compiled_templates_test.rb 6.0 KB
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1 2
require 'test/unit'
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../lib/action_view/helpers/date_helper'
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../lib/action_view/compiled_templates'
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../abstract_unit"

class CompiledTemplateTests < Test::Unit::TestCase

  def setup
    @ct =
    @v =
    @v.send :include, @ct
    @a = './test_compile_template_a.rhtml'
    @b = './test_compile_template_b.rhtml'
    @s = './test_compile_template_link.rhtml'
  def teardown
    [@a, @b, @s].each do |f|
      `rm #{f}` if File.exist?(f) || File.symlink?(f)
  attr_reader :ct, :v

  def test_name_allocation
    hi_world = ct.method_names['hi world']
    hi_sexy = ct.method_names['hi sexy']
    wish_upon_a_star = ct.method_names['I love seeing decent error messages']
    assert_equal hi_world, ct.method_names['hi world']
    assert_equal hi_sexy, ct.method_names['hi sexy']
    assert_equal wish_upon_a_star, ct.method_names['I love seeing decent error messages']
    assert_equal 3, [hi_world, hi_sexy, wish_upon_a_star].uniq.length

  def test_wrap_source
      "def aliased_assignment(value)\nself.value = value\nend",
      @ct.wrap_source(:aliased_assignment, [:value], 'self.value = value')

      "def simple()\nnil\nend",
      @ct.wrap_source(:simple, [], 'nil')

  def test_compile_source_single_method
    selector = ct.compile_source('doubling method', [:a], 'a + a')
    assert_equal 2,, 1)
    assert_equal 4,, 2)
    assert_equal -4,, -2)
    assert_equal 0,, 0)

  def test_compile_source_two_method
    sel1 = test_compile_source_single_method # compile the method in the other test
    sel2 = ct.compile_source('doubling method', [:a, :b], 'a + b + a + b')
    assert_not_equal sel1, sel2

    assert_equal 2,, 1)
    assert_equal 4,, 2)

    assert_equal 6,, 1, 2)
    assert_equal 32,, 15, 1)

  def test_mtime
    t1 =
    assert ('doubling method', [:a]))

  def test_compile_time
74 75
    t =
    sleep 1
76 77 78 79 80 81
    `echo '#{@a}' > #{@a}; echo '#{@b}' > #{@b}; ln -s #{@a} #{@s}`

    v =
    v.base_path = '.'
    v.cache_template_loading = false;

82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
    # private methods template_changed_since? and compile_template?
    # should report true for all since they have not been compiled
    assert v.send(:template_changed_since?, @a, t)
    assert v.send(:template_changed_since?, @b, t)
    assert v.send(:template_changed_since?, @s, t)
    assert v.send(:compile_template?, nil, @a, {})
    assert v.send(:compile_template?, nil, @b, {})
    assert v.send(:compile_template?, nil, @s, {})

91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104
    sleep 1
    v.compile_and_render_template(:rhtml, '', @a)
    v.compile_and_render_template(:rhtml, '', @b)
    v.compile_and_render_template(:rhtml, '', @s)
    a_n = v.method_names[@a]
    b_n = v.method_names[@b]
    s_n = v.method_names[@s]
    # all of the files have changed since last compile
    assert v.compile_time[a_n] > t
    assert v.compile_time[b_n] > t
    assert v.compile_time[s_n] > t

    sleep 1
    t =
105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112
    # private methods template_changed_since? and compile_template?
    # should report false for all since none have changed since compile
    assert !v.send(:template_changed_since?, @a, v.compile_time[a_n])
    assert !v.send(:template_changed_since?, @b, v.compile_time[b_n])
    assert !v.send(:template_changed_since?, @s, v.compile_time[s_n])
    assert !v.send(:compile_template?, nil, @a, {})
    assert !v.send(:compile_template?, nil, @b, {})
    assert !v.send(:compile_template?, nil, @s, {})
113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121
    v.compile_and_render_template(:rhtml, '', @a)
    v.compile_and_render_template(:rhtml, '', @b)
    v.compile_and_render_template(:rhtml, '', @s)
    # none of the files have changed since last compile
    assert v.compile_time[a_n] < t
    assert v.compile_time[b_n] < t
    assert v.compile_time[s_n] < t

    `rm #{@s}; ln -s #{@b} #{@s}`
122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129
    # private methods template_changed_since? and compile_template?
    # should report true for symlink since it has changed since compile
    assert !v.send(:template_changed_since?, @a, v.compile_time[a_n])
    assert !v.send(:template_changed_since?, @b, v.compile_time[b_n])
    assert v.send(:template_changed_since?, @s, v.compile_time[s_n])
    assert !v.send(:compile_template?, nil, @a, {})
    assert !v.send(:compile_template?, nil, @b, {})
    assert v.send(:compile_template?, nil, @s, {})
130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139
    v.compile_and_render_template(:rhtml, '', @a)
    v.compile_and_render_template(:rhtml, '', @b)
    v.compile_and_render_template(:rhtml, '', @s)
    # the symlink has changed since last compile
    assert v.compile_time[a_n] < t
    assert v.compile_time[b_n] < t
    assert v.compile_time[s_n] > t

    sleep 1
    `touch #{@b}`
140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148
    # private methods template_changed_since? and compile_template?
    # should report true for symlink and file at end of symlink
    # since it has changed since last compile
    assert !v.send(:template_changed_since?, @a, v.compile_time[a_n])
    assert v.send(:template_changed_since?, @b, v.compile_time[b_n])
    assert v.send(:template_changed_since?, @s, v.compile_time[s_n])
    assert !v.send(:compile_template?, nil, @a, {})
    assert v.send(:compile_template?, nil, @b, {})
    assert v.send(:compile_template?, nil, @s, {})
149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170
    t =
    v.compile_and_render_template(:rhtml, '', @a)
    v.compile_and_render_template(:rhtml, '', @b)
    v.compile_and_render_template(:rhtml, '', @s)
    # the file at the end of the symlink has changed since last compile
    # both the symlink and the file at the end of it should be recompiled
    assert v.compile_time[a_n] < t
    assert v.compile_time[b_n] > t
    assert v.compile_time[s_n] > t

module ActionView
  class Base
    def compile_time
    def method_names