未验证 提交 cde78c16 编写于 作者: X xster 提交者: GitHub

Add a golden scenario test for fallback font rendering on iOS take 2 (#22033)

上级 329ccf77
......@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
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......@@ -33,7 +35,6 @@
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......@@ -114,6 +109,8 @@
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68A5B63323EB71D300BDBCDB /* PlatformViewGestureRecognizerTests.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = PlatformViewGestureRecognizerTests.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
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......@@ -259,6 +249,7 @@
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......@@ -270,24 +261,18 @@
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3DE09E9123C010BD006C9851 /* golden_platform_view_transform_iPhone 8_simulator.png */,
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6816DBA62318696600A51400 /* golden_platform_view_transform_iPhone SE_simulator.png */,
248D76EE22E388380012F0C1 /* PlatformViewUITests.m */,
0A02E8F624EFAD27002D54E5 /* BogusFontTextTest.m */,
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24D47D1E230CA4480069DD5E /* README.md */,
6816DB9C231750ED00A51400 /* GoldenPlatformViewTests.h */,
6816DB9D231750ED00A51400 /* GoldenPlatformViewTests.m */,
6816DB9F2317573300A51400 /* GoldenImage.h */,
6816DBA02317573300A51400 /* GoldenImage.m */,
6816DBA22318358200A51400 /* PlatformViewGoldenTestManager.h */,
6816DBA32318358200A51400 /* PlatformViewGoldenTestManager.m */,
6816DBA22318358200A51400 /* GoldenTestManager.h */,
6816DBA32318358200A51400 /* GoldenTestManager.m */,
68A5B63323EB71D300BDBCDB /* PlatformViewGestureRecognizerTests.m */,
0D8470A2240F0B1F0030B565 /* StatusBarTest.h */,
0D8470A3240F0B1F0030B565 /* StatusBarTest.m */,
......@@ -431,25 +416,19 @@
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files = (
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3DEF491623C3BE6500184216 /* golden_platform_view_multiple_background_foreground_iPhone 8_simulator.png in Resources */,
3DEF491323C3BE6500184216 /* golden_platform_view_cliprect_iPhone 8_simulator.png in Resources */,
3DEF491523C3BE6500184216 /* golden_platform_view_iPhone 8_simulator.png in Resources */,
0D14A3FE239743190013D873 /* golden_platform_view_rotate_iPhone SE_simulator.png in Resources */,
6816DBAB2318696600A51400 /* golden_platform_view_transform_iPhone SE_simulator.png in Resources */,
3DEF491823C3BE6500184216 /* golden_platform_view_opacity_iPhone 8_simulator.png in Resources */,
0A19E18D2540B6AF00D34505 /* golden_bogus_font_text_iPhone 8_simulator.png in Resources */,
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3DEF491223C3BE6500184216 /* golden_platform_view_clippath_iPhone 8_simulator.png in Resources */,
3DEF491423C3BE6500184216 /* golden_platform_view_cliprrect_iPhone 8_simulator.png in Resources */,
59A97FDA236B984300B4C066 /* golden_platform_view_multiple_background_foreground_iPhone SE_simulator.png in Resources */,
6816DBAA2318696600A51400 /* golden_platform_view_clippath_iPhone SE_simulator.png in Resources */,
6816DBAD2318696600A51400 /* golden_platform_view_cliprect_iPhone SE_simulator.png in Resources */,
3DEF491923C3BE6500184216 /* golden_platform_view_rotate_iPhone 8_simulator.png in Resources */,
24D47D1B230C79840069DD5E /* golden_platform_view_D211AP.png in Resources */,
59A97FD8236A49D300B4C066 /* golden_platform_view_multiple_iPhone SE_simulator.png in Resources */,
24D47D1D230CA2700069DD5E /* golden_platform_view_iPhone SE_simulator.png in Resources */,
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3DEF491A23C3BE6500184216 /* golden_platform_view_transform_iPhone 8_simulator.png in Resources */,
runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
......@@ -487,8 +466,9 @@
6402EBD124147BDA00987DCB /* UnobstructedPlatformViewTests.m in Sources */,
68A5B63423EB71D300BDBCDB /* PlatformViewGestureRecognizerTests.m in Sources */,
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0A02E8F724EFAD27002D54E5 /* BogusFontTextTest.m in Sources */,
6816DB9E231750ED00A51400 /* GoldenPlatformViewTests.m in Sources */,
6816DBA42318358200A51400 /* PlatformViewGoldenTestManager.m in Sources */,
6816DBA42318358200A51400 /* GoldenTestManager.m in Sources */,
248D76EF22E388380012F0C1 /* PlatformViewUITests.m in Sources */,
0D8470A4240F0B1F0030B565 /* StatusBarTest.m in Sources */,
246A6611252E693A00EAB0F3 /* RenderingSelectionTest.m in Sources */,
......@@ -28,15 +28,6 @@
selectedLauncherIdentifier = "Xcode.DebuggerFoundation.Launcher.LLDB"
shouldUseLaunchSchemeArgsEnv = "YES"
systemAttachmentLifetime = "keepNever">
BuildableIdentifier = "primary"
BlueprintIdentifier = "248D76C622E388370012F0C1"
BuildableName = "Scenarios.app"
BlueprintName = "Scenarios"
ReferencedContainer = "container:Scenarios.xcodeproj">
skipped = "NO"
......@@ -87,6 +78,10 @@
argument = "--screen-before-flutter"
isEnabled = "NO">
argument = "--bogus-font-text"
isEnabled = "NO">
argument = "--text-semantics-focus"
isEnabled = "NO">
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
self.window.tintColor = UIColor.systemPinkColor;
NSDictionary<NSString*, NSString*>* launchArgsMap = @{
// The Platform view golden test args should match `PlatformViewGoldenTestManager`.
// The golden test args should match `GoldenTestManager`.
@"--locale-initialization" : @"locale_initialization",
@"--platform-view" : @"platform_view",
@"--platform-view-no-overlay-intersection" : @"platform_view_no_overlay_intersection",
......@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
@"--tap-status-bar" : @"tap_status_bar",
@"--text-semantics-focus" : @"text_semantics_focus",
@"--animated-color-square" : @"animated_color_square",
@"--bogus-font-text" : @"bogus_font_text"
__block NSString* flutterViewControllerTestName = nil;
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Flutter/Flutter.h>
#import <XCTest/XCTest.h>
#import "GoldenTestManager.h"
@interface BogusFontTextTest : XCTestCase
@implementation BogusFontTextTest
- (void)testFontRenderingWhenSuppliedWithBogusFont {
self.continueAfterFailure = NO;
XCUIApplication* application = [[XCUIApplication alloc] init];
application.launchArguments = @[ @"--bogus-font-text" ];
[application launch];
GoldenTestManager* manager = [[GoldenTestManager alloc] initWithLaunchArg:@"--bogus-font-text"];
[manager checkGoldenForTest:self];
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <XCTest/XCTest.h>
#import "PlatformViewGoldenTestManager.h"
#import "GoldenTestManager.h"
......@@ -12,20 +12,19 @@ NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN
// A new PlatformView golden tests can subclass this and override the `-initiWithInvocation:`
// method, which then retun the `-initWithManager:invocation:`
// Then in any test method, call `checkGolden` to perform the golden test.
// Then in any test method, call `checkPlatformViewGolden` to perform the golden test.
// This base class doesn't run any test case on its own.
@interface GoldenPlatformViewTests : XCTestCase
@property(nonatomic, strong) XCUIApplication* application;
// Initialize with a `PlatformViewGoldenTestManager`.
- (instancetype)initWithManager:(PlatformViewGoldenTestManager*)manager
// Initialize with a `GoldenTestManager`.
- (instancetype)initWithManager:(GoldenTestManager*)manager invocation:(NSInvocation*)invocation;
// Take a sceenshot of the test app and check it has the same pixels with goldenImage inside the
// `PlatformViewGoldenTestManager`.
- (void)checkGolden;
// `GoldenTestManager`.
- (void)checkPlatformViewGolden;
......@@ -5,8 +5,7 @@
#import "GoldenPlatformViewTests.h"
#include <sys/sysctl.h>
#import "PlatformViewGoldenTestManager.h"
#import "GoldenTestManager.h"
static const NSInteger kSecondsToWaitForPlatformView = 30;
......@@ -14,14 +13,13 @@ static const NSInteger kSecondsToWaitForPlatformView = 30;
@property(nonatomic, copy) NSString* goldenName;
@property(nonatomic, strong) PlatformViewGoldenTestManager* manager;
@property(nonatomic, strong) GoldenTestManager* manager;
@implementation GoldenPlatformViewTests
- (instancetype)initWithManager:(PlatformViewGoldenTestManager*)manager
invocation:(NSInvocation*)invocation {
- (instancetype)initWithManager:(GoldenTestManager*)manager invocation:(NSInvocation*)invocation {
self = [super initWithInvocation:invocation];
_manager = manager;
return self;
......@@ -37,7 +35,7 @@ static const NSInteger kSecondsToWaitForPlatformView = 30;
// Note: don't prefix with "test" or GoldenPlatformViewTests will run instead of the subclasses.
- (void)checkGolden {
- (void)checkPlatformViewGolden {
XCUIElement* element = self.application.textViews.firstMatch;
BOOL exists = [element waitForExistenceWithTimeout:kSecondsToWaitForPlatformView];
if (!exists) {
......@@ -47,29 +45,6 @@ static const NSInteger kSecondsToWaitForPlatformView = 30;
GoldenImage* golden = self.manager.goldenImage;
XCUIScreenshot* screenshot = [[XCUIScreen mainScreen] screenshot];
if (!golden.image) {
XCTAttachment* attachment = [XCTAttachment attachmentWithScreenshot:screenshot];
attachment.name = @"new_golden";
attachment.lifetime = XCTAttachmentLifetimeKeepAlways;
[self addAttachment:attachment];
XCTFail(@"This test will fail - no golden named %@ found. Follow the steps in the "
@"README to add a new golden.",
if (![golden compareGoldenToImage:screenshot.image]) {
XCTAttachment* screenshotAttachment;
screenshotAttachment = [XCTAttachment attachmentWithImage:screenshot.image];
screenshotAttachment.name = golden.goldenName;
screenshotAttachment.lifetime = XCTAttachmentLifetimeKeepAlways;
[self addAttachment:screenshotAttachment];
XCTFail(@"Goldens to not match. Follow the steps in the "
@"README to update golden named %@ if needed.",
[self.manager checkGoldenForTest:self];
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <XCTest/XCTest.h>
#import "GoldenImage.h"
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ extern NSDictionary* launchArgsMap;
// It creates the correct `identifer` based on the `launchArg`.
// It also generates the correct GoldenImage based on the `identifier`.
@interface PlatformViewGoldenTestManager : NSObject
@interface GoldenTestManager : NSObject
@property(readonly, strong, nonatomic) GoldenImage* goldenImage;
@property(readonly, copy, nonatomic) NSString* identifier;
......@@ -25,6 +25,10 @@ extern NSDictionary* launchArgsMap;
// Crahes if the launchArg is not mapped in `Appdelegate.launchArgsMap`.
- (instancetype)initWithLaunchArg:(NSString*)launchArg;
// Take a sceenshot of the test app and check it has the same pixels with
// goldenImage inside the `GoldenTestManager`.
- (void)checkGoldenForTest:(XCTestCase*)test;
......@@ -2,17 +2,16 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import "PlatformViewGoldenTestManager.h"
#import "GoldenTestManager.h"
#import <XCTest/XCTest.h>
@interface PlatformViewGoldenTestManager ()
@interface GoldenTestManager ()
@property(readwrite, strong, nonatomic) GoldenImage* goldenImage;
@implementation PlatformViewGoldenTestManager
@implementation GoldenTestManager
NSDictionary* launchArgsMap;
......@@ -34,6 +33,7 @@ NSDictionary* launchArgsMap;
@"--platform-view-transform" : @"platform_view_transform",
@"--platform-view-opacity" : @"platform_view_opacity",
@"--platform-view-rotate" : @"platform_view_rotate",
@"--bogus-font-text" : @"bogus_font_text",
_identifier = launchArgsMap[launchArg];
......@@ -44,4 +44,32 @@ NSDictionary* launchArgsMap;
return self;
- (void)checkGoldenForTest:(XCTestCase*)test {
XCUIScreenshot* screenshot = [[XCUIScreen mainScreen] screenshot];
if (!_goldenImage.image) {
XCTAttachment* attachment = [XCTAttachment attachmentWithScreenshot:screenshot];
attachment.name = [_goldenImage.goldenName stringByAppendingString:@"_new"];
attachment.lifetime = XCTAttachmentLifetimeKeepAlways;
[test addAttachment:attachment];
// Instead of XCTFail because that definition changed between Xcode 11 and 12 whereas this impl
// is stable.
@"This test will fail - no golden named %@ found. "
@"Follow the steps in the README to add a new golden.",
if (![_goldenImage compareGoldenToImage:screenshot.image]) {
XCTAttachment* screenshotAttachment = [XCTAttachment attachmentWithImage:screenshot.image];
screenshotAttachment.name = [_goldenImage.goldenName stringByAppendingString:@"_actual"];
screenshotAttachment.lifetime = XCTAttachmentLifetimeKeepAlways;
[test addAttachment:screenshotAttachment];
@"Goldens do not match. Follow the steps in the "
@"README to update golden named %@ if needed.",
......@@ -11,13 +11,12 @@
@implementation PlatformViewUITests
- (instancetype)initWithInvocation:(NSInvocation*)invocation {
PlatformViewGoldenTestManager* manager =
[[PlatformViewGoldenTestManager alloc] initWithLaunchArg:@"--platform-view"];
GoldenTestManager* manager = [[GoldenTestManager alloc] initWithLaunchArg:@"--platform-view"];
return [super initWithManager:manager invocation:invocation];
- (void)testPlatformView {
[self checkGolden];
[self checkPlatformViewGolden];
......@@ -29,13 +28,13 @@
@implementation MultiplePlatformViewsTest
- (instancetype)initWithInvocation:(NSInvocation*)invocation {
PlatformViewGoldenTestManager* manager =
[[PlatformViewGoldenTestManager alloc] initWithLaunchArg:@"--platform-view-multiple"];
GoldenTestManager* manager =
[[GoldenTestManager alloc] initWithLaunchArg:@"--platform-view-multiple"];
return [super initWithManager:manager invocation:invocation];
- (void)testPlatformView {
[self checkGolden];
[self checkPlatformViewGolden];
......@@ -47,7 +46,7 @@
@implementation MultiplePlatformViewsBackgroundForegroundTest
- (instancetype)initWithInvocation:(NSInvocation*)invocation {
PlatformViewGoldenTestManager* manager = [[PlatformViewGoldenTestManager alloc]
GoldenTestManager* manager = [[GoldenTestManager alloc]
return [super initWithManager:manager invocation:invocation];
......@@ -55,7 +54,7 @@
- (void)testPlatformView {
[[XCUIDevice sharedDevice] pressButton:XCUIDeviceButtonHome];
[self.application activate];
[self checkGolden];
[self checkPlatformViewGolden];
......@@ -68,13 +67,13 @@
@implementation PlatformViewMutationClipRectTests
- (instancetype)initWithInvocation:(NSInvocation*)invocation {
PlatformViewGoldenTestManager* manager =
[[PlatformViewGoldenTestManager alloc] initWithLaunchArg:@"--platform-view-cliprect"];
GoldenTestManager* manager =
[[GoldenTestManager alloc] initWithLaunchArg:@"--platform-view-cliprect"];
return [super initWithManager:manager invocation:invocation];
- (void)testPlatformView {
[self checkGolden];
[self checkPlatformViewGolden];
......@@ -86,13 +85,13 @@
@implementation PlatformViewMutationClipRRectTests
- (instancetype)initWithInvocation:(NSInvocation*)invocation {
PlatformViewGoldenTestManager* manager =
[[PlatformViewGoldenTestManager alloc] initWithLaunchArg:@"--platform-view-cliprrect"];
GoldenTestManager* manager =
[[GoldenTestManager alloc] initWithLaunchArg:@"--platform-view-cliprrect"];
return [super initWithManager:manager invocation:invocation];
- (void)testPlatformView {
[self checkGolden];
[self checkPlatformViewGolden];
......@@ -104,13 +103,13 @@
@implementation PlatformViewMutationClipPathTests
- (instancetype)initWithInvocation:(NSInvocation*)invocation {
PlatformViewGoldenTestManager* manager =
[[PlatformViewGoldenTestManager alloc] initWithLaunchArg:@"--platform-view-clippath"];
GoldenTestManager* manager =
[[GoldenTestManager alloc] initWithLaunchArg:@"--platform-view-clippath"];
return [super initWithManager:manager invocation:invocation];
- (void)testPlatformView {
[self checkGolden];
[self checkPlatformViewGolden];
......@@ -122,13 +121,13 @@
@implementation PlatformViewMutationTransformTests
- (instancetype)initWithInvocation:(NSInvocation*)invocation {
PlatformViewGoldenTestManager* manager =
[[PlatformViewGoldenTestManager alloc] initWithLaunchArg:@"--platform-view-transform"];
GoldenTestManager* manager =
[[GoldenTestManager alloc] initWithLaunchArg:@"--platform-view-transform"];
return [super initWithManager:manager invocation:invocation];
- (void)testPlatformView {
[self checkGolden];
[self checkPlatformViewGolden];
......@@ -140,13 +139,13 @@
@implementation PlatformViewMutationOpacityTests
- (instancetype)initWithInvocation:(NSInvocation*)invocation {
PlatformViewGoldenTestManager* manager =
[[PlatformViewGoldenTestManager alloc] initWithLaunchArg:@"--platform-view-opacity"];
GoldenTestManager* manager =
[[GoldenTestManager alloc] initWithLaunchArg:@"--platform-view-opacity"];
return [super initWithManager:manager invocation:invocation];
- (void)testPlatformView {
[self checkGolden];
[self checkPlatformViewGolden];
......@@ -156,8 +155,8 @@
@implementation PlatformViewRotation
- (instancetype)initWithInvocation:(NSInvocation*)invocation {
PlatformViewGoldenTestManager* manager =
[[PlatformViewGoldenTestManager alloc] initWithLaunchArg:@"--platform-view-rotate"];
GoldenTestManager* manager =
[[GoldenTestManager alloc] initWithLaunchArg:@"--platform-view-rotate"];
return [super initWithManager:manager invocation:invocation];
......@@ -168,6 +167,6 @@
- (void)testPlatformView {
XCUIDevice.sharedDevice.orientation = UIDeviceOrientationLandscapeLeft;
[self checkGolden];
[self checkPlatformViewGolden];
# PlatformView UI Tests
# Golden UI Tests
This folder contains a test for platform views. It renders a platform view
and does a screen shot comparison against a known good configuration.
This folder contains golden image tests. It renders UI (for instance, a platform
view) and does a screen shot comparison against a known good configuration.
The screen shots are named `golden_platform_view_MODEL`, with `_simulator`
The screen shots are named `golden_[scenario name]_[MODEL]`, with `_simulator`
appended for simulators. The model numbers for physical devices correspond
to the `hw.model` sys call, and will represent the model numbers. Simulator
names are taken from the environment.
New devices require running the test on the device, gathering the attachment
and verifying it manually, and then adding an appropriately named file to
this folder.
from the test result and verifying it manually. Then adding an appropriately
named file to this folder.
If the test is attempted on a new device, the log will contain a message
indicating the file name it expected to find. The test will continue and fail,
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.6
import 'dart:ui';
import 'scenario.dart';
/// Tries to draw some text in a bogus font. Should end up drawing in the
/// system default font.
class BogusFontText extends Scenario {
/// Creates the BogusFontText scenario.
/// The [dispatcher] parameter must not be null.
BogusFontText(PlatformDispatcher dispatcher)
: assert(dispatcher != null),
// Semi-arbitrary.
double _screenWidth = 700;
void onBeginFrame(Duration duration) {
final SceneBuilder builder = SceneBuilder();
final PictureRecorder recorder = PictureRecorder();
final Canvas canvas = Canvas(recorder);
final ParagraphBuilder paragraphBuilder =
ParagraphBuilder(ParagraphStyle(fontFamily: "some font that doesn't exist"))
..pushStyle(TextStyle(fontSize: 80))
..addText('One more thing...')
final Paragraph paragraph = paragraphBuilder.build();
paragraph.layout(ParagraphConstraints(width: _screenWidth));
canvas.drawParagraph(paragraph, const Offset(50, 80));
final Picture picture = recorder.endRecording();
willChangeHint: true,
final Scene scene = builder.build();
void onDrawFrame() {
// Just draw once since the content never changes.
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
import 'dart:ui';
import 'animated_color_square.dart';
import 'bogus_font_text.dart';
import 'initial_route_reply.dart';
import 'locale_initialization.dart';
import 'platform_view.dart';
......@@ -43,6 +44,7 @@ Map<String, ScenarioFactory> _scenarios = <String, ScenarioFactory>{
'tap_status_bar': () => TouchesScenario(PlatformDispatcher.instance),
'text_semantics_focus': () => SendTextFocusSemantics(PlatformDispatcher.instance),
'initial_route_reply': () => InitialRouteReply(PlatformDispatcher.instance),
'bogus_font_text': () => BogusFontText(PlatformDispatcher.instance),
Map<String, dynamic> _currentScenarioParams = <String, dynamic>{};
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