "Saskatchewan"                 => "America/Regina",
    "Guadalajara"                  => "America/Mexico_City",
    "Mexico City"                  => "America/Mexico_City",
    "Monterrey"                    => "America/Monterrey",
    "Central America"              => "America/Guatemala",
    "Eastern Time (US & Canada)"   => "America/New_York",
    "Indiana (East)"               => "America/Indiana/Indianapolis",
    "Bogota"                       => "America/Bogota",
    "Lima"                         => "America/Lima",
    "Quito"                        => "America/Lima",
    "Atlantic Time (Canada)"       => "America/Halifax",
    "Caracas"                      => "America/Caracas",
    "La Paz"                       => "America/La_Paz",
    "Santiago"                     => "America/Santiago",
    "Newfoundland"                 => "America/St_Johns",
    "Brasilia"                     => "America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires",
    "Buenos Aires"                 => "America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires",
    "Georgetown"                   => "America/Argentina/San_Juan",
    "Greenland"                    => "America/Godthab",
    "Mid-Atlantic"                 => "Atlantic/South_Georgia",
    "Azores"                       => "Atlantic/Azores",
    "Cape Verde Is."               => "Atlantic/Cape_Verde",
    "Dublin"                       => "Europe/Dublin",
    "Edinburgh"                    => "Europe/Dublin",
    "Lisbon"                       => "Europe/Lisbon",
    "London"                       => "Europe/London",
    "Casablanca"                   => "Africa/Casablanca",
    "Monrovia"                     => "Africa/Monrovia",
    "UTC"                          => "UTC",
44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145
    "Belgrade"                     => "Europe/Belgrade",
    "Bratislava"                   => "Europe/Bratislava",
    "Budapest"                     => "Europe/Budapest",
    "Ljubljana"                    => "Europe/Ljubljana",
    "Prague"                       => "Europe/Prague",
    "Sarajevo"                     => "Europe/Sarajevo",
    "Skopje"                       => "Europe/Skopje",
    "Warsaw"                       => "Europe/Warsaw",
    "Zagreb"                       => "Europe/Zagreb",
    "Brussels"                     => "Europe/Brussels",
    "Copenhagen"                   => "Europe/Copenhagen",
    "Madrid"                       => "Europe/Madrid",
    "Paris"                        => "Europe/Paris",
    "Amsterdam"                    => "Europe/Amsterdam",
    "Berlin"                       => "Europe/Berlin",
    "Bern"                         => "Europe/Berlin",
    "Rome"                         => "Europe/Rome",
    "Stockholm"                    => "Europe/Stockholm",
    "Vienna"                       => "Europe/Vienna",
    "West Central Africa"          => "Africa/Algiers",
    "Bucharest"                    => "Europe/Bucharest",
    "Cairo"                        => "Africa/Cairo",
    "Helsinki"                     => "Europe/Helsinki",
    "Kyev"                         => "Europe/Kiev",
    "Riga"                         => "Europe/Riga",
    "Sofia"                        => "Europe/Sofia",
    "Tallinn"                      => "Europe/Tallinn",
    "Vilnius"                      => "Europe/Vilnius",
    "Athens"                       => "Europe/Athens",
    "Istanbul"                     => "Europe/Istanbul",
    "Minsk"                        => "Europe/Minsk",
    "Jerusalem"                    => "Asia/Jerusalem",
    "Harare"                       => "Africa/Harare",
    "Pretoria"                     => "Africa/Johannesburg",
    "Moscow"                       => "Europe/Moscow",
    "St. Petersburg"               => "Europe/Moscow",
    "Volgograd"                    => "Europe/Moscow",
    "Kuwait"                       => "Asia/Kuwait",
    "Riyadh"                       => "Asia/Riyadh",
    "Nairobi"                      => "Africa/Nairobi",
    "Baghdad"                      => "Asia/Baghdad",
    "Tehran"                       => "Asia/Tehran",
    "Abu Dhabi"                    => "Asia/Muscat",
    "Muscat"                       => "Asia/Muscat",
    "Baku"                         => "Asia/Baku",
    "Tbilisi"                      => "Asia/Tbilisi",
    "Yerevan"                      => "Asia/Yerevan",
    "Kabul"                        => "Asia/Kabul",
    "Ekaterinburg"                 => "Asia/Yekaterinburg",
    "Islamabad"                    => "Asia/Karachi",
    "Karachi"                      => "Asia/Karachi",
    "Tashkent"                     => "Asia/Tashkent",
    "Chennai"                      => "Asia/Calcutta",
    "Kolkata"                      => "Asia/Calcutta",
    "Mumbai"                       => "Asia/Calcutta",
    "New Delhi"                    => "Asia/Calcutta",
    "Kathmandu"                    => "Asia/Katmandu",
    "Astana"                       => "Asia/Dhaka",
    "Dhaka"                        => "Asia/Dhaka",
    "Sri Jayawardenepura"          => "Asia/Dhaka",
    "Almaty"                       => "Asia/Almaty",
    "Novosibirsk"                  => "Asia/Novosibirsk",
    "Rangoon"                      => "Asia/Rangoon",
    "Bangkok"                      => "Asia/Bangkok",
    "Hanoi"                        => "Asia/Bangkok",
    "Jakarta"                      => "Asia/Jakarta",
    "Krasnoyarsk"                  => "Asia/Krasnoyarsk",
    "Beijing"                      => "Asia/Shanghai",
    "Chongqing"                    => "Asia/Chongqing",
    "Hong Kong"                    => "Asia/Hong_Kong",
    "Urumqi"                       => "Asia/Urumqi",
    "Kuala Lumpur"                 => "Asia/Kuala_Lumpur",
    "Singapore"                    => "Asia/Singapore",
    "Taipei"                       => "Asia/Taipei",
    "Perth"                        => "Australia/Perth",
    "Irkutsk"                      => "Asia/Irkutsk",
    "Ulaan Bataar"                 => "Asia/Ulaanbaatar",
    "Seoul"                        => "Asia/Seoul",
    "Osaka"                        => "Asia/Tokyo",
    "Sapporo"                      => "Asia/Tokyo",
    "Tokyo"                        => "Asia/Tokyo",
    "Yakutsk"                      => "Asia/Yakutsk",
    "Darwin"                       => "Australia/Darwin",
    "Adelaide"                     => "Australia/Adelaide",
    "Canberra"                     => "Australia/Melbourne",
    "Melbourne"                    => "Australia/Melbourne",
    "Sydney"                       => "Australia/Sydney",
    "Brisbane"                     => "Australia/Brisbane",
    "Hobart"                       => "Australia/Hobart",
    "Vladivostok"                  => "Asia/Vladivostok",
    "Guam"                         => "Pacific/Guam",
    "Port Moresby"                 => "Pacific/Port_Moresby",
    "Magadan"                      => "Asia/Magadan",
    "Solomon Is."                  => "Asia/Magadan",
    "New Caledonia"                => "Pacific/Noumea",
    "Fiji"                         => "Pacific/Fiji",
    "Kamchatka"                    => "Asia/Kamchatka",
    "Marshall Is."                 => "Pacific/Majuro",
    "Auckland"                     => "Pacific/Auckland",
    "Wellington"                   => "Pacific/Auckland",
    "Nuku'alofa"                   => "Pacific/Tongatapu"

  include Comparable
148 149
  attr_reader :name, :utc_offset

150 151 152 153
  # Create a new TimeZone object with the given name and offset. The
  # offset is the number of seconds that this time zone is offset from UTC
  # (GMT). Seconds were chosen as the offset unit because that is the unit that
  # Ruby uses to represent time zone offsets (see Time#utc_offset).
154 155 156 157 158
  def initialize(name, utc_offset)
    @name = name
    @utc_offset = utc_offset

159 160
  # Returns the offset of this time zone as a formatted string, of the
  # format "+HH:MM".
161 162
  def formatted_offset(colon=true, alternate_utc_string = nil)
    utc_offset == 0 && alternate_utc_string || utc_offset.to_utc_offset_s(colon)
163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174

  # Compare this time zone to the parameter. The two are comapred first on
  # their offsets, and then by name.
  def <=>(zone)
    result = (utc_offset <=> zone.utc_offset)
    result = (name <=> zone.name) if result == 0

  # Returns a textual representation of this time zone.
  def to_s
    "(UTC#{formatted_offset}) #{name}"
176 177 178 179 180

  begin # the following methods depend on the tzinfo gem
    require_library_or_gem "tzinfo" unless Object.const_defined?(:TZInfo)
181 182 183 184 185
    # Returns an ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone instance representing the current time
    # in the time zone represented by +self+. Example:
    #   Time.zone = 'Hawaii'  # => "Hawaii"
    #   Time.zone.now         # => Wed, 23 Jan 2008 20:24:27 HST -10:00
    def now
188 189 190 191

    # Return the current date in this time zone.
    def today
193 194

195 196
    # Adjust the given time to the simultaneous time in the time zone represented by +self+. Returns a 
    # Time.utc() instance -- if you want an ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone instance, use Time#in_time_zone() instead.
197 198 199
    def utc_to_local(time)
200 201
    # Adjust the given time to the simultaneous time in UTC. Returns a Time.utc() instance.
202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225
    def local_to_utc(time, dst=true)
      tzinfo.local_to_utc(time, dst)

    # Available so that TimeZone instances respond like TZInfo::Timezone instances
    def period_for_local(time, dst=true)
      tzinfo.period_for_local(time, dst)
    def tzinfo
      return @tzinfo if @tzinfo
      @tzinfo = MAPPING[name]
      if String === @tzinfo
        @tzinfo = TZInfo::Timezone.get(@tzinfo)
        MAPPING[name] = @tzinfo
  rescue LoadError # Tzinfo gem is not available
    # re-raise LoadError only when a tzinfo-dependent method is called:
    %w(now today utc_to_local local_to_utc period_for_local tzinfo).each do |method|
      define_method(method) {|*args| raise LoadError, "TZInfo gem is required for TimeZone##{method}. `gem install tzinfo` and try again."}
226 227 228 229 230

  @@zones = nil

  class << self
    alias_method :create, :new
232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239

    # Return a TimeZone instance with the given name, or +nil+ if no
    # such TimeZone instance exists. (This exists to support the use of
    # this class with the #composed_of macro.)
    def new(name)

240 241 242
    # Return an array of all TimeZone objects. There are multiple
    # TimeZone objects per time zone, in many cases, to make it easier
    # for users to find their own time zone.
243 244 245
    def all
      unless @@zones
        @@zones = []
246 247
        @@zones_map = {}
        [[-39_600, "International Date Line West", "Midway Island", "Samoa" ],
248 249 250
         [-36_000, "Hawaii" ],
         [-32_400, "Alaska" ],
         [-28_800, "Pacific Time (US & Canada)", "Tijuana" ],
         [-25_200, "Mountain Time (US & Canada)", "Chihuahua", "Mazatlan",
                   "Arizona" ],
253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262
         [-21_600, "Central Time (US & Canada)", "Saskatchewan", "Guadalajara",
                   "Mexico City", "Monterrey", "Central America" ],
         [-18_000, "Eastern Time (US & Canada)", "Indiana (East)", "Bogota",
                   "Lima", "Quito" ],
         [-14_400, "Atlantic Time (Canada)", "Caracas", "La Paz", "Santiago" ],
         [-12_600, "Newfoundland" ],
         [-10_800, "Brasilia", "Buenos Aires", "Georgetown", "Greenland" ],
         [ -7_200, "Mid-Atlantic" ],
         [ -3_600, "Azores", "Cape Verde Is." ],
         [      0, "Dublin", "Edinburgh", "Lisbon", "London", "Casablanca",
                   "Monrovia", "UTC" ],
264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295
         [  3_600, "Belgrade", "Bratislava", "Budapest", "Ljubljana", "Prague",
                   "Sarajevo", "Skopje", "Warsaw", "Zagreb", "Brussels",
                   "Copenhagen", "Madrid", "Paris", "Amsterdam", "Berlin",
                   "Bern", "Rome", "Stockholm", "Vienna",
                   "West Central Africa" ],
         [  7_200, "Bucharest", "Cairo", "Helsinki", "Kyev", "Riga", "Sofia",
                   "Tallinn", "Vilnius", "Athens", "Istanbul", "Minsk",
                   "Jerusalem", "Harare", "Pretoria" ],
         [ 10_800, "Moscow", "St. Petersburg", "Volgograd", "Kuwait", "Riyadh",
                   "Nairobi", "Baghdad" ],
         [ 12_600, "Tehran" ],
         [ 14_400, "Abu Dhabi", "Muscat", "Baku", "Tbilisi", "Yerevan" ],
         [ 16_200, "Kabul" ],
         [ 18_000, "Ekaterinburg", "Islamabad", "Karachi", "Tashkent" ],
         [ 19_800, "Chennai", "Kolkata", "Mumbai", "New Delhi" ],
         [ 20_700, "Kathmandu" ],
         [ 21_600, "Astana", "Dhaka", "Sri Jayawardenepura", "Almaty",
                   "Novosibirsk" ],
         [ 23_400, "Rangoon" ],
         [ 25_200, "Bangkok", "Hanoi", "Jakarta", "Krasnoyarsk" ],
         [ 28_800, "Beijing", "Chongqing", "Hong Kong", "Urumqi",
                   "Kuala Lumpur", "Singapore", "Taipei", "Perth", "Irkutsk",
                   "Ulaan Bataar" ],
         [ 32_400, "Seoul", "Osaka", "Sapporo", "Tokyo", "Yakutsk" ],
         [ 34_200, "Darwin", "Adelaide" ],
         [ 36_000, "Canberra", "Melbourne", "Sydney", "Brisbane", "Hobart",
                   "Vladivostok", "Guam", "Port Moresby" ],
         [ 39_600, "Magadan", "Solomon Is.", "New Caledonia" ],
         [ 43_200, "Fiji", "Kamchatka", "Marshall Is.", "Auckland",
                   "Wellington" ],
         [ 46_800, "Nuku'alofa" ]].
        each do |offset, *places|
296 297 298 299 300
          places.each do |place|
            zone = create(place, offset)
            @@zones << zone
            @@zones_map[place] = zone
301 302 303 304 305 306

307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314
    # Locate a specific time zone object. If the argument is a string, it
    # is interpreted to mean the name of the timezone to locate. If it is a
    # numeric value it is either the hour offset, or the second offset, of the
    # timezone to find. (The first one with that offset will be returned.)
    # Returns +nil+ if no such time zone is known to the system.
    def [](arg)
      case arg
        when String
315 316
          all # force the zones to be loaded
317 318 319 320 321 322
        when Numeric
          arg *= 3600 if arg.abs <= 13
          all.find { |z| z.utc_offset == arg.to_i }
          raise ArgumentError, "invalid argument to TimeZone[]: #{arg.inspect}"
323 324 325 326

    # A regular expression that matches the names of all time zones in
    # the USA.
    US_ZONES = /US|Arizona|Indiana|Hawaii|Alaska/
328 329 330 331 332 333 334

    # A convenience method for returning a collection of TimeZone objects
    # for time zones in the USA.
    def us_zones
      all.find_all { |z| z.name =~ US_ZONES }