Face detection Validation
Created by: abcdvzz
When I ran the validation code, I encoutered this error. Pls help me . I raised lots of questions yesterday. Pls, or I'll be fired soon.
----------- Configuration Arguments ----------- confs_threshold: 0.15 data_dir: data/WIDER_val/images/ file_list: data/wider_face_split/wider_face_val_bbx_gt.txt image_path: infer: False model_dir: PyramidBox_WiderFace/ pred_dir: pred use_gpu: True use_pyramidbox: True
10:20:21.553225 13318 device_context.cc:203] Please NOTE: device: 0, CUDA Capability: 61, Driver Version: 9.2, Runtime Version: 9.0 W1210 10:20:21.553249 13318 device_context.cc:210] device: 0, cuDNN Version: 7.0. W1210 10:20:22.738585 13318 system_allocator.cc:122] Cannot malloc 217.012 MB GPU memory. Please shrink FLAGS_fraction_of_gpu_memory_to_use environment variable to a lower value. Current value is 5e-06 W1210 10:20:22.738677 13318 legacy_allocator.cc:161] Cannot allocate 217.011719MB in GPU 0, available 201.375000MB W1210 10:20:22.738684 13318 legacy_allocator.cc:164] total 12787122176 W1210 10:20:22.738692 13318 legacy_allocator.cc:165] GpuMinChunkSize 256.000000B W1210 10:20:22.738700 13318 legacy_allocator.cc:168] GpuMaxChunkSize 59.314453kB W1210 10:20:22.738708 13318 legacy_allocator.cc:171] GPU memory used: 902.250000kB Traceback (most recent call last): File "widerface_eval.py", line 317, in infer(args, config) File "widerface_eval.py", line 63, in infer [det2, det3] = multi_scale_test(image, max_shrink) File "widerface_eval.py", line 203, in multi_scale_test det_b = detect_face(image, bt) File "widerface_eval.py", line 121, in detect_face return_numpy=False) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/paddle/fluid/executor.py", line 472, in run self.executor.run(program.desc, scope, 0, True, True) RuntimeError: parallel_for failed: out of memory terminate called after throwing an instance of 'paddle::platform::EnforceNotMet' what(): cudaFree{Host} failed in GPUAllocator::Free.: an illegal memory access was encountered at [/paddle/paddle/fluid/memory/detail/system_allocator.cc:150] PaddlePaddle Call Stacks: 0 0x7fa26295ce86p paddle::platform::EnforceNotMet::EnforceNotMet(std::__exception_ptr::exception_ptr, char const*, int) + 486 1 0x7fa2641fda0ap paddle::memory::detail::GPUAllocator::Free(void*, unsigned long, unsigned long) + 266 2 0x7fa2641fb922p paddle::memory::detail::BuddyAllocator::Free(void*) + 1122 3 0x7fa2641f78a5p paddle::memory::allocation::LegacyAllocator::Free(paddle::memory::allocation::Allocation*) + 69 4 0x7fa262960949p std::_Sp_counted_base<(__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)2>::_M_release() + 57 5 0x7fa262961cfdp paddle::framework::Variable::PlaceholderImplpaddle::framework::LoDTensor::~PlaceholderImpl() + 61 6 0x7fa26419999dp paddle::framework::Scope::~Scope() + 141 7 0x7fa2641998a1p paddle::framework::Scope::DropKids() + 81 8 0x7fa26419992dp paddle::framework::Scope::~Scope() + 29 9 0x7fa26295a80ap