Newer Older
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

* Added Object#suppress which allows you to make a saner choice around with exceptions to swallow #980. Example:

    suppress(ZeroDivisionError) { 1/0 }
  ...instead of:
    1/0 rescue nil # BAD, EVIL, DIRTY.

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

* Added Kernel#returning -- a Ruby-ized realization of the K combinator, courtesy of Mikael Brockman.

    def foo
      returning values = [] do
        values << 'bar'
        values << 'baz'
    foo # => ['bar', 'baz']

*1.0.1* (7th March, 2005)

28 29
* Fixed Hash#indifferent_access to also deal with include? and fetch and nested hashes #726 [Nicholas Seckar]

30 31
* Added Object#blank? -- see #783 [_why the lucky stiff]

32 33
* Added inflection rules for "sh" words, like "wish" and "fish" #755 []

34 35
* Fixed an exception when using Ajax based requests from Safari because Safari appends a \000 to the post body. Symbols can't have \000 in them so indifferent access would throw an exception in the constructor. Indifferent hashes now use strings internally instead. #746 [Tobias Luetke]

36 37 38
* Added String#to_time and String#to_date for wrapping ParseDate

David Heinemeier Hansson 已提交
39 40
*1.0.0* (24th February, 2005)

41 42
* Added TimeZone as the first of a number of value objects that among others Active Record can use rich value objects using composed_of #688 [Jamis Buck]

43 44
* Added Date::Conversions for getting dates in different convenient string representations and other objects

45 46
* Added Time::Conversions for getting times in different convenient string representations and other objects

47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56
* Added Time::Calculations to ask for things like,, #580 [DP|Flurin]. Examples:

    "Later today"         =>,
    "Tomorrow morning"    => now.tomorrow.change(:hour => 9),
    "Tomorrow afternoon"  => now.tomorrow.change(:hour => 14),
    "In a couple of days" => now.tomorrow.tomorrow.change(:hour => 9),
    "Next monday"         => now.next_week.change(:hour => 9),
    "In a month"          => now.next_month.change(:hour => 9),
    "In 6 months"         => now.months_since(6).change(:hour => 9),
    "In a year"           => => 9)

58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67
* Upgraded to breakpoint 92 which fixes:

    * overload IRB.parse_opts(), fixes #443
      => breakpoints in tests work even when running them via rake
    * untaint handlers, might fix an issue discussed on the Rails ML
    * added verbose mode to breakpoint_client
    * less noise caused by breakpoint_client by default
    * ignored TerminateLineInput exception in signal handler
      => quiet exit on Ctrl-C

68 69
* Fixed Inflector for words like "news" and "series" that are the same in plural and singular #603 [echion], #615 [marcenuc]

70 71
* Added Hash#stringify_keys and Hash#stringify_keys!

72 73
* Added IndifferentAccess as a way to wrap a hash by a symbol-based store that also can be accessed by string keys

74 75 76 77
* Added Inflector.constantize to turn "Admin::User" into a reference for the constant Admin::User

* Added that Inflector.camelize and Inflector.underscore can deal with modules like turning "Admin::User" into "admin/user" and back

78 79
* Added Inflector.humanize to turn attribute names like employee_salary into "Employee salary". Used by automated error reporting in AR.

80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97
* Added availability of class inheritable attributes to the masses #477 [bitsweat]

    class Foo
      class_inheritable_reader :read_me
      class_inheritable_writer :write_me
      class_inheritable_accessor :read_and_write_me
      class_inheritable_array :read_and_concat_me
      class_inheritable_hash :read_and_update_me

    # Bar gets a clone of (not a reference to) Foo's attributes.
    class Bar < Foo

    Bar.read_and_write_me == Foo.read_and_write_me
    Bar.read_and_write_me = 'bar'
    Bar.read_and_write_me != Foo.read_and_write_me

98 99
* Added Inflections as an extension on String, so Inflector.pluralize(Inflector.classify(name)) becomes name.classify.pluralize #476 [bitsweat]

100 101
* Added Byte operations to Numeric, so 5.5.megabytes + 200.kilobytes #461 [Marcel Molina]

102 103
* Fixed that Dependencies.reload can't load the same file twice #420 [Kent Sibilev]

104 105
* Added Fixnum#ago/until, Fixnum#since/from_now #450 [bitsweat]

David Heinemeier Hansson 已提交
106 107
* Added that Inflector now accepts Symbols and Classes by calling .to_s on the word supplied

* Added time unit extensions to Fixnum that'll return the period in seconds, like 2.days + 4.hours.