Created by: Xreki
We changed a lot of the PaddingRNN codes, include both the model configuration and the training options. So we need to update those changes to here.
I test the develop branch use:
+ python --data_path data/simple-examples/data/ --model_type small --rnn_model static --enable_ce --use_gpu True
2019-06-17 06:58:47,642 - lm - INFO - Running with args : Namespace(data_path='data/simple-examples/data/', enable_ce=True, log_path=None, model_type='small', para_init=False, rnn_model='static', use_gpu=True)
W0617 06:58:49.498152 4694] Please NOTE: device: 0, CUDA Capability: 70, Driver API Version: 10.1, Runtime API Version: 9.0
W0617 06:58:49.506192 4694] device: 0, cuDNN Version: 7.5.
python \
--data_path data/simple-examples/data/ \
--model_type ${model_type} \
--rnn_model static \
--enable_ce \
--use_gpu True
- small model:
epoch id 12
ppl 232 44.82514 0.001953125
ppl 464 49.39149 0.001953125
ppl 696 47.661358 0.001953125
ppl 928 46.72023 0.001953125
ppl 1160 46.184597 0.001953125
ppl 1392 44.540607 0.001953125
ppl 1624 43.820793 0.001953125
ppl 1856 43.23518 0.001953125
ppl 2088 41.79701 0.001953125
ppl 2320 40.787346 0.001953125
train ppl 40.786976
ptblm lstm_language_model_static_duration_card1 70.1848174242
ptblm lstm_language_model_static_loss_card1 40.786976
valid ppl 119.65324
test ppl 114.91723
- large model:
+ python --data_path data/simple-examples/data/ --model_type large --rnn_model static --enable_ce --use_gpu True
2019-06-17 07:16:50,873 - lm - INFO - Running with args : Namespace(data_path='data/simple-examples/data/', enable_ce=True, log_path=None, model_type='large', para_init=False, rnn_model='static', use_gpu=True)
W0617 07:16:53.597585 4710] Please NOTE: device: 0, CUDA Capability: 70, Driver API Version: 10.1, Runtime API Version: 9.0
W0617 07:16:53.602998 4710] device: 0, cuDNN Version: 7.5.
epoch id 54
ppl 132 37.065334 0.0032462992
ppl 264 40.845306 0.0032462992
ppl 396 39.749107 0.0032462992
ppl 528 39.512344 0.0032462992
ppl 660 39.659756 0.0032462992
ppl 792 38.83683 0.0032462992
ppl 924 38.86937 0.0032462992
ppl 1056 39.0496 0.0032462992
ppl 1188 38.37251 0.0032462992
ppl 1320 38.06603 0.0032462992
train ppl 38.081997
ptblm lstm_language_model_static_duration_card1 125.04247805
ptblm lstm_language_model_static_loss_card1 38.081997
valid ppl 82.77821
test ppl 78.73715
Then I test this PR use:
python \
--data_path data/simple-examples/data/ \
--model_type ${model_type} \
--rnn_model static \
--use_py_reader True \
--enable_ce \
--use_gpu True
- small model
+ python --data_path data/simple-examples/data/ --model_type small --rnn_model static --use_py_reader True --enable_ce --use_gpu True
2019-06-18 03:25:14,878 - lm - INFO - Running with args : Namespace(batch_size=0, data_path='data/simple-examples/data/', enable_ce=True, log_path=None, max_epoch=0, model_type='small', para_init=False, parallel=True, rnn_model='static', save_model_dir='models', use_gpu=True, use_py_reader=True)
W0618 03:25:16.665827 5481] Please NOTE: device: 0, CUDA Capability: 70, Driver API Version: 10.1, Runtime API Version: 9.0
W0618 03:25:16.671789 5481] device: 0, cuDNN Version: 7.5.
-- Epoch:[12]; Batch:[232]; Time: 0.02059 s; ppl: 45.17641, lr: 0.00195
-- Epoch:[12]; Batch:[464]; Time: 0.02319 s; ppl: 49.69373, lr: 0.00195
-- Epoch:[12]; Batch:[696]; Time: 0.02119 s; ppl: 47.89302, lr: 0.00195
-- Epoch:[12]; Batch:[928]; Time: 0.02276 s; ppl: 46.88626, lr: 0.00195
-- Epoch:[12]; Batch:[1160]; Time: 0.02284 s; ppl: 46.28157, lr: 0.00195
-- Epoch:[12]; Batch:[1392]; Time: 0.02228 s; ppl: 44.61953, lr: 0.00195
-- Epoch:[12]; Batch:[1624]; Time: 0.02480 s; ppl: 43.86269, lr: 0.00195
-- Epoch:[12]; Batch:[1856]; Time: 0.02261 s; ppl: 43.27738, lr: 0.00195
-- Epoch:[12]; Batch:[2088]; Time: 0.02492 s; ppl: 41.82330, lr: 0.00195
-- Epoch:[12]; Batch:[2320]; Time: 0.02289 s; ppl: 40.82926, lr: 0.00195
Train epoch:[12]; epoch Time: 53.97107; ppl: 40.82766; avg_time: 43.06617 steps/s
ptblm lstm_language_model_static_duration_card1 49.5954330701
ptblm lstm_language_model_static_loss_card1 40.827663
Valid ppl: 119.90054
Saved model to: models/12.
Test ppl: 115.99717
- large model
+ python --data_path data/simple-examples/data/ --model_type large --rnn_model static --use_py_reader True --enable_ce --use_gpu True
2019-06-18 08:22:52,034 - lm - INFO - Running with args : Namespace(batch_size=0, data_path='data/simple-examples/data/', enable_ce=True, log_path=None, max_epoch=0, model_type='large', para_init=False, parallel=True, rnn_model='static', save_model_dir='models', use_gpu=True, use_py_reader=True)
W0618 08:22:54.477843 5797] Please NOTE: device: 0, CUDA Capability: 70, Driver API Version: 10.1, Runtime API Version: 9.0
W0618 08:22:54.483436 5797] device: 0, cuDNN Version: 7.5.
-- Epoch:[54]; Batch:[132]; Time: 0.05313 s; ppl: 36.70142, lr: 0.00325
-- Epoch:[54]; Batch:[264]; Time: 0.05284 s; ppl: 40.47433, lr: 0.00325
-- Epoch:[54]; Batch:[396]; Time: 0.05262 s; ppl: 39.36209, lr: 0.00325
-- Epoch:[54]; Batch:[528]; Time: 0.05793 s; ppl: 39.15080, lr: 0.00325
-- Epoch:[54]; Batch:[660]; Time: 0.05314 s; ppl: 39.24402, lr: 0.00325
-- Epoch:[54]; Batch:[792]; Time: 0.05264 s; ppl: 38.42751, lr: 0.00325
-- Epoch:[54]; Batch:[924]; Time: 0.05725 s; ppl: 38.41288, lr: 0.00325
-- Epoch:[54]; Batch:[1056]; Time: 0.05902 s; ppl: 38.57289, lr: 0.00325
-- Epoch:[54]; Batch:[1188]; Time: 0.05940 s; ppl: 37.86667, lr: 0.00325
-- Epoch:[54]; Batch:[1320]; Time: 0.05668 s; ppl: 37.54736, lr: 0.00325
Train epoch:[54]; epoch Time: 75.54808; ppl: 37.56197; avg_time: 17.59101 steps/s
ptblm lstm_language_model_static_duration_card1 74.7825333422
ptblm lstm_language_model_static_loss_card1 37.56197
Valid ppl: 82.56120
Saved model to: models/54.
Test ppl: 78.93229