提交 f19622e7 编写于 作者: Y Yoshiya Hinosawa 提交者: Ryan Dahl

Rewrite tools/format.py in deno (#1528)

Note: findFiles and findFilesWalk are borrowed from the previous
attempt of @pseudo-su (#1434)
上级 befc6b2e
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Docs are [here](https://github.com/denoland/deno/blob/master/Docs.md).
Before submitting, please make sure the following is done:
1. Ensure `./tools/test.py` passes.
2. Format your code with `./tools/format.py`.
2. Format your code with `./tools/format.ts`.
3. Make sure `./tools/lint.py` passes.
## Changes to `third_party`
......@@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ before_script:
# Default script for release builds.
- ./tools/lint.py
- ./tools/test_format.py
- ./tools/build.py -C target/release
- ./tools/test_format.py
- DENO_BUILD_MODE=release ./tools/test.py
......@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ submodule. However, you need to install separately:
# Format code.
deno ./tools/format.ts
Other useful commands:
......@@ -42,4 +42,6 @@ import "./url_test.ts";
import "./url_search_params_test.ts";
import "./write_file_test.ts";
import "../tools/util_test.ts";
import "../website/app_test.js";
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2018 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
from glob import glob
import os
import sys
from third_party import fix_symlinks, google_env, python_env
from third_party import clang_format_path, third_party_path
from util import root_path, run, find_exts, platform
prettier = os.path.join(third_party_path, "node_modules", "prettier",
tools_path = os.path.join(root_path, "tools")
rustfmt_config = os.path.join(tools_path, "rustfmt.toml")
def qrun(cmd, env=None):
run(cmd, quiet=True, env=env)
print "clang_format"
qrun([clang_format_path, "-i", "-style", "Google"] +
find_exts(["libdeno"], [".cc", ".h"]))
print "gn format"
for fn in ["BUILD.gn", ".gn"] + find_exts(["build_extra", "libdeno"],
[".gn", ".gni"]):
qrun(["third_party/depot_tools/gn", "format", fn], env=google_env())
print "yapf"
[sys.executable, "third_party/python_packages/bin/yapf", "-i"] + find_exts(
["tools", "build_extra"], [".py"], skip=["tools/clang"]),
print "prettier"
qrun(["node", prettier, "--write", "--loglevel=error"] + ["rollup.config.js"] +
glob("*.json") + glob("*.md") +
find_exts([".github", "js", "tests", "tools", "website"],
[".js", ".json", ".ts", ".md"],
skip=["tools/clang", "js/deps"]))
print "rustfmt"
"third_party/rustfmt/" + platform() +
"/rustfmt", "--config-path", rustfmt_config, "build.rs"
] + find_exts(["src"], [".rs"]))
#!/usr/bin/env deno --allow-run
// Copyright 2018-2019 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import * as deno from "deno";
import { join } from "../js/deps/https/deno.land/x/std/path/index.ts";
import { findFiles } from "./util.ts";
const clangFormat = join("third_party", "depot_tools", "clang-format");
const gn = join("third_party", "depot_tools", "gn");
const prettier = join(
const yapf = join("third_party", "python_packages", "bin", "yapf");
const rustfmt = join("third_party", "rustfmt", deno.platform.os, "rustfmt");
const rustfmtConfig = join("tools", "rustfmt.toml");
const run = (...args: string[]) => {
if (deno.platform.os === "win") {
args = ["cmd.exe", "/c", ...args];
return deno.run({ args, stdout: "null", stderr: "piped" }).status();
(async () => {
await run(
...findFiles(["libdeno"], [".cc", ".h"])
console.log("gn format");
for (const fn of [
...findFiles(["build_extra", "libdeno"], [".gn", ".gni"])
]) {
await run(gn, "format", fn);
await run(
...findFiles(["tools", "build_extra"], [".py"], {
skip: [join("tools", "clang")]
await run(
...findFiles(["."], [".json", ".md"], { depth: 1 }),
[".github", "js", "tests", "tools", "website"],
[".js", ".json", ".ts", ".md"],
{ skip: [join("tools", "clang"), join("js", "deps")] }
await run(
...findFiles(["src"], [".rs"])
#!/usr/bin/env python
# This program fails if ./tools/format.py changes any files.
# Copyright 2018-2019 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
# This program fails if ./tools/format.ts changes any files.
import os
import sys
import util
import sys
import subprocess
from distutils.spawn import find_executable
def lookup_deno_path():
deno_exe = "deno" + util.executable_suffix
release_deno = os.path.join(util.root_path, "target", "release", deno_exe)
debug_deno = os.path.join(util.root_path, "target", "debug", deno_exe)
if os.path.exists(release_deno):
return release_deno
if os.path.exists(debug_deno):
return debug_deno
return find_executable("deno")
def main():
util.run([sys.executable, "tools/format.py"])
deno_path = lookup_deno_path()
if not deno_path:
print "No available deno executable."
util.run([deno_path, "--allow-run", "tools/format.ts"])
output = util.run_output(
["git", "status", "-uno", "--porcelain", "--ignore-submodules"])
if len(output) > 0:
print "Run tools/format.py "
print "Run tools/format.ts "
print output
// Copyright 2018-2019 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { lstatSync, readDirSync } from "deno";
export interface FindOptions {
skip?: string[];
depth?: number;
* Finds files of the give extensions under the given paths recursively.
* @param dirs directories
* @param exts extensions
* @param skip patterns to ignore
* @param depth depth to find
export function findFiles(
dirs: string[],
exts: string[],
{ skip = [], depth = 20 }: FindOptions = {}
) {
return findFilesWalk(dirs, depth).filter(
path =>
exts.some(ext => path.endsWith(ext)) &&
skip.every(pattern => !path.includes(pattern))
function findFilesWalk(paths: string[], depth: number) {
if (depth < 0) {
return [];
const foundPaths = paths.map(path =>
? findFilesWalk(readDirSync(path).map(f => f.path), depth - 1)
: path
return [].concat(...foundPaths);
// Copyright 2018-2019 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { test, assertEqual } from "../js/test_util.ts";
import { findFiles } from "./util.ts";
const testDir = "tools/testdata/find_files_testdata";
// Sorts and replace backslashes with slashes.
const normalize = files => files.map(f => f.replace(/\\/g, "/")).sort();
test(function testFindFiles() {
const files = findFiles([testDir], [".ts", ".md"]);
assertEqual(normalize(files), [
test(function testFindFilesDepth() {
const files = findFiles([testDir], [".ts", ".md"], { depth: 1 });
assertEqual(normalize(files), [
test(function testFindFilesSkip() {
const files = findFiles([testDir], [".ts", ".md"], {
skip: ["foo.md", "subdir1"]
assertEqual(normalize(files), [
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