Created by: happyCodingSusan
阅读了您的2018夺冠文章后,有两个问题请教,不知可否赐教? 您文章中说: BSN has a higher mAP than our C-TCN with the threshold of 0.95, however, it uses additional video classification results of [65] which are fused by multiple models, while our model only uses a two-stream model.
- 您是否尝试过也用[65]的video classification results 替代您pipeline中two-stream model, mAP会提高吗?
- 我阅读了[65] "Y. Zhao, et al., Cuhk & ethz & siat submission to activitynet challenge 2017", 发现这篇文章中介绍了好几个方法针对好几个问题.您说的video classification results究竟是哪种方法得到的?哪里可以下載its video classification results?
如果您能回覆, 就太感谢了!