提交 c2a3c50f 编写于 作者: H hjxilinx

[td-32] fix memory leaks, and fix bugs in select * query.

上级 b4e4e5a5
......@@ -1238,22 +1238,11 @@ int doParseInsertSql(SSqlObj *pSql, char *str) {
goto _clean;
// submit to more than one vnode
if (pCmd->pDataBlocks->nSize > 0) {
// merge according to vgId
if ((code = tscMergeTableDataBlocks(pSql, pCmd->pDataBlocks)) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
goto _error_clean;
STableDataBlocks *pDataBlock = pCmd->pDataBlocks->pData[0];
if ((code = tscCopyDataBlockToPayload(pSql, pDataBlock)) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
goto _error_clean;
pTableMetaInfo = tscGetTableMetaInfoFromCmd(&pSql->cmd, 0, 0);
// set the next sent data vnode index in data block arraylist
pTableMetaInfo->vnodeIndex = 1;
} else {
pCmd->pDataBlocks = tscDestroyBlockArrayList(pCmd->pDataBlocks);
......@@ -1489,11 +1489,9 @@ static int32_t setExprInfoForFunctions(SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo, SSchema* pSchema,
SSqlExpr* pExpr = tscSqlExprInsert(pQueryInfo, resColIdx, functionID, pColIndex, type, bytes, bytes);
strncpy(pExpr->aliasName, columnName, tListLen(pExpr->aliasName));
// for point interpolation/last_row query, we need the timestamp column to be loaded
// for all querie, the timestamp column meeds to be loaded
SColumnIndex index = {.tableIndex = pColIndex->tableIndex, .columnIndex = PRIMARYKEY_TIMESTAMP_COL_INDEX};
if (functionID == TSDB_FUNC_INTERP || functionID == TSDB_FUNC_LAST_ROW) {
tscColumnBaseInfoInsert(pQueryInfo, &index);
tscColumnBaseInfoInsert(pQueryInfo, &index);
SColumnList ids = getColumnList(1, pColIndex->tableIndex, pColIndex->columnIndex);
insertResultField(pQueryInfo, resColIdx, &ids, bytes, type, columnName, pExpr);
......@@ -1581,7 +1579,10 @@ int32_t addExprAndResultField(SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo, int32_t colIdx, tSQLExprIt
tscColumnBaseInfoInsert(pQueryInfo, &(ids.ids[i]));
SColumnIndex tsCol = {.tableIndex = index.tableIndex, .columnIndex = PRIMARYKEY_TIMESTAMP_COL_INDEX};
tscColumnBaseInfoInsert(pQueryInfo, &tsCol);
case TK_SUM:
......@@ -1689,7 +1690,10 @@ int32_t addExprAndResultField(SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo, int32_t colIdx, tSQLExprIt
tscColumnBaseInfoInsert(pQueryInfo, &(ids.ids[i]));
SColumnIndex tsCol = {.tableIndex = index.tableIndex, .columnIndex = PRIMARYKEY_TIMESTAMP_COL_INDEX};
tscColumnBaseInfoInsert(pQueryInfo, &tsCol);
case TK_FIRST:
......@@ -1708,7 +1712,6 @@ int32_t addExprAndResultField(SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo, int32_t colIdx, tSQLExprIt
/* in first/last function, multiple columns can be add to resultset */
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pItem->pNode->pParam->nExpr; ++i) {
tSQLExprItem* pParamElem = &(pItem->pNode->pParam->a[i]);
if (pParamElem->pNode->nSQLOptr != TK_ALL && pParamElem->pNode->nSQLOptr != TK_ID) {
......@@ -1753,7 +1756,7 @@ int32_t addExprAndResultField(SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo, int32_t colIdx, tSQLExprIt
} else { // select * from xxx
int32_t numOfFields = 0;
......@@ -1773,6 +1776,7 @@ int32_t addExprAndResultField(SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo, int32_t colIdx, tSQLExprIt
numOfFields += tscGetNumOfColumns(pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta);
......@@ -1891,6 +1895,8 @@ int32_t addExprAndResultField(SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo, int32_t colIdx, tSQLExprIt
// todo refactor
......@@ -341,14 +341,8 @@ void tscProcessMsgFromServer(SRpcMsg *rpcMsg) {
(*pSql->fp)(pSql->param, taosres, rpcMsg->code);
if (shouldFree) {
// If it is failed, all objects allocated during execution taos_connect_a should be released
if (command == TSDB_SQL_CONNECT) {
tscTrace("%p Async sql close failed connection", pSql);
} else {
tscTrace("%p Async sql is automatically freed", pSql);
tscTrace("%p Async sql is automatically freed", pSql);
......@@ -594,11 +594,7 @@ static void **tscBuildResFromSubqueries(SSqlObj *pSql) {
if (numOfTableHasRes >= 2) { // do merge result
success = (doSetResultRowData(pSql->pSubs[0]) != NULL) && (doSetResultRowData(pSql->pSubs[1]) != NULL);
// TSKEY key1 = *(TSKEY *)pRes1->tsrow[0];
// TSKEY key2 = *(TSKEY *)pRes2->tsrow[0];
// printf("first:%" PRId64 ", second:%" PRId64 "\n", key1, key2);
} else { // only one subquery
SSqlObj *pSub = pSql->pSubs[0];
if (pSub == NULL) {
......@@ -674,14 +670,13 @@ TAOS_ROW taos_fetch_row(TAOS_RES *res) {
SSqlRes *pRes = &pSql->res;
if (pRes->qhandle == 0 ||
pRes->completed ||
pCmd->command == TSDB_SQL_INSERT) {
return NULL;
// current data are exhausted, fetch more data
if (pRes->data == NULL || (pRes->data != NULL && pRes->row >= pRes->numOfRows &&
if (pRes->data == NULL || (pRes->data != NULL && pRes->row >= pRes->numOfRows && pRes->completed != true &&
(pCmd->command == TSDB_SQL_RETRIEVE || pCmd->command == TSDB_SQL_RETRIEVE_METRIC || pCmd->command == TSDB_SQL_FETCH))) {
taos_fetch_rows_a(res, asyncFetchCallback, pSql->pTscObj);
......@@ -504,7 +504,6 @@ TAOS_STREAM *taos_open_stream(TAOS *taos, const char *sqlstr, void (*fp)(void *p
tsem_init(&pSql->rspSem, 0, 0);
tsem_init(&pSql->emptyRspSem, 0, 1);
SSqlInfo SQLInfo = {0};
tSQLParse(&SQLInfo, pSql->sqlstr);
......@@ -423,9 +423,6 @@ void tscFreeResData(SSqlObj* pSql) {
void tscFreeSqlResult(SSqlObj* pSql) {
//TODO not free
pSql->res.row = 0;
pSql->res.numOfRows = 0;
......@@ -469,8 +466,6 @@ void tscFreeSqlObjPartial(SSqlObj* pSql) {
tscTrace("%p free sqlObj partial completed", pSql);
void tscFreeSqlObj(SSqlObj* pSql) {
......@@ -489,10 +484,7 @@ void tscFreeSqlObj(SSqlObj* pSql) {
pCmd->allocSize = 0;
if (pSql->fp == NULL) {
......@@ -1751,16 +1743,8 @@ bool tscShouldFreeAsyncSqlObj(SSqlObj* pSql) {
int32_t command = pSql->cmd.command;
if (pTscObj->pSql == pSql) {
* in case of taos_connect_a query, the object should all be released, even it is the
* master sql object. Otherwise, the master sql should not be released
if (command == TSDB_SQL_CONNECT && pSql->res.code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
return true;
return false;
if (command == TSDB_SQL_CONNECT) {
return true;
if (command == TSDB_SQL_INSERT) {
......@@ -53,9 +53,9 @@
/* get the qinfo struct address from the query struct address */
#define GET_COLUMN_BYTES(query, colidx) \
#define GET_COLUMN_TYPE(query, colidx) \
typedef struct SPointInterpoSupporter {
int32_t numOfCols;
......@@ -1498,16 +1498,8 @@ static int32_t setupQueryRuntimeEnv(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, SColumnModel
SColIndexEx * pColIndexEx = &pSqlFuncMsg->colInfo;
SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx = &pRuntimeEnv->pCtx[i];
if (TSDB_COL_IS_TAG(pSqlFuncMsg->colInfo.flag)) { // process tag column info
SSchema *pSchema = getColumnModelSchema(pTagsSchema, pColIndexEx->colIdx);
pCtx->inputType = pSchema->type;
pCtx->inputBytes = pSchema->bytes;
} else {
pCtx->inputType = GET_COLUMN_TYPE(pQuery, i);
pCtx->inputBytes = GET_COLUMN_BYTES(pQuery, i);
pCtx->inputType = GET_COLUMN_TYPE(pQuery, i);
pCtx->inputBytes = GET_COLUMN_BYTES(pQuery, i);
pCtx->ptsOutputBuf = NULL;
......@@ -1891,8 +1883,6 @@ static void setScanLimitationByResultBuffer(SQuery *pQuery) {
pQuery->checkBufferInLoop = hasMultioutput ? 1 : 0;
// pQuery->pointsOffset = pQuery->pointsToRead;
......@@ -2552,7 +2542,7 @@ SArray *loadDataBlockOnDemand(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, SDataBlockInfo *pBl
if (pStatis == NULL) {
if (*pStatis == NULL) {
pDataBlock = tsdbRetrieveDataBlock(pRuntimeEnv->pQueryHandle, NULL);
} else {
......@@ -5025,11 +5015,8 @@ static void tableFixedOutputProcessor(SQInfo *pQInfo) {
static void tableMultiOutputProcessor(SQInfo *pQInfo) {
#if 0
SQuery * pQuery = &pQInfo->query;
SMeterObj *pMeterObj = pQInfo->pObj;
SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv = &pQInfo->pTableQuerySupporter->runtimeEnv;
SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv = &pQInfo->runtimeEnv;
SQuery * pQuery = pRuntimeEnv->pQuery;
// for ts_comp query, re-initialized is not allowed
if (!isTSCompQuery(pQuery)) {
......@@ -5044,8 +5031,8 @@ static void tableMultiOutputProcessor(SQInfo *pQInfo) {
pQuery->pointsRead = getNumOfResult(pRuntimeEnv);
if (pQuery->limit.offset > 0 && pQuery->numOfFilterCols > 0 && pQuery->pointsRead > 0) {
pQuery->rec.pointsRead = getNumOfResult(pRuntimeEnv);
if (pQuery->limit.offset > 0 && pQuery->numOfFilterCols > 0 && pQuery->rec.pointsRead > 0) {
......@@ -5053,40 +5040,31 @@ static void tableMultiOutputProcessor(SQInfo *pQInfo) {
* 1. if pQuery->pointsRead == 0, pQuery->limit.offset >= 0, still need to check data
* 2. if pQuery->pointsRead > 0, pQuery->limit.offset must be 0
if (pQuery->pointsRead > 0 || Q_STATUS_EQUAL(pQuery->over, QUERY_COMPLETED | QUERY_NO_DATA_TO_CHECK)) {
if (pQuery->rec.pointsRead > 0 || Q_STATUS_EQUAL(pQuery->status, QUERY_COMPLETED)) {
TSKEY nextTimestamp = loadRequiredBlockIntoMem(pRuntimeEnv, &pRuntimeEnv->nextPos);
assert(nextTimestamp > 0 || ((nextTimestamp < 0) && Q_STATUS_EQUAL(pQuery->over, QUERY_NO_DATA_TO_CHECK)));
dTrace("QInfo:%p vid:%d sid:%d id:%s, skip current result, offset:%" PRId64 ", next qrange:%" PRId64 "-%" PRId64,
pQInfo, pMeterObj->vnode, pMeterObj->sid, pMeterObj->meterId, pQuery->limit.offset, pQuery->lastKey,
pQInfo, pQuery->limit.offset, pQuery->lastKey);
pQInfo->pointsRead += pQuery->pointsRead;
TSKEY nextTimestamp = loadRequiredBlockIntoMem(pRuntimeEnv, &pRuntimeEnv->nextPos);
assert(nextTimestamp > 0 || ((nextTimestamp < 0) && Q_STATUS_EQUAL(pQuery->over, QUERY_NO_DATA_TO_CHECK)));
pQInfo->rec.pointsRead += pQuery->rec.pointsRead;
dTrace("QInfo:%p vid:%d sid:%d id:%s, query abort due to buffer limitation, next qrange:%" PRId64 "-%" PRId64,
pQInfo, pMeterObj->vnode, pMeterObj->sid, pMeterObj->meterId, pQuery->lastKey, pQuery->ekey);
if (Q_STATUS_EQUAL(pQuery->status, QUERY_RESBUF_FULL)) {
// dTrace("QInfo:%p vid:%d sid:%d id:%s, query abort due to buffer limitation, next qrange:%" PRId64 "-%" PRId64,
// pQInfo, pQuery->lastKey, pQuery->ekey);
dTrace("QInfo:%p vid:%d sid:%d id:%s, %d points returned, totalRead:%d totalReturn:%d", pQInfo, pMeterObj->vnode,
pMeterObj->sid, pMeterObj->meterId, pQuery->pointsRead, pQInfo->pointsRead, pQInfo->pointsReturned);
pQuery->pointsOffset = pQuery->pointsToRead; // restore the available buffer
if (!isTSCompQuery(pQuery)) {
assert(pQuery->pointsRead <= pQuery->pointsToRead);
// dTrace("QInfo:%p vid:%d sid:%d id:%s, %d points returned, totalRead:%d totalReturn:%d", pQInfo, pMeterObj->vnode,
// pMeterObj->sid, pMeterObj->meterId, pQuery->pointsRead, pQInfo->pointsRead, pQInfo->pointsReturned);
// pQuery->pointsOffset = pQuery->pointsToRead; //restore the available buffer
// if (!isTSCompQuery(pQuery)) {
// assert(pQuery->pointsRead <= pQuery->pointsToRead);
// }
static void vnodeSingleMeterIntervalMainLooper(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv) {
......@@ -5127,10 +5105,8 @@ static void vnodeSingleMeterIntervalMainLooper(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv) {
/* handle time interval query on single table */
// handle time interval query on table
static void tableIntervalProcessor(SQInfo *pQInfo) {
// STable *pMeterObj = pQInfo->pObj;
SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv = &(pQInfo->runtimeEnv);
SQuery * pQuery = pRuntimeEnv->pQuery;
......@@ -5839,6 +5815,39 @@ static int32_t vnodeCreateFilterInfo(void *pQInfo, SQuery *pQuery) {
static void doUpdateExprColumnIndex(SQuery* pQuery) {
assert(pQuery->pSelectExpr != NULL && pQuery != NULL);
// int32_t i = 0, j = 0;
// while (i < pQuery->numOfCols && j < pMeterObj->numOfColumns) {
// if (pQuery->colList[i].data.colId == pMeterObj->schema[j].colId) {
// pQuery->colList[i++].colIdx = (int16_t)j++;
// } else if (pQuery->colList[i].data.colId < pMeterObj->schema[j].colId) {
// pQuery->colList[i++].colIdx = -1;
// } else if (pQuery->colList[i].data.colId > pMeterObj->schema[j].colId) {
// j++;
// }
// }
// while (i < pQuery->numOfCols) {
// pQuery->colList[i++].colIdx = -1; // not such column in current meter
// }
for(int32_t k = 0; k < pQuery->numOfOutputCols; ++k) {
SSqlFuncExprMsg* pSqlExprMsg = &pQuery->pSelectExpr[k].pBase;
if (pSqlExprMsg->functionId == TSDB_FUNC_ARITHM || pSqlExprMsg->colInfo.flag == TSDB_COL_TAG) {
SColIndexEx* pColIndexEx = &pSqlExprMsg->colInfo;
for(int32_t f = 0; f < pQuery->numOfCols; ++f) {
if (pColIndexEx->colId == pQuery->colList[f].info.colId) {
pColIndexEx->colIdx = f;
static SQInfo *createQInfoImpl(SQueryTableMsg *pQueryMsg, SSqlGroupbyExpr *pGroupbyExpr, SSqlFunctionExpr *pExprs,
SArray *pTableIdList) {
SQInfo *pQInfo = (SQInfo *)calloc(1, sizeof(SQInfo));
......@@ -5897,6 +5906,8 @@ static SQInfo *createQInfoImpl(SQueryTableMsg *pQueryMsg, SSqlGroupbyExpr *pGrou
assert(pExprs[col].resBytes > 0);
pQuery->rowSize += pExprs[col].resBytes;
int32_t ret = vnodeCreateFilterInfo(pQInfo, pQuery);
if (ret != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
......@@ -5933,7 +5944,7 @@ static SQInfo *createQInfoImpl(SQueryTableMsg *pQueryMsg, SSqlGroupbyExpr *pGrou
// to make sure third party won't overwrite this structure
pQInfo->signature = (uint64_t)pQInfo;
pQInfo->signature = pQInfo;
pQInfo->pTableIdList = pTableIdList;
pQuery->pos = -1;
......@@ -335,7 +335,6 @@ static int tsdbReadRowsFromCache(SSkipListIterator *pIter, TSKEY maxKey, int max
SDataRow row = SL_GET_NODE_DATA(node);
if (dataRowKey(row) > maxKey) break;
// Convert row data to column data
if (*skey == INT64_MIN) {
*skey = dataRowKey(row);
......@@ -345,13 +344,13 @@ static int tsdbReadRowsFromCache(SSkipListIterator *pIter, TSKEY maxKey, int max
int32_t offset = 0;
for(int32_t i = 0; i < numOfCols; ++i) {
SColumnInfoEx* pColInfo = taosArrayGet(pHandle->pColumns, 0);
SColumnInfoEx* pColInfo = taosArrayGet(pHandle->pColumns, i);
memcpy(pColInfo->pData + numOfRows*pColInfo->info.bytes, dataRowTuple(row) + offset, pColInfo->info.bytes);
offset += pColInfo->info.bytes;
if (numOfRows > maxRowsToRead) break;
if (numOfRows >= maxRowsToRead) break;
return numOfRows;
......@@ -392,7 +391,9 @@ int32_t tsdbRetrieveDataBlockStatisInfo(tsdb_query_handle_t *pQueryHandle, SData
SArray *tsdbRetrieveDataBlock(tsdb_query_handle_t *pQueryHandle, SArray *pIdList) {
// in case of data in cache, all data has been kept in column info object.
STsdbQueryHandle* pHandle = (STsdbQueryHandle*) pQueryHandle;
return pHandle->pColumns;
int32_t tsdbResetQuery(tsdb_query_handle_t *pQueryHandle, STimeWindow *window, tsdbpos_t position, int16_t order) {}
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