These commands will install the decoders that translate the ouptut probability vectors of DS2 model to text data, incuding CTC greedy decoder, CTC beam search decoder and its batch version.
The decoders for deployment developed in C++ are a better alternative for the prototype decoders in Pytthon, with more powerful performance in both speed and accuracy.
### Installation
The build depends on several open-sourced projects, first clone or download them to current directory (i.e., `deep_speech_2/deploy`)
-[**KenLM**]( Faster and Smaller Language Model Queries
git clone
-[**OpenFst**]( A library for finite-state transducers
-[**SWIG**]( A tool that provides the Python interface for the decoders, please make sure it being installed.
Then run the setup
python install--num_processes 4
cd ..
### Usage
The decoders for deployment share almost the same interface with the prototye decoders in Python. After the installation succeeds, these decoders are very convenient for call in Python, and a complete example in `````` can be refered.