提交 1c95f71c 编写于 作者: M Marius Muja

Updated documentation

上级 be43b9d6
......@@ -94,10 +94,10 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
delete[] dataset.ptr();
delete[] query.ptr();
delete[] indices.ptr();
delete[] dists.ptr();
return 0;
......@@ -261,13 +261,10 @@ if using cmake by adding \texttt{add\_definitions(-DTBB)} to your \texttt{CMakeL
The core of the FLANN library is written in C++. To make use of the full power
and flexibility of the templated code one should use the C++ bindings if possible.
To use the C++ bindings, the library header file \texttt{flann.hpp} must be included
and the library \texttt{libflann\_cpp.so} (for linking dynamically) or
the \texttt{libflann\_cpp\_s.a} (for linking statically) must be linked in. An example
To use the C++ bindings you only need to include the the library header file \texttt{flann.hpp}. An example
of the compile command that must be used will look something like this:
g++ flann_example.cpp -I $FLANN_ROOT/include -L $FLANN_ROOT/lib -o flann_example_cpp
g++ flann_example.cpp -I $FLANN_ROOT/include -o flann_example_cpp
where \texttt{\$FLANN\_ROOT} is the library main directory.
......@@ -275,8 +272,8 @@ The following sections describe the public C++ API.
The FLANN nearest neighbor index class. This class is used to abstract different
types of nearest neighbor search indexes.
The FLANN nearest neighbor index class. This class is used to abstract different types of nearest neighbor search
indexes. The class is templated on the distance functor to be used for computing distances between pairs of features.
namespace flann
......@@ -293,29 +290,96 @@ namespace flann
void buildIndex();
void knnSearch(const Matrix<ElementType>& queries,
int knnSearch(const Matrix<ElementType>& queries,
Matrix<int>& indices,
Matrix<DistanceType>& dists,
int knn,
size_t knn,
const SearchParams& params);
int radiusSearch(const Matrix<ElementType>& query,
int knnSearch(const Matrix<ElementType>& queries,
std::vector< std::vector<int> >& indices,
std::vector<std::vector<DistanceType> >& dists,
size_t knn,
const SearchParams& params);
int radiusSearch(const Matrix<ElementType>& queries,
Matrix<int>& indices,
Matrix<DistanceType>& dists,
float radius,
const SearchParams& params);
int radiusSearch(const Matrix<ElementType>& queries,
std::vector< std::vector<int> >& indices,
std::vector<std::vector<DistanceType> >& dists,
float radius,
const SearchParams& params);
void save(std::string filename);
int veclen() const;
int size() const;
const IndexParams* getIndexParameters();
IndexParams getParameters() const;
flann_algorithm_t getType() const;
\textbf{The Distance functor}
The distance functor is a class whose \texttt{operator()} computes the distance between two features. If the distance is
also a kd-tree compatible distance it should also provide an \texttt{accum\_dist()} method that computes the distance
between individual feature dimensions. A typical distance functor looks like this (see the \texttt{dist.h} file for more
template<class T>
struct L2
typedef bool is_kdtree_distance;
typedef T ElementType;
typedef typename Accumulator<T>::Type ResultType;
template <typename Iterator1, typename Iterator2>
ResultType operator()(Iterator1 a, Iterator2 b, size_t size,
ResultType /*worst_dist*/ = -1) const
ResultType result = ResultType();
ResultType diff;
for(size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i ) {
diff = *a++ - *b++;
result += diff*diff;
return result;
template <typename U, typename V>
inline ResultType accum_dist(const U& a, const V& b, int) const
return (a-b)*(a-b);
In addition to \texttt{operator()} and \texttt{accum\_dist()}, a distance functor should also define the
\texttt{ElementType} and the \texttt{ResultType} as the types of the elements it operates on and the type of the result
it computes.
If a distance functor can be used as a kd-tree distance (meaning that the full distance between a pair of features can
be accumulated from the partial distances between the individual dimensions) a typedef \texttt{is\_kdtree\_distance}
should be present inside the distance functor. If the distance is not a kd-tree distance, but it's a distance in a
vector space (the individual dimensions of the elements it operates on can be accessed independently) a typedef
\texttt{is\_vector\_space\_distance} should be defined inside the functor. If neither typedef is defined, the distance
is assumed to be a metric distance and will only be used with indexes operating on generic metric distances.
Constructs a nearest neighbor search index for a given dataset.
......@@ -323,7 +387,8 @@ Index(const Matrix<ElementType>& features, const IndexParams& params);
\item[features] Matrix containing the features(points) that should be indexed, stored in a row-major order (one point
of each row of the matrix). The size of the matrix is $num\_features \times dimensionality$.
on each row of the matrix). The size of the matrix is $num\_features \times dimensionality$.
\item[params] Structure containing the index parameters. The type of index that will be constructed depends on the type
of this parameter. The possible parameter types are:
......@@ -372,6 +437,22 @@ struct KMeansIndexParams : public IndexParams
A value greater then zero also takes into account the size of the domain.}
\textbf{CompositeIndexParams} When using a parameters object of this type the index created combines the randomized
and the hierarchical k-means tree.
struct CompositeIndexParams : public IndexParams
CompositeIndexParams( int trees = 4,
int branching = 32,
int iterations = 11,
flann_centers_init_t centers_init = FLANN_CENTERS_RANDOM,
float cb_index = 0.2 );
\textbf{KDTreeSingleIndexParams} When passing an object of this type the index will contain a single kd-tree
optimized for searching lower dimensionality data (for example 3D point clouds)
......@@ -398,18 +479,45 @@ struct KDTreeCuda3dIndexParams : public IndexParams
\textbf{CompositeIndexParams} When using a parameters object of this type the index created combines the randomized kd-trees
and the hierarchical k-means tree.
\textbf{HierarchicalClusteringIndexParams} When passing an object of this type the index constructed will be a
hierarchical clustering index. This type of index works with any metric distance and can be used for matching
binary features using Hamming distances.
struct CompositeIndexParams : public IndexParams
struct HierarchicalClusteringIndexParams : public IndexParams
CompositeIndexParams( int trees = 4,
int branching = 32,
int iterations = 11,
flann_centers_init_t centers_init = FLANN_CENTERS_RANDOM,
float cb_index = 0.2 );
HierarchicalClusteringIndexParams(int branching = 32,
flann_centers_init_t centers_init = FLANN_CENTERS_RANDOM,
int trees = 4, int leaf_size = 100)
\item[branching]{ The branching factor to use for the hierarchical clustering tree }
\item[centers\_init]{ The algorithm to use for selecting the initial
centers when performing a k-means clustering step. The possible values are
CENTERS\_RANDOM (picks the initial cluster centers randomly), CENTERS\_GONZALES (picks the
initial centers using Gonzales' algorithm) and CENTERS\_KMEANSPP (picks the initial
centers using the algorithm suggested in \cite{arthur_kmeanspp_2007}) }
\item[trees] The number of parallel trees to use. Good values are in the range [3..8]
\item[leaf\_size] The maximum number of points a leaf node should contain.
\textbf{LshIndexParams} When passing an object of this type the index constructed will be a multi-probe LSH
(Locality-Sensitive Hashing) index. This type of index can only be used for matching binary features using Hamming
struct LshIndexParams : public IndexParams
LshIndexParams(unsigned int table_number = 12,
unsigned int key_size = 20,
unsigned int multi_probe_level = 2);
\item[table\_number]{ The number of hash tables to use }
\item[key\_size]{ The length of the key in the hash tables}
\item[multi\_probe\_level] Number of levels to use in multi-probe (0 for standard LSH)
......@@ -419,7 +527,7 @@ dataset provided.
struct AutotunedIndexParams : public IndexParams
autotunedindexparams( float target_precision = 0.9,
AutotunedIndexParams( float target_precision = 0.9,
float build_weight = 0.01,
float memory_weight = 0,
float sample_fraction = 0.1 );
......@@ -475,18 +583,28 @@ exception of saved index type).
Performs a K-nearest neighbor search for a given query point using the index.
Performs a K-nearest neighbor search for a set of query points. There are two signatures for this
method, one that takes pre-allocated \texttt{flann::Matrix} objects for returning the indices of and distances to the
neighbors found, and one that takes \texttt{std::vector<std::vector>} that will re resized automatically as needed.
void Index::knnSearch(const Matrix<ElementType>& queries,
int Index::knnSearch(const Matrix<ElementType>& queries,
Matrix<int>& indices,
Matrix<DistanceType>& dists,
int knn,
size_t knn,
const SearchParams& params);
int Index::knnSearch(const Matrix<ElementType>& queries,
std::vector< std::vector<int> >& indices,
std::vector<std::vector<DistanceType> >& dists,
size_t knn,
const SearchParams& params);
\item[query]{Matrix containing the query points. Size of matrix is ($num\_queries \times dimentionality $)}
\item[indices]{Matrix that will contain the indices of the K-nearest neighbors found (size should be at least $num\_queries \times knn$)}
\item[dists]{Matrix that will contain the distances to the K-nearest neighbors found. (size should be at least $num\_queries \times knn$). The distance values are computed by the distance function used (see \texttt{flann::set\_distance\_type} below), for example in the case of euclidean distance function, this will contain the squared euclidean distances.}
\item[queries]{Matrix containing the query points. Size of matrix is ($num\_queries \times dimentionality $)}
\item[indices]{Matrix that will contain the indices of the K-nearest neighbors found (size should be at least
$num\_queries \times knn$ for the pre-allocated version).}
\item[dists]{Matrix that will contain the distances to the K-nearest neighbors found (size should be at least
$num\_queries \times knn$ for the pre-allocated version).}
\item[knn]{Number of nearest neighbors to search for.}
\item[params]{Search parameters.} Structure containing parameters used during search.
......@@ -514,19 +632,32 @@ required to achieve the specified precision was also computed, to use that value
Performs a radius nearest neighbor search for a given query point.
Performs a radius nearest neighbor search for a set of query points. There are two signatures for this method,
one that takes pre-allocated \texttt{flann::Matrix} objects for returning the indices of and distances to the neighbors
found, and one that takes \texttt{std::vector<std::vector>} that will resized automatically as needed.
int Index::radiusSearch(const Matrix<ElementType>& query,
int Index::radiusSearch(const Matrix<ElementType>& queries,
Matrix<int>& indices,
Matrix<DistanceType>& dists,
float radius,
const SearchParams& params);
int Index::radiusSearch(const Matrix<ElementType>& queries,
std::vector< std::vector<int> >& indices,
std::vector<std::vector<DistanceType> >& dists,
float radius,
const SearchParams& params);
\item[query]{The query point}
\item[indices]{Vector that will contain the indices of the points found within the search radius in increasing order of the distance to the query point. If the number of neighbors in the search radius is bigger than the size of this vector, the ones that don't fit in the vector are ignored. }
\item[dists]{Vector that will contain the distances to the points found within the search radius}
\item[queries]{The query point. Size of matrix is ($num\_queries \times dimentionality $).}
\item[indices]{Matrix that will contain the indices of the K-nearest neighbors found. For the pre-allocated version,
only as many neighbors are returned as many columns in this matrix. If fewer neighbors are found than
columns in this matrix, the element after that last index returned is -1. In case of the std::vector version, the rows
will be resized as needed to fit all the neighbors to be returned, except if the ``max\_neighbors'' search parameter is
\item[dists]{Matrix that will contain the distances to the K-nearest neighbors found. The same number of values are
returned here as for the \texttt{indices} matrix.}
\item[radius]{The search radius}
\item[params]{Search parameters}
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