提交 830fced7 编写于 作者: J Jason Simmons

Merge pull request #2082 from jason-simmons/apk_upload_artifacts_2

Upload artifacts as a zip file
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
copy("keystore") {
sources = [
outputs = [
......@@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ group("dist") {
deps += [
......@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ import os
import subprocess
import sys
import distutils.util
import tempfile
import zipfile
DRY_RUN = False
......@@ -36,42 +38,87 @@ def git_revision(cwd):
], cwd=cwd).strip()
class Artifact(object):
def __init__(self, category, name):
self.category = category
self.name = name
GS_URL = 'gs://mojo/flutter/%(commit_hash)s/%(config)s/%(name)s'
GS_URL = 'gs://mojo/sky/%(category)s/%(config)s/%(commit_hash)s/%(name)s'
# Paths of the artifacts that will be packaged into a zip file.
'android-arm': [
'linux-x64': [
# Paths of the artifacts that will be uploaded to GCS as individual files.
'android-arm': [
Artifact('shell', 'SkyShell.apk'),
Artifact('shell', 'flutter.mojo'),
Artifact('shell', 'libflutter_library.so'),
'linux-x64': [
Artifact('shell', 'icudtl.dat'),
Artifact('shell', 'sky_shell'),
Artifact('shell', 'sky_snapshot'),
Artifact('shell', 'flutter.mojo'),
Artifact('shell', 'libflutter_library.so'),
def find_missing_artifacts(config, config_root):
result = []
for artifact_map in [ZIP_ARTIFACTS, FILE_ARTIFACTS]:
for artifact_path in artifact_map[config]:
full_path = os.path.join(config_root, artifact_path)
if not os.path.exists(full_path):
return result
# Do not try to compress file types that are already compressed.
'.apk': zipfile.ZIP_STORED,
def upload_artifacts(dist_root, config, commit_hash):
for artifact in ARTIFACTS[config]:
src = os.path.join(artifact.category, artifact.name)
# Build and upload a zip file of artifacts
zip_fd, zip_filename = tempfile.mkstemp('.zip', 'artifacts_')
artifact_zip = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_filename, 'w')
for artifact_path in ZIP_ARTIFACTS[config]:
_, extension = os.path.splitext(artifact_path)
artifact_zip.write(os.path.join(dist_root, artifact_path),
dst = GS_URL % {
'config': config,
'commit_hash': commit_hash,
'name': 'artifacts.zip',
run(dist_root, ['gsutil', 'cp', zip_filename, dst])
# Upload individual file artifacts
for artifact_path in FILE_ARTIFACTS[config]:
dst = GS_URL % {
'category': artifact.category,
'config': config,
'commit_hash': commit_hash,
'name': artifact.name,
'name': os.path.basename(artifact_path),
z = ','.join([ 'mojo', 'dat' ])
run(dist_root, ['gsutil', 'cp', '-z', z, src, dst])
z = ','.join([ 'mojo', 'so' ])
run(dist_root, ['gsutil', 'cp', '-z', z, artifact_path, dst])
def main():
......@@ -99,10 +146,10 @@ def main():
# Derived paths:
dart_sdk_root = os.path.join(engine_root, 'third_party/dart-sdk/dart-sdk')
pub_path = os.path.join(dart_sdk_root, 'bin/pub')
android_dist_root = os.path.join(engine_root, 'out/android_Release/dist')
linux_dist_root = os.path.join(engine_root, 'out/Release/dist')
sky_engine_package_root = os.path.join(android_dist_root, 'packages/sky_engine/sky_engine')
sky_services_package_root = os.path.join(android_dist_root, 'packages/sky_services/sky_services')
android_out_root = os.path.join(engine_root, 'out/android_Release')
linux_out_root = os.path.join(engine_root, 'out/Release')
sky_engine_package_root = os.path.join(android_out_root, 'dist/packages/sky_engine/sky_engine')
sky_services_package_root = os.path.join(android_out_root, 'dist/packages/sky_services/sky_services')
sky_engine_revision_file = os.path.join(sky_engine_package_root, 'lib', 'REVISION')
run(engine_root, ['sky/tools/gn', '--android', '--release'])
......@@ -114,8 +161,21 @@ def main():
with open(sky_engine_revision_file, 'w') as stream:
upload_artifacts(android_dist_root, 'android-arm', commit_hash)
upload_artifacts(linux_dist_root, 'linux-x64', commit_hash)
configs = [('android-arm', android_out_root),
('linux-x64', linux_out_root)]
# Check for missing artifact files
missing_artifacts = []
for config, config_root in configs:
missing_artifacts.extend(find_missing_artifacts(config, config_root))
if missing_artifacts:
print ('Build is missing files:\n%s' %
'\n'.join('\t%s' % path for path in missing_artifacts))
return 1
# Upload artifacts
for config, config_root in configs:
upload_artifacts(config_root, config, commit_hash)
run(sky_engine_package_root, [pub_path, 'publish', '--force'])
run(sky_services_package_root, [pub_path, 'publish', '--force'])
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