# Multi-view Simnet for Personalized recommendation
# Multi-view Simnet for Personalized recommendation
## Introduction
## Introduction
In personalized recommendation scenario, a user often is provided with several items from personalized interest matching model. In real world application, a user may have multiple views of features, say user-id, age, click-history of items. A item, e.g. news, may also have multiple views of features like news title, news category and so on. Multi-view Simnet is matching a model that combine users' and items' multiple views of features into one unified model. The model can be used in many industrial product like Baidu's feed news.
In personalized recommendation scenario, a user often is provided with several items from personalized interest matching model. In real world application, a user may have multiple views of features, say user-id, age, click-history of items, search queries. A item, e.g. news, may also have multiple views of features like news title, news category, images in news and so on. Multi-view Simnet is matching a model that combine users' and items' multiple views of features into one unified model. The model can be used in many industrial product like Baidu's feed news. The model is adapted from the paper A Multi-View Deep Learning(MV-DNN) Approach for Cross Domain User Modeling in Recommendation Systems, WWW 2015. The difference between our model and the MV-DNN is that we also consider multiple feature views of users.
## Dataset
## Dataset
Currently, synthetic dataset is provided for proof of concept and we aim to add more real world dataset in this project in the future.
Currently, synthetic dataset is provided for proof of concept and we aim to add more real world dataset in this project in the future.