提交 b97da198 编写于 作者: J jp9000

add GL initialization code for windows (so I can have something to test more easily with)

上级 67f5141d
#include "util/c99defs.h"
EXPORT device_t device_create(struct gs_init_data *data);
EXPORT void device_destroy(device_t device);
EXPORT swapchain_t device_create_swapchain(device_t device,
struct gs_init_data *data);
EXPORT void device_resize(device_t device, uint32_t x, uint32_t y);
EXPORT void device_getsize(device_t device, uint32_t *x, uint32_t *y);
EXPORT uint32_t device_getwidth(device_t device);
EXPORT uint32_t device_getheight(device_t device);
EXPORT texture_t device_create_texture(device_t device, uint32_t width,
uint32_t height, enum gs_color_format color_format, void *data,
uint32_t flags);
EXPORT texture_t device_create_cubetexture(device_t device, uint32_t size,
enum gs_color_format color_format, void *data[6],
uint32_t flags);
EXPORT texture_t device_create_volumetexture(device_t device, uint32_t width,
uint32_t height, uint32_t depth,
enum gs_color_format color_format, void *data, uint32_t flags);
EXPORT zstencil_t device_create_zstencil(device_t device, uint32_t width,
uint32_t height, enum gs_zstencil_format format);
EXPORT stagesurf_t device_create_stagesurface(device_t device, uint32_t width,
uint32_t height, enum gs_color_format color_format);
EXPORT samplerstate_t device_create_samplerstate(device_t device,
struct gs_sampler_info *info);
EXPORT shader_t device_create_vertexshader(device_t device,
const char *shader, const char *file,
char **error_string);
EXPORT shader_t device_create_pixelshader(device_t device,
const char *shader, const char *file,
char **error_string);
EXPORT vertbuffer_t device_create_vertexbuffer(device_t device,
struct vb_data *data, uint32_t flags);
EXPORT indexbuffer_t device_create_indexbuffer(device_t device,
enum gs_index_type type, void *indices, size_t num,
uint32_t flags);
EXPORT enum gs_texture_type device_gettexturetype(device_t device,
texture_t texture);
EXPORT void device_load_vertexbuffer(device_t device, vertbuffer_t vertbuffer);
EXPORT void device_load_indexbuffer(device_t device, indexbuffer_t indexbuffer);
EXPORT void device_load_texture(device_t device, texture_t tex, int unit);
EXPORT void device_load_cubetexture(device_t device, texture_t cubetex,
int unit);
EXPORT void device_load_volumetexture(device_t device, texture_t voltex,
int unit);
EXPORT void device_load_samplerstate(device_t device,
samplerstate_t samplerstate, int unit);
EXPORT void device_load_vertexshader(device_t device, shader_t vertshader);
EXPORT void device_load_pixelshader(device_t device, shader_t pixelshader);
EXPORT void device_load_defaultsamplerstate(device_t device, bool b_3d,
int unit);
EXPORT shader_t device_getvertexshader(device_t device);
EXPORT shader_t device_getpixelshader(device_t device);
EXPORT texture_t device_getrendertarget(device_t device);
EXPORT zstencil_t device_getzstenciltarget(device_t device);
EXPORT void device_setrendertarget(device_t device, texture_t tex,
zstencil_t zstencil);
EXPORT void device_setcuberendertarget(device_t device, texture_t cubetex,
int side, zstencil_t zstencil);
EXPORT void device_copy_texture(device_t device, texture_t dst, texture_t src);
EXPORT void device_stage_texture(device_t device, stagesurf_t dst,
texture_t src);
EXPORT void device_beginscene(device_t device);
EXPORT void device_draw(device_t device, enum gs_draw_mode draw_mode,
uint32_t start_vert, uint32_t num_verts);
EXPORT void device_endscene(device_t device);
EXPORT void device_load_swapchain(device_t device, swapchain_t swapchain);
EXPORT void device_clear(device_t device, uint32_t clear_flags,
struct vec4 *color, float depth, uint8_t stencil);
EXPORT void device_present(device_t device);
EXPORT void device_setcullmode(device_t device, enum gs_cull_mode mode);
EXPORT enum gs_cull_mode device_getcullmode(device_t device);
EXPORT void device_enable_blending(device_t device, bool enable);
EXPORT void device_enable_depthtest(device_t device, bool enable);
EXPORT void device_enable_stenciltest(device_t device, bool enable);
EXPORT void device_enable_stencilwrite(device_t device, bool enable);
EXPORT void device_enable_color(device_t device, bool red, bool blue,
bool green, bool alpha);
EXPORT void device_blendfunction(device_t device, enum gs_blend_type src,
enum gs_blend_type dest);
EXPORT void device_depthfunction(device_t device, enum gs_depth_test test);
EXPORT void device_stencilfunction(device_t device, enum gs_stencil_side side,
enum gs_depth_test test);
EXPORT void device_stencilop(device_t device, enum gs_stencil_side side,
enum gs_stencil_op fail, enum gs_stencil_op zfail,
enum gs_stencil_op zpass);
EXPORT void device_enable_fullscreen(device_t device, bool enable);
EXPORT int device_fullscreen_enabled(device_t device);
EXPORT void device_setdisplaymode(device_t device,
const struct gs_display_mode *mode);
EXPORT void device_getdisplaymode(device_t device,
struct gs_display_mode *mode);
EXPORT void device_setcolorramp(device_t device, float gamma, float brightness,
float contrast);
EXPORT void device_setviewport(device_t device, int x, int y, int width,
int height);
EXPORT void device_getviewport(device_t device, struct gs_rect *rect);
EXPORT void device_setscissorrect(device_t device, struct gs_rect *rect);
EXPORT void device_ortho(device_t device, float left, float right,
float top, float bottom, float znear, float zfar);
EXPORT void device_frustum(device_t device, float left, float right,
float top, float bottom, float znear, float zfar);
EXPORT void device_perspective(device_t device, float fovy, float aspect,
float znear, float zfar);
EXPORT void device_set_view_matrix(device_t device, struct matrix3 *mat);
EXPORT void device_projection_push(device_t device);
EXPORT void device_projection_pop(device_t device);
EXPORT void swapchain_destroy(swapchain_t swapchain);
EXPORT void texture_destroy(texture_t tex);
EXPORT uint32_t texture_getwidth(texture_t tex);
EXPORT uint32_t texture_getheight(texture_t tex);
EXPORT enum gs_color_format texture_getcolorformat(texture_t tex);
EXPORT bool texture_map(texture_t tex, void **ptr, uint32_t *byte_width);
EXPORT void texture_unmap(texture_t tex);
EXPORT void cubetexture_destroy(texture_t cubetex);
EXPORT uint32_t cubetexture_getsize(texture_t cubetex);
EXPORT enum gs_color_format cubetexture_getcolorformat(texture_t cubetex);
EXPORT void volumetexture_destroy(texture_t voltex);
EXPORT uint32_t volumetexture_getwidth(texture_t voltex);
EXPORT uint32_t volumetexture_getheight(texture_t voltex);
EXPORT uint32_t volumetexture_getdepth(texture_t voltex);
EXPORT enum gs_color_format volumetexture_getcolorformat(texture_t voltex);
EXPORT void stagesurface_destroy(stagesurf_t stagesurf);
EXPORT uint32_t stagesurface_getwidth(stagesurf_t stagesurf);
EXPORT uint32_t stagesurface_getheight(stagesurf_t stagesurf);
EXPORT enum gs_color_format stagesurface_getcolorformat(stagesurf_t stagesurf);
EXPORT bool stagesurface_map(stagesurf_t stagesurf, const void **data,
uint32_t *byte_width);
EXPORT void stagesurface_unmap(stagesurf_t stagesurf);
EXPORT void zstencil_destroy(zstencil_t zstencil);
EXPORT void samplerstate_destroy(samplerstate_t samplerstate);
EXPORT void vertexbuffer_destroy(vertbuffer_t vertbuffer);
EXPORT void vertexbuffer_flush(vertbuffer_t vertbuffer, bool rebuild);
EXPORT struct vb_data *vertexbuffer_getdata(vertbuffer_t vertbuffer);
EXPORT void indexbuffer_destroy(indexbuffer_t indexbuffer);
EXPORT void indexbuffer_flush(indexbuffer_t indexbuffer);
EXPORT void *indexbuffer_getdata(indexbuffer_t indexbuffer);
EXPORT size_t indexbuffer_numindices(indexbuffer_t indexbuffer);
EXPORT enum gs_index_type indexbuffer_gettype(indexbuffer_t indexbuffer);
EXPORT void shader_destroy(shader_t shader);
EXPORT int shader_numparams(shader_t shader);
EXPORT sparam_t shader_getparambyidx(shader_t shader, int param);
EXPORT sparam_t shader_getparambyname(shader_t shader, const char *name);
EXPORT void shader_getparaminfo(shader_t shader, sparam_t param,
struct shader_param_info *info);
EXPORT sparam_t shader_getviewprojmatrix(shader_t shader);
EXPORT sparam_t shader_getworldmatrix(shader_t shader);
EXPORT void shader_setbool(shader_t shader, sparam_t param, bool val);
EXPORT void shader_setfloat(shader_t shader, sparam_t param, float val);
EXPORT void shader_setint(shader_t shader, sparam_t param, int val);
EXPORT void shader_setmatrix3(shader_t shader, sparam_t param,
const struct matrix3 *val);
EXPORT void shader_setmatrix4(shader_t shader, sparam_t param,
const struct matrix4 *val);
EXPORT void shader_setvec2(shader_t shader, sparam_t param,
const struct vec2 *val);
EXPORT void shader_setvec3(shader_t shader, sparam_t param,
const struct vec3 *val);
EXPORT void shader_setvec4(shader_t shader, sparam_t param,
const struct vec4 *val);
EXPORT void shader_settexture(shader_t shader, sparam_t param, texture_t val);
EXPORT void shader_setval(shader_t shader, sparam_t param, const void *val,
size_t size);
EXPORT void shader_setdefault(shader_t shader, sparam_t param);
......@@ -18,6 +18,13 @@
#include "glew.h"
#include "graphics/graphics.h"
#include "glew/include/GL/glew.h"
struct gl_platform;
struct gs_device {
struct gl_platform *plat;
#include <windows.h>
#include "util/darray.h"
#include "gl-subsystem.h"
#include "glew/include/GL/wglew.h"
struct gl_platform {
HDC hdc;
HGLRC hrc;
struct gl_window {
HDC hdc;
/* would use designated initializers but microsoft sort of sucks */
static inline void init_dummy_pixel_format(PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR *pfd)
memset(&pfd, 0, sizeof(pfd));
pfd->nSize = sizeof(pfd);
pfd->nVersion = 1;
pfd->iPixelType = PFD_TYPE_RGBA;
pfd->cColorBits = 32;
pfd->cDepthBits = 24;
pfd->cStencilBits = 8;
pfd->iLayerType = PFD_MAIN_PLANE;
static bool gl_create_false_context(struct gl_platform *plat,
struct gs_init_data *info)
int format_index;
plat->hdc = GetDC(info->hwnd);
format_index = ChoosePixelFormat(plat->hdc, &pfd);
if (!format_index) {
blog(LOG_ERROR, "ChoosePixelFormat failed, %u", GetLastError());
return false;
if (!SetPixelFormat(plat->hdc, format_index, &pfd)) {
blog(LOG_ERROR, "SetPixelFormat failed, %u", GetLastError());
return false;
plat->hrc = wglCreateContext(plat->hdc);
if (!plat->hrc) {
blog(LOG_ERROR, "wglCreateContext failed, %u", GetLastError());
return false;
if (!wglMakeCurrent(plat->hdc, plat->hrc)) {
blog(LOG_ERROR, "wglMakeCurrent failed, %u", GetLastError());
return false;
return true;
static inline void required_extension_error(const char *extension)
blog(LOG_ERROR, "OpenGL extension %s is required", extension);
static bool gl_init_extensions(void)
GLenum errorcode = glewInit();
if (errorcode != GLEW_OK) {
blog(LOG_ERROR, "glewInit failed, %u", errorcode);
return false;
if (!GLEW_VERSION_2_1) {
blog(LOG_ERROR, "OpenGL 2.1 minimum required by the graphics "
return false;
if (!GLEW_ARB_framebuffer_object) {
return false;
if (!WGLEW_EXT_swap_control) {
return false;
if (!WGLEW_ARB_pixel_format) {
return false;
return true;
static inline int get_color_format_bits(enum gs_color_format format)
switch (format) {
case GS_RGBA:
return 32;
return 0;
static inline int get_depth_format_bits(enum gs_zstencil_format zsformat)
switch (zsformat) {
case GS_Z16:
return 16;
case GS_Z24_S8:
return 24;
return 0;
static inline int get_stencil_format_bits(enum gs_zstencil_format zsformat)
switch (zsformat) {
case GS_Z24_S8:
return 8;
return 0;
static inline void add_attrib(struct darray *list, int attrib, int val)
darray_push_back(sizeof(int), list, &attrib);
darray_push_back(sizeof(int), list, &val);
static int gl_get_pixel_format(struct gl_platform *plat,
struct gs_init_data *info)
struct darray attribs;
int color_bits = get_color_format_bits(info->format);
int depth_bits = get_depth_format_bits(info->zsformat);
int stencil_bits = get_stencil_format_bits(info->zsformat);
UINT num_formats;
int format;
if (!color_bits) {
blog(LOG_ERROR, "gl_init_pixel_format: color format not "
return false;
add_attrib(&attribs, WGL_DRAW_TO_WINDOW_ARB, GL_TRUE);
add_attrib(&attribs, WGL_SUPPORT_OPENGL_ARB, GL_TRUE);
add_attrib(&attribs, WGL_DOUBLE_BUFFER_ARB, GL_TRUE);
add_attrib(&attribs, WGL_PIXEL_TYPE_ARB, WGL_TYPE_RGBA_ARB);
add_attrib(&attribs, WGL_COLOR_BITS_ARB, color_bits);
add_attrib(&attribs, WGL_DEPTH_BITS_ARB, depth_bits);
add_attrib(&attribs, WGL_STENCIL_BITS_ARB, stencil_bits);
add_attrib(&attribs, 0, 0);
if (!wglChoosePixelFormatARB(plat->hdc, attribs.array, NULL, 1,
&format, &num_formats)) {
blog(LOG_ERROR, "wglChoosePixelFormatARB failed, %u",
format = 0;
return format;
static inline bool gl_init_pixel_format(struct gl_platform *plat,
struct gs_init_data *info)
int format = gl_get_pixel_format(plat, info);
if (!format)
return false;
if (!DescribePixelFormat(plat->hdc, format, sizeof(pfd), &pfd)) {
blog(LOG_ERROR, "DescribePixelFormat failed, %u",
return false;
if (!SetPixelFormat(plat->hdc, format, &pfd)) {
blog(LOG_ERROR, "SetPixelFormat failed, %u", GetLastError());
return false;
return true;
bool gl_platform_init(struct gs_device *device, struct gs_init_data *info)
device->plat = bmalloc(sizeof(struct gl_platform));
memset(device->plat, 0, sizeof(struct gl_platform));
if (!gl_create_false_context(device->plat, info))
goto fail;
if (!gl_init_extensions())
goto fail;
if (!gl_init_pixel_format(device->plat, info))
goto fail;
return true;
return false;
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