Newer Older
1 2

3 4
* When loading classes using const_missing, raise a NameError if and only if the file we tried to load was not present. [Nicholas Seckar]

5 6
* Added petabytes and exebytes to numeric extensions #2397 []

7 8 9
* Added Time#end_of_month to accompany Time#beginning_of_month #2514 [Jens-Christian Fischer]

*1.2.2* (October 26th, 2005)
11 12 13

* Set Logger.silencer = false to disable Logger#silence.  Useful for debugging fixtures.

14 15
* Add title case method to String to do, e.g., 'action_web_service'.titlecase #  => 'Action Web Service'. [Marcel Molina Jr.]


17 18
*1.2.1* (October 19th, 2005)

19 20 21 22
* Classify generated routing code as framework code to avoid appearing in application traces. [Nicholas Seckar]

* Show all framework frames in the framework trace. [Nicholas Seckar]


*1.2.0* (October 16th, 2005)

26 27 28
* Update Exception extension to show the first few framework frames in an application trace. [Nicholas Seckar] 

* Added Exception extension to provide support for clean backtraces. [Nicholas Seckar]

30 31
* Updated whiny nil to be more concise and useful. [Nicholas Seckar]

Nicholas Seckar 已提交
32 33
* Added Enumerable#first_match [Nicholas Seckar]

34 35
* Fixed that Time#change should also reset usec when also resetting minutes #2459 []

36 37
* Fix Logger compatibility for distributions that don't keep Ruby and its standard library in sync.

38 39
* Replace '%e' from long and short time formats as Windows does not support it. #2344. [Tom Ward <>]

40 41
* Added to_s(:db) to Range, so you can get "BETWEEN '2005-12-10' AND '2005-12-12'" from, 12, 10), 12, 12) (and likewise with Times)

42 43
* Moved require_library_or_gem into Kernel. #1992 [Michael Schuerig <>]

44 45
* Add :rfc822 as an option for Time#to_s (to get rfc822-formatted times)

46 47
* Chain the const_missing hook to any previously existing hook so rails can play nicely with rake

48 49
* Clean logger is compatible with both 1.8.2 and 1.8.3 Logger.  #2263 [Michael Schuerig <>]

50 51
* Added native, faster implementations of .blank? for the core types #2286 [skae]

52 53
* Fixed clean logger to work with Ruby 1.8.3 Logger class #2245

54 55
* Fixed memory leak with Active Record classes when Dependencies.mechanism = :load #1704 []

56 57
* Fixed Inflector.underscore for use with acronyms, so HTML becomes html instead of htm_l #2173 []

58 59
* Fixed dependencies related infinite recursion bug when a controller file does not contain a controller class. Closes #1760. []

60 61
* Fixed inflections for status, quiz, move #2056 []

62 63
* Added Hash#reverse_merge, Hash#reverse_merge!, and Hash#reverse_update to ease the use of default options

64 65
* Added Array#to_sentence that'll turn ['one', 'two', 'three'] into "one, two, and three" #2157 []

66 67
* Added Kernel#silence_warnings to turn off warnings temporarily for the passed block

68 69
* Added String#starts_with? and String#ends_with? #2118 []

70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82
* Added easy extendability to the inflector through Inflector.inflections (using the Inflector::Inflections singleton class). Examples:

    Inflector.inflections do |inflect|
      inflect.plural /^(ox)$/i, '\1\2en'
      inflect.singular /^(ox)en/i, '\1'
      inflect.irregular 'octopus', 'octopi'
      inflect.uncountable "equipment"

* Added String#at, String#from, String#to, String#first, String#last in ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions::String::Access to ease access to individual characters and substrings in a string serving basically as human names for range access.

83 84
* Make Time#last_month work when invoked on the 31st of a month.

85 86
* Add Time.days_in_month, and make Time#next_month work when invoked on the 31st of a month

87 88
* Fixed that Time#midnight would have a non-zero usec on some platforms #1836

89 90
* Fixed inflections of "index/indices" #1766 []

91 92
* Added stripping of _id to String#humanize, so "employee_id" becomes "Employee" #1574 [Justin French]

93 94
* Factor Fixnum and Bignum extensions into Integer extensions [Nicholas Seckar]

95 96
* Hooked #ordinalize into Fixnum and Bignum classes. [Nicholas Seckar, danp]

97 98 99
* Added Fixnum#ordinalize to turn 1.ordinalize to "1st", 3.ordinalize to "3rd", and 10.ordinalize to "10th" and so on #1724 []

*1.1.1* (11 July, 2005)

* Added more efficient implementation of the development mode reset of classes #1638 [Chris McGrath]
103 104

*1.1.0* (6 July, 2005)

107 108
* Fixed conflict with Glue gem #1606 [Rick Olson]

* Added new rules to the Inflector to deal with more unusual plurals mouse/louse => mice/lice, information => information, ox => oxen, virus => viri, archive => archives #1571, #1583, #1490, #1599, #1608 []

111 112
* Fixed memory leak with Object#remove_subclasses_of, which inflicted a Rails application running in development mode with a ~20KB leak per request #1289 []

113 114
* Made 1.year == 365.25.days to account for leap years.  This allows you to do User.find(:all, :conditions => ['birthday > ?', 50.years.ago]) without losing a lot of days.  #1488 []

115 116
* Added an exception if calling id on nil to WhinyNil #584 []

David Heinemeier Hansson 已提交
117 118 119 120
* Added Fix/Bignum#multiple_of? which returns true on 14.multiple_of?(7) and false on 16.multiple_of?(7) #1464 [Thomas Fuchs]

* Added even? and odd? to work with Bignums in addition to Fixnums #1464 [Thomas Fuchs]

121 122
* Fixed Time#at_beginning_of_week returned the next Monday instead of the previous one when called on a Sunday #1403 []

123 124
* Increased the speed of indifferent hash access by using Hash#default.  #1436 [Nicholas Seckar]

125 126
* Added that "   " is now also blank? (using strip if available)

127 128
* Fixed Dependencies so all modules are able to load missing constants #1173 [Nicholas Seckar]

129 130
* Fixed the Inflector to underscore strings containing numbers, so Area51Controller becomes area51_controller #1176 [Nicholas Seckar]

131 132
* Fixed that HashWithIndifferentAccess stringified all keys including symbols, ints, objects, and arrays #1162 [Nicholas Seckar]

133 134
* Fixed Time#last_year to go back in time, not forward #1278 []

135 136
* Fixed the pluralization of analysis to analyses #1295 []

David Heinemeier Hansson 已提交
137 138
* Fixed that Time.local(2005,12).months_since(1) would raise "ArgumentError: argument out of range" #1311 []

139 140 141
* Added silencing to the default Logger class

*1.0.4* (19th April, 2005)

144 145
* Fixed that in some circumstances controllers outside of modules may have hidden ones inside modules. For example, admin/content might have been hidden by /content. #1075 [Nicholas Seckar]

146 147
* Fixed inflection of perspectives and similar words #1045 []

148 149
* Added Fixnum#even? and Fixnum#odd?

150 151 152
* Fixed problem with classes being required twice. Object#const_missing now uses require_dependency to load files. It used to use require_or_load which would cause models to be loaded twice, which was not good for validations and other class methods #971 [Nicholas Seckar]

*1.0.3* (27th March, 2005)

* Fixed Inflector.pluralize to handle capitalized words #932 [Jeremy Kemper]

157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165
* Added Object#suppress which allows you to make a saner choice around with exceptions to swallow #980. Example:

    suppress(ZeroDivisionError) { 1/0 }
  ...instead of:
    1/0 rescue nil # BAD, EVIL, DIRTY.

*1.0.2* (22th March, 2005)
167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179

* Added Kernel#returning -- a Ruby-ized realization of the K combinator, courtesy of Mikael Brockman.

    def foo
      returning values = [] do
        values << 'bar'
        values << 'baz'
    foo # => ['bar', 'baz']

*1.0.1* (7th March, 2005)

182 183
* Fixed Hash#indifferent_access to also deal with include? and fetch and nested hashes #726 [Nicholas Seckar]

184 185
* Added Object#blank? -- see #783 [_why the lucky stiff]

186 187
* Added inflection rules for "sh" words, like "wish" and "fish" #755 []

188 189
* Fixed an exception when using Ajax based requests from Safari because Safari appends a \000 to the post body. Symbols can't have \000 in them so indifferent access would throw an exception in the constructor. Indifferent hashes now use strings internally instead. #746 [Tobias Luetke]

190 191 192
* Added String#to_time and String#to_date for wrapping ParseDate

David Heinemeier Hansson 已提交
193 194
*1.0.0* (24th February, 2005)

195 196
* Added TimeZone as the first of a number of value objects that among others Active Record can use rich value objects using composed_of #688 [Jamis Buck]

197 198
* Added Date::Conversions for getting dates in different convenient string representations and other objects

199 200
* Added Time::Conversions for getting times in different convenient string representations and other objects

201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210
* Added Time::Calculations to ask for things like,, #580 [DP|Flurin]. Examples:

    "Later today"         =>,
    "Tomorrow morning"    => now.tomorrow.change(:hour => 9),
    "Tomorrow afternoon"  => now.tomorrow.change(:hour => 14),
    "In a couple of days" => now.tomorrow.tomorrow.change(:hour => 9),
    "Next monday"         => now.next_week.change(:hour => 9),
    "In a month"          => now.next_month.change(:hour => 9),
    "In 6 months"         => now.months_since(6).change(:hour => 9),
    "In a year"           => => 9)

212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221
* Upgraded to breakpoint 92 which fixes:

    * overload IRB.parse_opts(), fixes #443
      => breakpoints in tests work even when running them via rake
    * untaint handlers, might fix an issue discussed on the Rails ML
    * added verbose mode to breakpoint_client
    * less noise caused by breakpoint_client by default
    * ignored TerminateLineInput exception in signal handler
      => quiet exit on Ctrl-C

222 223
* Fixed Inflector for words like "news" and "series" that are the same in plural and singular #603 [echion], #615 [marcenuc]

224 225
* Added Hash#stringify_keys and Hash#stringify_keys!

226 227
* Added IndifferentAccess as a way to wrap a hash by a symbol-based store that also can be accessed by string keys

228 229 230 231
* Added Inflector.constantize to turn "Admin::User" into a reference for the constant Admin::User

* Added that Inflector.camelize and Inflector.underscore can deal with modules like turning "Admin::User" into "admin/user" and back

232 233
* Added Inflector.humanize to turn attribute names like employee_salary into "Employee salary". Used by automated error reporting in AR.

* Added availability of class inheritable attributes to the masses #477 [Jeremy Kemper]
235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251

    class Foo
      class_inheritable_reader :read_me
      class_inheritable_writer :write_me
      class_inheritable_accessor :read_and_write_me
      class_inheritable_array :read_and_concat_me
      class_inheritable_hash :read_and_update_me

    # Bar gets a clone of (not a reference to) Foo's attributes.
    class Bar < Foo

    Bar.read_and_write_me == Foo.read_and_write_me
    Bar.read_and_write_me = 'bar'
    Bar.read_and_write_me != Foo.read_and_write_me

* Added Inflections as an extension on String, so Inflector.pluralize(Inflector.classify(name)) becomes name.classify.pluralize #476 [Jeremy Kemper]

254 255
* Added Byte operations to Numeric, so 5.5.megabytes + 200.kilobytes #461 [Marcel Molina]

256 257
* Fixed that Dependencies.reload can't load the same file twice #420 [Kent Sibilev]

* Added Fixnum#ago/until, Fixnum#since/from_now #450 [Jeremy Kemper]

David Heinemeier Hansson 已提交
260 261
* Added that Inflector now accepts Symbols and Classes by calling .to_s on the word supplied

* Added time unit extensions to Fixnum that'll return the period in seconds, like 2.days + 4.hours.