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## Rails 4.0.0 (unreleased) ##
Rafael Mendonça França 已提交

3 4 5 6 7
*   Fix bug with presence validation of associations. Would incorrectly add duplicated errors 
    when the association was blank. Bug introduced in 1fab518c6a75dac5773654646eb724a59741bc13.

    *Scott Willson*

8 9 10 11 12
*   Fix bug where sum(expression) returns string '0' for no matching records
    Fixes #7439

    *Tim Macfarlane*

13 14 15 16
*   PostgreSQL adapter correctly fetches default values when using multiple schemas and domains in a db. Fixes #7914

    *Arturo Pie*

17 18 19 20
*   Learn ActiveRecord::QueryMethods#order work with hash arguments

    When symbol or hash passed we convert it to Arel::Nodes::Ordering.
    If we pass invalid direction(like name: :DeSc) ActiveRecord::QueryMethods#order will raise an exception

22 23 24 25 26
        User.order(:name, email: :desc)
        # SELECT "users".* FROM "users" ORDER BY "users"."name" ASC, "users"."email" DESC

    *Tima Maslyuchenko*

27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
*   Rename `ActiveRecord::Fixtures` class to `ActiveRecord::FixtureSet`.
    Instances of this class normally hold a collection of fixtures (records)
    loaded either from a single YAML file, or from a file and a folder
    with the same name.  This change make the class name singular and makes
    the class easier to distinguish from the modules like
    `ActiveRecord::TestFixtures`, which operates on multiple fixture sets,
    or `DelegatingFixtures`, `::Fixtures`, etc.,
    and from the class `ActiveRecord::Fixture`, which corresponds to a single

    *Alexey Muranov*

39 40 41 42 43
*   The postgres adapter now supports tables with capital letters.
    Fix #5920

    *Yves Senn*

44 45
*   `CollectionAssociation#count` returns `0` without querying if the
    parent record is not persisted.
46 47 48


50 51 52 53 54
        # SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "pets" WHERE "pets"."person_id" IS NULL
        # => 0


56 57 58 59 60
        # fires without sql query
        # => 0

    *Francesco Rodriguez*

61 62 63 64 65
*   Fix `reset_counters` crashing on `has_many :through` associations.
    Fix #7822.


Jon Leighton 已提交
66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78
*   Support for partial inserts.

    When inserting new records, only the fields which have been changed
    from the defaults will actually be included in the INSERT statement.
    The other fields will be populated by the database.

    This is more efficient, and also means that it will be safe to
    remove database columns without getting subsequent errors in running
    app processes (so long as the code in those processes doesn't
    contain any references to the removed column).

    *Jon Leighton*

79 80 81 82
*   Allow before and after validations to take an array of lifecycle events

    *John Foley*

83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117
*   Support for specifying transaction isolation level

    If your database supports setting the isolation level for a transaction, you can set
    it like so:

        Post.transaction(isolation: :serializable) do
          # ...

    Valid isolation levels are:

    * `:read_uncommitted`
    * `:read_committed`
    * `:repeatable_read`
    * `:serializable`

    You should consult the documentation for your database to understand the
    semantics of these different levels:


    An `ActiveRecord::TransactionIsolationError` will be raised if:

    * The adapter does not support setting the isolation level
    * You are joining an existing open transaction
    * You are creating a nested (savepoint) transaction

    The mysql, mysql2 and postgresql adapters support setting the transaction
    isolation level. However, support is disabled for mysql versions below 5,
    because they are affected by a bug (
    which means the isolation level gets persisted outside the transaction.

    *Jon Leighton*

118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127
*   `ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesProtection` is included by default
    in Active Record models. Check the docs of `ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesProtection`
    for more details.

    *Guillermo Iguaran*

*   Remove integration between Active Record and
    `ActiveModel::MassAssignmentSecurity`, `protected_attributes` gem
    should be added to use `attr_accessible`/`attr_protected`. Mass
    assignment options has been removed from all the AR methods that
    used it (ex. ``, `AR::Base.create`, `AR::Base#update_attributes`, etc).
129 130 131

    *Guillermo Iguaran*

132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145
*   Fix the return of querying with an empty hash.
    Fix #6971.

        User.where(token: {})


        #=> SELECT * FROM users;


        #=> SELECT * FROM users WHERE 1 = 2;

    *Damien Mathieu*
Damien Mathieu 已提交

147 148 149
*   Fix creation of through association models when using `collection=[]`
    on a `has_many :through` association from an unsaved model.
    Fix #7661.
150 151 152

    *Ernie Miller*

kennyj 已提交
*   Explain only normal CRUD sql (select / update / insert / delete).
154 155
    Fix problem that explains unexplainable sql.
    Closes #7544 #6458.
kennyj 已提交
156 157 158


Matt Jones 已提交
159 160 161 162 163 164
*   You can now override the generated accessor methods for stored attributes
    and reuse the original behavior with `read_store_attribute` and `write_store_attribute`,
    which are counterparts to `read_attribute` and `write_attribute`.

    *Matt Jones*

*   Accept belongs_to (including polymorphic) association keys in queries.
166 167 168

    The following queries are now equivalent:

169 170
        Post.where(author: author)
        Post.where(author_id: author)

172 173
        PriceEstimate.where(estimate_of: treasure)
        PriceEstimate.where(estimate_of_type: 'Treasure', estimate_of_id: treasure)
174 175 176

    *Peter Brown*

177 178 179 180 181
*   Use native `mysqldump` command instead of `structure_dump` method
    when dumping the database structure to a sql file. Fixes #5547.


*   PostgreSQL inet and cidr types are converted to `IPAddr` objects.

184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191
    *Dan McClain*

*   PostgreSQL array type support. Any datatype can be used to create an
    array column, with full migration and schema dumper support.

    To declare an array column, use the following syntax:

        create_table :table_with_arrays do |t|
          t.integer :int_array, array: true
          # integer[]
          t.integer :int_array, array: true, length: 2
          # smallint[]
          t.string :string_array, array: true, length: 30
          # char varying(30)[]

    This respects any other migration detail (limits, defaults, etc).
Xavier Noria 已提交
    Active Record will serialize and deserialize the array columns on
202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209
    their way to and from the database.

    One thing to note: PostgreSQL does not enforce any limits on the
    number of elements, and any array can be multi-dimensional. Any
    array that is multi-dimensional must be rectangular (each sub array
    must have the same number of elements as its siblings).

    If the `pg_array_parser` gem is available, it will be used when
    parsing PostgreSQL's array representation.
211 212 213

    *Dan McClain*

214 215
*   Attribute predicate methods, such as `article.title?`, will now raise
    `ActiveModel::MissingAttributeError` if the attribute being queried for
    truthiness was not read from the database, instead of just returning `false`.
217 218 219

    *Ernie Miller*

220 221 222 223
*   `ActiveRecord::SchemaDumper` uses Ruby 1.9 style hash, which means that the
    schema.rb file will be generated using this new syntax from now on.

    *Konstantin Shabanov*

225 226 227
*   Map interval with precision to string datatype in PostgreSQL. Fixes #7518.

    *Yves Senn*

229 230 231
*   Fix eagerly loading associations without primary keys. Fixes #4976.

    *Kelley Reynolds*

233 234 235 236 237 238
*   Rails now raise an exception when you're trying to run a migration that has an invalid
    file name. Only lower case letters, numbers, and '_' are allowed in migration's file name.
    Please see #7419 for more details.

    *Jan Bernacki*

Matt Jones 已提交
*   Fix bug when calling `store_accessor` multiple times.
240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248
    Fixes #7532.

    *Matt Jones*

*   Fix store attributes that show the changes incorrectly.
    Fixes #7532.

    *Matt Jones*

249 250 251 252
*   Fix `ActiveRecord::Relation#pluck` when columns or tables are reserved words.

    *Ian Lesperance*

*   Allow JSON columns to be created in PostgreSQL and properly encoded/decoded.
254 255 256 257
    to/from database.

    *Dickson S. Guedes*

*   Fix time column type casting for invalid time string values to correctly return `nil`.
259 260 261

    *Adam Meehan*

*   Allow to pass Symbol or Proc into `:limit` option of #accepts_nested_attributes_for.
Mikhail Dieterle 已提交
263 264 265

    *Mikhail Dieterle*

*   ActiveRecord::SessionStore has been extracted from Active Record as `activerecord-session_store`
267 268 269
    gem. Please read the `` file on the gem for the usage.

    *Prem Sichanugrist*

271 272 273 274 275 276
*   Fix `reset_counters` when there are multiple `belongs_to` association with the
    same foreign key and one of them have a counter cache.
    Fixes #5200.

    *Dave Desrochers*

277 278 279 280
*   `serialized_attributes` and `_attr_readonly` become class method only. Instance reader methods are deprecated.


281 282 283 284 285
*   Round usec when comparing timestamp attributes in the dirty tracking.
    Fixes #6975.


286 287 288 289
*   Use inversed parent for first and last child of has_many association.

    *Ravil Bayramgalin*

290 291 292 293 294 295
*   Fix Column.microseconds and Column.fast_string_to_date to avoid converting
    timestamp seconds to a float, since it occasionally results in inaccuracies
    with microsecond-precision times. Fixes #7352.

    *Ari Pollak*

296 297 298 299 300
*   Fix AR#dup to nullify the validation errors in the dup'ed object. Previously the original
    and the dup'ed object shared the same errors.

    * Christian Seiler*

301 302 303 304
*   Raise `ArgumentError` if list of attributes to change is empty in `update_all`.

    *Roman Shatsov*

305 306 307 308 309
*   Fix AR#create to return an unsaved record when AR::RecordInvalid is
    raised. Fixes #3217.

    *Dave Yeu*

310 311
*   Fixed table name prefix that is generated in engines for namespaced models.

312 313
    *Wojciech Wnętrzak*

*   Make sure `:environment` task is executed before `db:schema:load` or `db:structure:load`.
Rafael Mendonça França 已提交
315 316 317 318
    Fixes #4772.

    *Seamus Abshere*

319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338
*   Allow Relation#merge to take a proc.

    This was requested by DHH to allow creating of one's own custom
    association macros.

    For example:

        module Commentable
          def has_many_comments(extra)
            has_many :comments, -> { where(:foo).merge(extra) }

        class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
          extend Commentable
          has_many_comments -> { where(:bar) }

    *Jon Leighton*

*   Add CollectionProxy#scope.
Jon Leighton 已提交
340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356

    This can be used to get a Relation from an association.

    Previously we had a #scoped method, but we're deprecating that for
    AR::Base, so it doesn't make sense to have it here.

    This was requested by DHH, to facilitate code like this:

        Project.scope.order('created_at DESC').page(current_page).tagged_with(@tag).limit(5).scoping do
          @topics      = @project.topics.scope
          @todolists   = @project.todolists.scope
          @attachments = @project.attachments.scope
          @documents   = @project.documents.scope

    *Jon Leighton*

*   Add `Relation#load`.
Jon Leighton 已提交
358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371

    This method explicitly loads the records and then returns `self`.

    Rather than deciding between "do I want an array or a relation?",
    most people are actually asking themselves "do I want to eager load
    or lazy load?" Therefore, this method provides a way to explicitly
    eager-load without having to switch from a `Relation` to an array.


        @posts = Post.where(published: true).load

    *Jon Leighton*

372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380
*   `Relation#order`: make new order prepend old one.

        User.order("name asc").order("created_at desc")
        # SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY created_at desc, name asc

    This also affects order defined in `default_scope` or any kind of associations.

    *Bogdan Gusiev*

*   `Model.all` now returns an `ActiveRecord::Relation`, rather than an
    array of records. Use `Relation#to_a` if you really want an array.
383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398

    In some specific cases, this may cause breakage when upgrading.
    However in most cases the `ActiveRecord::Relation` will just act as a
    lazy-loaded array and there will be no problems.

    Note that calling `Model.all` with options (e.g.
    `Model.all(conditions: '...')` was already deprecated, but it will
    still return an array in order to make the transition easier.

    `Model.scoped` is deprecated in favour of `Model.all`.

    `Relation#all` still returns an array, but is deprecated (since it
    would serve no purpose if we made it return a `Relation`).

    *Jon Leighton*

399 400 401 402 403 404 405
*   `:finder_sql` and `:counter_sql` options on collection associations
    are deprecated. Please transition to using scopes.

    *Jon Leighton*

*   `:insert_sql` and `:delete_sql` options on `has_and_belongs_to_many`
    associations are deprecated. Please transition to using `has_many
407 408 409

    *Jon Leighton*

410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420
*   Added `#update_columns` method which updates the attributes from
    the passed-in hash without calling save, hence skipping validations and
    callbacks. `ActiveRecordError` will be raised when called on new objects
    or when at least one of the attributes is marked as read only.

        post.attributes # => {"id"=>2, "title"=>"My title", "body"=>"My content", "author"=>"Peter"}
        post.update_columns(title: 'New title', author: 'Sebastian') # => true
        post.attributes # => {"id"=>2, "title"=>"New title", "body"=>"My content", "author"=>"Sebastian"}

    *Sebastian Martinez + Rafael Mendonça França*

421 422 423
*   The migration generator now creates a join table with (commented) indexes every time
    the migration name contains the word `join_table`:

        rails g migration create_join_table_for_artists_and_musics artist_id:index music_id
425 426 427

    *Aleksey Magusev*

428 429
*   Add `add_reference` and `remove_reference` schema statements. Aliases, `add_belongs_to`
    and `remove_belongs_to` are acceptable. References are reversible.

432 433 434

        # Create a user_id column
        add_reference(:products, :user)
        # Create a supplier_id, supplier_type columns and appropriate index
436 437 438 439 440 441
        add_reference(:products, :supplier, polymorphic: true, index: true)
        # Remove polymorphic reference
        remove_reference(:products, :supplier, polymorphic: true)

    *Aleksey Magusev*

442 443 444 445 446 447 448
*   Add `:default` and `:null` options to `column_exists?`.

        column_exists?(:testings, :taggable_id, :integer, null: false)
        column_exists?(:testings, :taggable_type, :string, default: 'Photo')

    *Aleksey Magusev*

449 450
*   `ActiveRecord::Relation#inspect` now makes it clear that you are
    dealing with a `Relation` object rather than an array:.

        User.where(age: 30).inspect
        # => <ActiveRecord::Relation [#<User ...>, #<User ...>, ...]>
Brian Cardarella 已提交

        User.where(age: 30).to_a.inspect
        # => [#<User ...>, #<User ...>]

458 459 460
    The number of records displayed will be limited to 10.

    *Brian Cardarella, Jon Leighton & Damien Mathieu*
Brian Cardarella 已提交

*   Add `collation` and `ctype` support to PostgreSQL. These are available for PostgreSQL 8.4 or later.
463 464

465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473
          adapter: postgresql
          host: localhost
          database: rails_development
          username: foo
          password: bar
          encoding: UTF8
          collation: ja_JP.UTF8
          ctype: ja_JP.UTF8
474 475 476


477 478 479 480 481 482 483
*   Changed validates_presence_of on an association so that children objects
    do not validate as being present if they are marked for destruction. This
    prevents you from saving the parent successfully and thus putting the parent
    in an invalid state.

    *Nick Monje & Brent Wheeldon*

Egor Lynko 已提交
484 485 486 487
*   `FinderMethods#exists?` now returns `false` with the `false` argument.

    *Egor Lynko*

488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499
*   Added support for specifying the precision of a timestamp in the postgresql
    adapter. So, instead of having to incorrectly specify the precision using the
    `:limit` option, you may use `:precision`, as intended. For example, in a migration:

        def change
          create_table :foobars do |t|
            t.timestamps :precision => 0

    *Tony Schneider*

*   Allow `ActiveRecord::Relation#pluck` to accept multiple columns. Returns an
    array of arrays containing the typecasted values:
502 503 504 505 506 507 508

        Person.pluck(:id, :name)
        # SELECT, FROM people
        # [[1, 'David'], [2, 'Jeremy'], [3, 'Jose']]

    *Jeroen van Ingen & Carlos Antonio da Silva*

509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540
*   Improve the derivation of HABTM join table name to take account of nesting.
    It now takes the table names of the two models, sorts them lexically and
    then joins them, stripping any common prefix from the second table name.

    Some examples:

        Top level models (Category <=> Product)
        Old: categories_products
        New: categories_products

        Top level models with a global table_name_prefix (Category <=> Product)
        Old: site_categories_products
        New: site_categories_products

        Nested models in a module without a table_name_prefix method (Admin::Category <=> Admin::Product)
        Old: categories_products
        New: categories_products

        Nested models in a module with a table_name_prefix method (Admin::Category <=> Admin::Product)
        Old: categories_products
        New: admin_categories_products

        Nested models in a parent model (Catalog::Category <=> Catalog::Product)
        Old: categories_products
        New: catalog_categories_products

        Nested models in different parent models (Catalog::Category <=> Content::Page)
        Old: categories_pages
        New: catalog_categories_content_pages

    *Andrew White*

*   Move HABTM validity checks to `ActiveRecord::Reflection`. One side effect of
542 543 544 545 546 547
    this is to move when the exceptions are raised from the point of declaration
    to when the association is built. This is consistant with other association
    validity checks.

    *Andrew White*

*   Added `stored_attributes` hash which contains the attributes stored using
    `ActiveRecord::Store`. This allows you to retrieve the list of attributes
    you've defined.

552 553 554 555 556 557 558
       class User < ActiveRecord::Base
         store :settings, accessors: [:color, :homepage]

       User.stored_attributes[:settings] # [:color, :homepage]

    *Joost Baaij & Carlos Antonio da Silva*

560 561 562 563 564 565
*   PostgreSQL default log level is now 'warning', to bypass the noisy notice
    messages. You can change the log level using the `min_messages` option
    available in your config/database.yml.


566 567 568
*   Add uuid datatype support to PostgreSQL adapter.

    *Konstantin Shabanov*

*   Added `ActiveRecord::Migration.check_pending!` that raises an error if
571 572 573
    migrations are pending.

    *Richard Schneeman*

575 576 577 578 579
*   Added `#destroy!` which acts like `#destroy` but will raise an
    `ActiveRecord::RecordNotDestroyed` exception instead of returning `false`.

    *Marc-André Lafortune*

580 581 582
*   Allow blocks for `count` with `ActiveRecord::Relation`, to work similar as

        Person.where("age > 26").count { |person| person.gender == 'female' }
584 585 586

    *Chris Finne & Carlos Antonio da Silva*

587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599
*   Added support to `CollectionAssociation#delete` for passing `fixnum`
    or `string` values as record ids. This finds the records responding
    to the `id` and executes delete on them.

        class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
          has_many :pets

        person.pets.delete("1") # => [#<Pet id: 1>]
        person.pets.delete(2, 3) # => [#<Pet id: 2>, #<Pet id: 3>]

    *Francesco Rodriguez*

600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609
*   Deprecated most of the 'dynamic finder' methods. All dynamic methods
    except for `find_by_...` and `find_by_...!` are deprecated. Here's
    how you can rewrite the code:

      * `find_all_by_...` can be rewritten using `where(...)`
      * `find_last_by_...` can be rewritten using `where(...).last`
      * `scoped_by_...` can be rewritten using `where(...)`
      * `find_or_initialize_by_...` can be rewritten using
      * `find_or_create_by_...` can be rewritten using
Jon Leighton 已提交
611 612 613 614
      * `find_or_create_by_...!` can be rewritten using

    The implementation of the deprecated dynamic finders has been moved
    to the `activerecord-deprecated_finders` gem. See below for details.
616 617 618 619 620 621 622

    *Jon Leighton*

*   Deprecated the old-style hash based finder API. This means that
    methods which previously accepted "finder options" no longer do. For
    example this:

        Post.find(:all, conditions: { comments_count: 10 }, limit: 5)
624 625 626 627 628 629 630

    Should be rewritten in the new style which has existed since Rails 3:

        Post.where(comments_count: 10).limit(5)

    Note that as an interim step, it is possible to rewrite the above as:

        Post.all.merge(where: { comments_count: 10 }, limit: 5)
632 633 634 635

    This could save you a lot of work if there is a lot of old-style
    finder usage in your application.

    `Relation#merge` now accepts a hash of
637 638 639 640
    options, but they must be identical to the names of the equivalent
    finder method. These are mostly identical to the old-style finder
    option names, except in the following cases:

641 642 643
      * `:conditions` becomes `:where`.
      * `:include` becomes `:includes`.
      * `:extend` becomes `:extending`.
644 645

    The code to implement the deprecated features has been moved out to
    the `activerecord-deprecated_finders` gem. This gem is a dependency
647 648 649 650 651 652 653
    of Active Record in Rails 4.0. It will no longer be a dependency
    from Rails 4.1, but if your app relies on the deprecated features
    then you can add it to your own Gemfile. It will be maintained by
    the Rails core team until Rails 5.0 is released.

    *Jon Leighton*

Johannes Barre 已提交
654 655 656 657
*   It's not possible anymore to destroy a model marked as read only.

    *Johannes Barre*

*   Added ability to ActiveRecord::Relation#from to accept other ActiveRecord::Relation objects.
659 660 661 662 663 664

      Record.from(subquery, :a)

    *Radoslav Stankov*

665 666 667 668 669 670
*   Added custom coders support for ActiveRecord::Store. Now you can set
    your custom coder like this:

        store :settings, accessors: [ :color, :homepage ], coder: JSON

    *Andrey Voronkov*

672 673 674 675 676 677
*   `mysql` and `mysql2` connections will set `SQL_MODE=STRICT_ALL_TABLES` by
    default to avoid silent data loss. This can be disabled by specifying
    `strict: false` in your `database.yml`.

    *Michael Pearson*

*   Added default order to `first` to assure consistent results among
    different database engines. Introduced `take` as a replacement to
680 681 682 683
    the old behavior of `first`.

    *Marcelo Silveira*

*   Added an `:index` option to automatically create indexes for references
685 686 687 688 689 690 691
    and belongs_to statements in migrations.

    The `references` and `belongs_to` methods now support an `index`
    option that receives either a boolean value or an options hash
    that is identical to options available to the add_index method:

      create_table :messages do |t|
        t.references :person, index: true
693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703

      Is the same as:

      create_table :messages do |t|
        t.references :person
      add_index :messages, :person_id

    Generators have also been updated to use the new syntax.

    *Joshua Wood*

706 707 708 709 710 711 712
*   Added bang methods for mutating `ActiveRecord::Relation` objects.
    For example, while `foo.where(:bar)` will return a new object
    leaving `foo` unchanged, `foo.where!(:bar)` will mutate the foo

    *Jon Leighton*

713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722
*   Added `#find_by` and `#find_by!` to mirror the functionality
    provided by dynamic finders in a way that allows dynamic input more

        Post.find_by name: 'Spartacus', rating: 4
        Post.find_by "published_at < ?", 2.weeks.ago
        Post.find_by! name: 'Spartacus'

    *Jon Leighton*

Guillermo Iguaran 已提交
723 724 725 726 727
*   Added ActiveRecord::Base#slice to return a hash of the given methods with
    their names as keys and returned values as values.

    *Guillermo Iguaran*

Jon Leighton 已提交
728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758
*   Deprecate eager-evaluated scopes.

    Don't use this:

        scope :red, where(color: 'red')
        default_scope where(color: 'red')

    Use this:

        scope :red, -> { where(color: 'red') }
        default_scope { where(color: 'red') }

    The former has numerous issues. It is a common newbie gotcha to do
    the following:

        scope :recent, where(published_at: - 2.weeks)

    Or a more subtle variant:

        scope :recent, -> { where(published_at: - 2.weeks) }
        scope :recent_red, recent.where(color: 'red')

    Eager scopes are also very complex to implement within Active
    Record, and there are still bugs. For example, the following does
    not do what you expect:

        scope :remove_conditions, except(:where)
        where(...).remove_conditions # => still has conditions

    *Jon Leighton*

759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768
*   Remove IdentityMap

    IdentityMap has never graduated to be an "enabled-by-default" feature, due
    to some inconsistencies with associations, as described in this commit:

    Hence the removal from the codebase, until such issues are fixed.

    *Carlos Antonio da Silva*
Carlos Antonio da Silva 已提交

770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780
*   Added the schema cache dump feature.

    `Schema cache dump` feature was implemetend. This feature can dump/load internal state of `SchemaCache` instance
    because we want to boot rails more quickly when we have many models.

    Usage notes:

      1) execute rake task.
      RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:schema:cache:dump
      => generate db/schema_cache.dump

      2) add config.active_record.use_schema_cache_dump = true in config/production.rb. BTW, true is default.
782 783 784

      3) boot rails.
      RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails server
      => use db/schema_cache.dump
786 787 788 789 790 791 792

      4) If you remove clear dumped cache, execute rake task.
      RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:schema:cache:clear
      => remove db/schema_cache.dump


*   Added support for partial indices to PostgreSQL adapter.
794 795 796 797

    The `add_index` method now supports a `where` option that receives a
    string with the partial index criteria.

        add_index(:accounts, :code, where: 'active')


        CREATE INDEX index_accounts_on_code ON accounts(code) WHERE active
803 804 805

    *Marcelo Silveira*

*   Implemented ActiveRecord::Relation#none method.
807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816

    The `none` method returns a chainable relation with zero records
    (an instance of the NullRelation class).

    Any subsequent condition chained to the returned relation will continue
    generating an empty relation and will not fire any query to the database.

    *Juanjo Bazán*

*   Added the `ActiveRecord::NullRelation` class implementing the null
    object pattern for the Relation class.

819 820 821
    *Juanjo Bazán*

*   Added new `dependent: :restrict_with_error` option. This will add
    an error to the model, rather than raising an exception.

824 825
    The `:restrict` option is renamed to `:restrict_with_exception` to
    make this distinction explicit.

    *Manoj Kumar & Jon Leighton*

*   Added `create_join_table` migration helper to create HABTM join tables.
830 831 832

        create_join_table :products, :categories
        # =>
833 834 835
        # create_table :categories_products, id: false do |td|
        #   td.integer :product_id,  null: false
        #   td.integer :category_id, null: false
836 837 838 839
        # end

    *Rafael Mendonça França*

*   The primary key is always initialized in the @attributes hash to `nil` (unless
    another value has been specified).

843 844
    *Aaron Paterson*

845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854
*   In previous releases, the following would generate a single query with
    an `OUTER JOIN comments`, rather than two separate queries:

            .where(" = 'foo'")

    This behaviour relies on matching SQL string, which is an inherently
    flawed idea unless we write an SQL parser, which we do not wish to

855 856 857 858
    Therefore, it is now deprecated.

    To avoid deprecation warnings and for future compatibility, you must
    explicitly state which tables you reference, when using SQL snippets:
859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874

            .where(" = 'foo'")

    Note that you do not need to explicitly specify references in the
    following cases, as they can be automatically inferred:

        Post.where(comments: { name: 'foo' })
        Post.where('' => 'foo')

    You also do not need to worry about this unless you are doing eager
    loading. Basically, don't worry unless you see a deprecation warning
    or (in future releases) an SQL error due to a missing JOIN.

    *Jon Leighton*

*   Support for the `schema_info` table has been dropped. Please
878 879
    switch to `schema_migrations`.

880 881 882
    *Aaron Patterson*

*   Connections *must* be closed at the end of a thread. If not, your
883 884
    connection pool can fill and an exception will be raised.

885 886
    *Aaron Patterson*

887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914
*   Added the `ActiveRecord::Model` module which can be included in a
    class as an alternative to inheriting from `ActiveRecord::Base`:

        class Post
          include ActiveRecord::Model

    Please note:

      * Up until now it has been safe to assume that all AR models are
        descendants of `ActiveRecord::Base`. This is no longer a safe
        assumption, but it may transpire that there are areas of the
        code which still make this assumption. So there may be
        'teething difficulties' with this feature. (But please do try it
        and report bugs.)

      * Plugins & libraries etc that add methods to `ActiveRecord::Base`
        will not be compatible with `ActiveRecord::Model`. Those libraries
        should add to `ActiveRecord::Model` instead (which is included in
        `Base`), or better still, avoid monkey-patching AR and instead
        provide a module that users can include where they need it.

      * To minimise the risk of conflicts with other code, it is
        advisable to include `ActiveRecord::Model` early in your class

    *Jon Leighton*

915 916
*   PostgreSQL hstore records can be created.

917 918
    *Aaron Patterson*

919 920
*   PostgreSQL hstore types are automatically deserialized from the database.

921 922
    *Aaron Patterson*

Xavier Noria 已提交
Please check [3-2-stable]( for previous changes.