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plugins/ansible: Ansible plugin added (#118)

上级 8e9b7646
# ansible plugin
## Introduction
The `ansible plugin` adds several aliases for useful [ansible](https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/index.html) commands and [aliases](#aliases).
To use it, add `ansible` to the plugins array of your bashrc file:
plugins=(... ansible)
## Aliases
| Command | Description |
| `ansible-version` / `aver` | Show the version on ansible installed in this host |
| `ansible-role-init <role name>` / `arinit` | Creates the Ansible Role as per Ansible Galaxy standard |
| `a` | command `ansible` |
| `aconf` | command `ansible-config` |
| `acon` | command `ansible-console` |
| `ainv` | command `ansible-inventory` |
| `aplaybook` | command `ansible-playbook` |
| `ainv` | command `ansible-inventory` |
| `adoc` | command `ansible-doc` |
| `agal` | command `ansible-galaxy` |
| `apull` | command `ansible-pull` |
| `aval` | command `ansible-vault` |
## Maintainer
### [Deepankumar](https://github.com/deepan10)
# Functions
function ansible-version(){
ansible --version
function ansible-role-init(){
if ! [ -z $1] ; then
echo "Ansible Role : $1 Creating...."
ansible-galaxy init $1
tree $1
echo "Usage : ansible-role-init <role name>"
echo "Example : ansible-role-init role1"
# Alias
alias a='ansible '
alias aconf='ansible-config '
alias acon='ansible-console '
alias aver='ansible-version'
alias arinit='ansible-role-init'
alias aplaybook='ansible-playbook '
alias ainv='ansible-inventory '
alias adoc='ansible-doc '
alias agal='ansible-galaxy '
alias apull='ansible-pull '
alias aval='ansible-vault'
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