图像分类,输入图像通道改为6,配置文件 '--image_shape 6 500 512',
但是 运行过程中报错。
使用最简单的 alexnet测试。
Error Message Summary:
Error: ShapeError: The number of input channels should be equal to filter channels * groups. But received: the input channels is [6], the
shapeof input is [1, 6, 500, 512], the filter
channel is [3], the shape of filter is [64, 3, 11, 11],the groups is [1]
[Hint: Expected input_channels == filter_dims[1] * groups, but received input_channels:6 != filter_dims[1] * groups:3.] at (D:\1.6.2\paddle\paddle\fluid\operators\conv_op.cc:94)
[operator < conv2d > error]
问题 ,滤波器的通道数怎么改,里面是默认是3 么?不应该是和输入数据的通道数一致么