未验证 提交 5a8a4da5 编写于 作者: M michael spengler 提交者: GitHub

docs: minor documentation improvement (#7603)

Closes #7602
上级 9caeff32
......@@ -20,7 +20,10 @@ they are all imported individually into individual modules.
The standard practice for solving this problem in Deno is to create a `deps.ts`
file. All required remote dependencies are referenced in this file and the
required methods and classes are re-exported. The dependent local modules then
reference the `deps.ts` rather than the remote dependencies.
reference the `deps.ts` rather than the remote dependencies. If now for example
one remote dependency is used in several files, upgrading to a new version of
this remote dependency is much simpler as this can be done just within
With all dependencies centralized in `deps.ts`, managing these becomes easier.
Dev dependencies can also be managed in a separate `dev_deps.ts` file, allowing
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