未验证 提交 d2d3b0e9 编写于 作者: C Cao Ying 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #329 from peterzhang2029/str_dev

Add the scene text recognition example.
# 场景文字识别 (STR, Scene Text Recognition)
## STR任务简介
本例将演示如何用 PaddlePaddle 完成 **场景文字识别 (STR, Scene Text Recognition)** 。任务如下图所示,给定一张场景图片,`STR` 需要从中识别出对应的文字"keep"。
<p align="center">
<img src="./images/503.jpg"/><br/>
图 1. 输入数据示例 "keep"
## 使用 PaddlePaddle 训练与预测
### 安装依赖包
pip install -r requirements.txt
### 修改配置参数
`config.py` 脚本中包含了模型配置和训练相关的参数以及对应的详细解释,代码片段如下:
class TrainerConfig(object):
# Whether to use GPU in training or not.
use_gpu = True
# The number of computing threads.
trainer_count = 1
# The training batch size.
batch_size = 10
class ModelConfig(object):
# Number of the filters for convolution group.
filter_num = 8
修改 `config.py` 脚本可以实现对参数的调整。例如,通过修改 `use_gpu` 参数来指定是否使用 GPU 进行训练。
### 模型训练
训练脚本 [./train.py](./train.py) 中设置了如下命令行参数:
--train_file_list_path TEXT The path of the file which contains path list
of train image files. [required]
--test_file_list_path TEXT The path of the file which contains path list
of test image files. [required]
--label_dict_path TEXT The path of label dictionary. If this parameter
is set, but the file does not exist, label
dictionay will be built from the training data
automatically. [required]
--model_save_dir TEXT The path to save the trained models (default:
--help Show this message and exit.
- `train_file_list` :训练数据的列表文件,每行由图片的存储路径和对应的标记文本组成,格式为:
word_1.png, "PROPER"
word_2.png, "FOOD"
- `test_file_list` :测试数据的列表文件,格式同上。
- `label_dict_path` :训练数据中标记字典的存储路径,如果指定路径中字典文件不存在,程序会使用训练数据中的标记数据自动生成标记字典。
- `model_save_dir` :模型参数的保存目录,默认为`./models`
### 具体执行的过程:
1.从官方网站下载数据\[[2](#参考文献)\](Task 2.3: Word Recognition (2013 edition)),会有三个文件: `Challenge2_Training_Task3_Images_GT.zip``Challenge2_Test_Task3_Images.zip``Challenge2_Test_Task3_GT.txt`
mkdir -p data/train_data
mkdir -p data/test_data
unzip Challenge2_Training_Task3_Images_GT.zip -d data/train_data
unzip Challenge2_Test_Task3_Images.zip -d data/test_data
mv Challenge2_Test_Task3_GT.txt data/test_data
2.获取训练数据文件夹中 `gt.txt` 的路径 (data/train_data)和测试数据文件夹中`Challenge2_Test_Task3_GT.txt`的路径(data/test_data)。
python train.py \
--train_file_list_path 'data/train_data/gt.txt' \
--test_file_list_path 'data/test_data/Challenge2_Test_Task3_GT.txt' \
--label_dict_path 'label_dict.txt'
4.训练过程中,模型参数会自动备份到指定目录,默认会保存在 `./models` 目录下。
### 预测
预测部分由 `infer.py` 完成,使用的是最优路径解码算法,即:在每个时间步选择一个概率最大的字符。在使用过程中,需要在 `infer.py` 中指定具体的模型保存路径、图片固定尺寸、batch_size(默认为10)、标记词典路径和图片文件的列表文件。执行如下代码:
python infer.py \
--model_path 'models/params_pass_00000.tar.gz' \
--image_shape '173,46' \
--label_dict_path 'label_dict.txt' \
--infer_file_list_path 'data/test_data/Challenge2_Test_Task3_GT.txt'
### 其他数据集
- [SynthText in the Wild Dataset](http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~vgg/data/scenetext/)(41G)
- [ICDAR 2003 Robust Reading Competitions](http://www.iapr-tc11.org/mediawiki/index.php?title=ICDAR_2003_Robust_Reading_Competitions)
### 注意事项
- 由于模型依赖的 `warp CTC` 只有CUDA的实现,本模型只支持 GPU 运行。
- 本模型参数较多,占用显存比较大,实际执行时可以通过调节 `batch_size` 来控制显存占用。
- 本例使用的数据集较小,如有需要,可以选用其他更大的数据集\[[3](#参考文献)\]来训练模型。
## 参考文献
1. [Google Now Using ReCAPTCHA To Decode Street View Addresses](https://techcrunch.com/2012/03/29/google-now-using-recaptcha-to-decode-street-view-addresses/)
2. [Focused Scene Text](http://rrc.cvc.uab.es/?ch=2&com=introduction)
3. [SynthText in the Wild Dataset](http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~vgg/data/scenetext/)
__all__ = ["TrainerConfig", "ModelConfig"]
class TrainerConfig(object):
# Whether to use GPU in training or not.
use_gpu = True
# The number of computing threads.
trainer_count = 1
# The training batch size.
batch_size = 10
# The epoch number.
num_passes = 10
# Parameter updates momentum.
momentum = 0
# The shape of images.
image_shape = (173, 46)
# The buffer size of the data reader.
# The number of buffer size samples will be shuffled in training.
buf_size = 1000
# The parameter is used to control logging period.
# Training log will be printed every log_period.
log_period = 50
class ModelConfig(object):
# Number of the filters for convolution group.
filter_num = 8
# Use batch normalization or not in image convolution group.
with_bn = True
# The number of channels for block expand layer.
num_channels = 128
# The parameter stride_x in block expand layer.
stride_x = 1
# The parameter stride_y in block expand layer.
stride_y = 1
# The parameter block_x in block expand layer.
block_x = 1
# The parameter block_y in block expand layer.
block_y = 11
# The hidden size for gru.
hidden_size = num_channels
# Use norm_by_times or not in warp ctc layer.
norm_by_times = True
# The list for number of filter in image convolution group layer.
filter_num_list = [16, 32, 64, 128]
# The parameter conv_padding in image convolution group layer.
conv_padding = 1
# The parameter conv_filter_size in image convolution group layer.
conv_filter_size = 3
# The parameter pool_size in image convolution group layer.
pool_size = 2
# The parameter pool_stride in image convolution group layer.
pool_stride = 2
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from itertools import groupby
import numpy as np
def ctc_greedy_decoder(probs_seq, vocabulary):
"""CTC greedy (best path) decoder.
Path consisting of the most probable tokens are further post-processed to
remove consecutive repetitions and all blanks.
:param probs_seq: 2-D list of probabilities over the vocabulary for each
character. Each element is a list of float probabilities
for one character.
:type probs_seq: list
:param vocabulary: Vocabulary list.
:type vocabulary: list
:return: Decoding result string.
:rtype: baseline
# dimension verification
for probs in probs_seq:
if not len(probs) == len(vocabulary) + 1:
raise ValueError("probs_seq dimension mismatchedd with vocabulary")
# argmax to get the best index for each time step
max_index_list = list(np.array(probs_seq).argmax(axis=1))
# remove consecutive duplicate indexes
index_list = [index_group[0] for index_group in groupby(max_index_list)]
# remove blank indexes
blank_index = len(vocabulary)
index_list = [index for index in index_list if index != blank_index]
# convert index list to string
return ''.join([vocabulary[index] for index in index_list])
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# 场景文字识别 (STR, Scene Text Recognition)
## STR任务简介
本例将演示如何用 PaddlePaddle 完成 **场景文字识别 (STR, Scene Text Recognition)** 。任务如下图所示,给定一张场景图片,`STR` 需要从中识别出对应的文字"keep"。
<p align="center">
<img src="./images/503.jpg"/><br/>
图 1. 输入数据示例 "keep"
## 使用 PaddlePaddle 训练与预测
### 安装依赖包
pip install -r requirements.txt
### 修改配置参数
`config.py` 脚本中包含了模型配置和训练相关的参数以及对应的详细解释,代码片段如下:
class TrainerConfig(object):
# Whether to use GPU in training or not.
use_gpu = True
# The number of computing threads.
trainer_count = 1
# The training batch size.
batch_size = 10
class ModelConfig(object):
# Number of the filters for convolution group.
filter_num = 8
修改 `config.py` 脚本可以实现对参数的调整。例如,通过修改 `use_gpu` 参数来指定是否使用 GPU 进行训练。
### 模型训练
训练脚本 [./train.py](./train.py) 中设置了如下命令行参数:
--train_file_list_path TEXT The path of the file which contains path list
of train image files. [required]
--test_file_list_path TEXT The path of the file which contains path list
of test image files. [required]
--label_dict_path TEXT The path of label dictionary. If this parameter
is set, but the file does not exist, label
dictionay will be built from the training data
automatically. [required]
--model_save_dir TEXT The path to save the trained models (default:
--help Show this message and exit.
- `train_file_list` :训练数据的列表文件,每行由图片的存储路径和对应的标记文本组成,格式为:
word_1.png, "PROPER"
word_2.png, "FOOD"
- `test_file_list` :测试数据的列表文件,格式同上。
- `label_dict_path` :训练数据中标记字典的存储路径,如果指定路径中字典文件不存在,程序会使用训练数据中的标记数据自动生成标记字典。
- `model_save_dir` :模型参数的保存目录,默认为`./models`。
### 具体执行的过程:
1.从官方网站下载数据\[[2](#参考文献)\](Task 2.3: Word Recognition (2013 edition)),会有三个文件: `Challenge2_Training_Task3_Images_GT.zip`、`Challenge2_Test_Task3_Images.zip` 和 `Challenge2_Test_Task3_GT.txt`。
mkdir -p data/train_data
mkdir -p data/test_data
unzip Challenge2_Training_Task3_Images_GT.zip -d data/train_data
unzip Challenge2_Test_Task3_Images.zip -d data/test_data
mv Challenge2_Test_Task3_GT.txt data/test_data
2.获取训练数据文件夹中 `gt.txt` 的路径 (data/train_data)和测试数据文件夹中`Challenge2_Test_Task3_GT.txt`的路径(data/test_data)。
python train.py \
--train_file_list_path 'data/train_data/gt.txt' \
--test_file_list_path 'data/test_data/Challenge2_Test_Task3_GT.txt' \
--label_dict_path 'label_dict.txt'
4.训练过程中,模型参数会自动备份到指定目录,默认会保存在 `./models` 目录下。
### 预测
预测部分由 `infer.py` 完成,使用的是最优路径解码算法,即:在每个时间步选择一个概率最大的字符。在使用过程中,需要在 `infer.py` 中指定具体的模型保存路径、图片固定尺寸、batch_size(默认为10)、标记词典路径和图片文件的列表文件。执行如下代码:
python infer.py \
--model_path 'models/params_pass_00000.tar.gz' \
--image_shape '173,46' \
--label_dict_path 'label_dict.txt' \
--infer_file_list_path 'data/test_data/Challenge2_Test_Task3_GT.txt'
### 其他数据集
- [SynthText in the Wild Dataset](http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~vgg/data/scenetext/)(41G)
- [ICDAR 2003 Robust Reading Competitions](http://www.iapr-tc11.org/mediawiki/index.php?title=ICDAR_2003_Robust_Reading_Competitions)
### 注意事项
- 由于模型依赖的 `warp CTC` 只有CUDA的实现,本模型只支持 GPU 运行。
- 本模型参数较多,占用显存比较大,实际执行时可以通过调节 `batch_size` 来控制显存占用。
- 本例使用的数据集较小,如有需要,可以选用其他更大的数据集\[[3](#参考文献)\]来训练模型。
## 参考文献
1. [Google Now Using ReCAPTCHA To Decode Street View Addresses](https://techcrunch.com/2012/03/29/google-now-using-recaptcha-to-decode-street-view-addresses/)
2. [Focused Scene Text](http://rrc.cvc.uab.es/?ch=2&com=introduction)
3. [SynthText in the Wild Dataset](http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~vgg/data/scenetext/)
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import click
import gzip
import paddle.v2 as paddle
from network_conf import Model
from reader import DataGenerator
from decoder import ctc_greedy_decoder
from utils import get_file_list, load_dict, load_reverse_dict
def infer_batch(inferer, test_batch, labels, reversed_char_dict):
infer_results = inferer.infer(input=test_batch)
num_steps = len(infer_results) // len(test_batch)
probs_split = [
infer_results[i * num_steps:(i + 1) * num_steps]
for i in xrange(0, len(test_batch))
results = []
# Best path decode.
for i, probs in enumerate(probs_split):
output_transcription = ctc_greedy_decoder(
probs_seq=probs, vocabulary=reversed_char_dict)
for result, label in zip(results, labels):
print("\nOutput Transcription: %s\nTarget Transcription: %s" %
(result, label))
"--model_path", type=str, required=True, help=("The path of saved model."))
help=("The fixed size for image dataset (format is like: '173,46')."))
help=("The number of examples in one batch (default: 10)."))
help=("The path of label dictionary. "))
help=("The path of the file which contains "
"path list of image files for inference."))
def infer(model_path, image_shape, batch_size, label_dict_path,
image_shape = tuple(map(int, image_shape.split(',')))
infer_file_list = get_file_list(infer_file_list_path)
char_dict = load_dict(label_dict_path)
reversed_char_dict = load_reverse_dict(label_dict_path)
dict_size = len(char_dict)
data_generator = DataGenerator(char_dict=char_dict, image_shape=image_shape)
paddle.init(use_gpu=True, trainer_count=1)
parameters = paddle.parameters.Parameters.from_tar(gzip.open(model_path))
model = Model(dict_size, image_shape, is_infer=True)
inferer = paddle.inference.Inference(
output_layer=model.log_probs, parameters=parameters)
test_batch = []
labels = []
for i, (image,
label) in enumerate(data_generator.infer_reader(infer_file_list)()):
if len(test_batch) == batch_size:
infer_batch(inferer, test_batch, labels, reversed_char_dict)
test_batch = []
labels = []
if test_batch:
infer_batch(inferer, test_batch, labels, reversed_char_dict)
if __name__ == "__main__":
from paddle import v2 as paddle
from paddle.v2 import layer
from paddle.v2 import evaluator
from paddle.v2.activation import Relu, Linear
from paddle.v2.networks import img_conv_group, simple_gru
from config import ModelConfig as conf
class Model(object):
def __init__(self, num_classes, shape, is_infer=False):
:param num_classes: The size of the character dict.
:type num_classes: int
:param shape: The size of the input images.
:type shape: tuple of 2 int
:param is_infer: The boolean parameter indicating
inferring or training.
:type shape: bool
self.num_classes = num_classes
self.shape = shape
self.is_infer = is_infer
self.image_vector_size = shape[0] * shape[1]
def __declare_input_layers__(self):
Define the input layer.
# Image input as a float vector.
self.image = layer.data(
# Label input as an ID list
if not self.is_infer:
self.label = layer.data(
def __build_nn__(self):
Build the network topology.
# Get the image features with CNN.
conv_features = self.conv_groups(self.image, conf.filter_num,
# Expand the output of CNN into a sequence of feature vectors.
sliced_feature = layer.block_expand(
# Use RNN to capture sequence information forwards and backwards.
gru_forward = simple_gru(
input=sliced_feature, size=conf.hidden_size, act=Relu())
gru_backward = simple_gru(
# Map the output of RNN to character distribution.
self.output = layer.fc(
input=[gru_forward, gru_backward],
size=self.num_classes + 1,
self.log_probs = paddle.layer.mixed(
# Use warp CTC to calculate cost for a CTC task.
if not self.is_infer:
self.cost = layer.warp_ctc(
size=self.num_classes + 1,
self.eval = evaluator.ctc_error(input=self.output, label=self.label)
def conv_groups(self, input, num, with_bn):
Get the image features with image convolution group.
:param input: Input layer.
:type input: LayerOutput
:param num: Number of the filters.
:type num: int
:param with_bn: Use batch normalization or not.
:type with_bn: bool
assert num % 4 == 0
filter_num_list = conf.filter_num_list
is_input_image = True
tmp = input
for num_filter in filter_num_list:
if is_input_image:
num_channels = 1
is_input_image = False
num_channels = None
tmp = img_conv_group(
conv_num_filter=[num_filter] * (num / 4),
pool_stride=conf.pool_stride, )
return tmp
import os
import cv2
from paddle.v2.image import load_image
class DataGenerator(object):
def __init__(self, char_dict, image_shape):
:param char_dict: The dictionary class for labels.
:type char_dict: class
:param image_shape: The fixed shape of images.
:type image_shape: tuple
self.image_shape = image_shape
self.char_dict = char_dict
def train_reader(self, file_list):
Reader interface for training.
:param file_list: The path list of the image file for training.
:type file_list: list
def reader():
UNK_ID = self.char_dict['<unk>']
for image_path, label in file_list:
label = [self.char_dict.get(c, UNK_ID) for c in label]
yield self.load_image(image_path), label
return reader
def infer_reader(self, file_list):
Reader interface for inference.
:param file_list: The path list of the image file for inference.
:type file_list: list
def reader():
for image_path, label in file_list:
yield self.load_image(image_path), label
return reader
def load_image(self, path):
Load an image and transform it to 1-dimention vector.
:param path: The path of the image data.
:type path: str
image = load_image(path)
image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
# Resize all images to a fixed shape.
if self.image_shape:
image = cv2.resize(
image, self.image_shape, interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
image = image.flatten() / 255.
return image
\ No newline at end of file
import gzip
import os
import click
import paddle.v2 as paddle
from config import TrainerConfig as conf
from network_conf import Model
from reader import DataGenerator
from utils import get_file_list, build_label_dict, load_dict
help=("The path of the file which contains "
"path list of train image files."))
help=("The path of the file which contains "
"path list of test image files."))
help=("The path of label dictionary. "
"If this parameter is set, but the file does not exist, "
"label dictionay will be built from "
"the training data automatically."))
help="The path to save the trained models (default: 'models').")
def train(train_file_list_path, test_file_list_path, label_dict_path,
if not os.path.exists(model_save_dir):
train_file_list = get_file_list(train_file_list_path)
test_file_list = get_file_list(test_file_list_path)
if not os.path.exists(label_dict_path):
print(("Label dictionary is not given, the dictionary "
"is automatically built from the training data."))
build_label_dict(train_file_list, label_dict_path)
char_dict = load_dict(label_dict_path)
dict_size = len(char_dict)
data_generator = DataGenerator(
char_dict=char_dict, image_shape=conf.image_shape)
paddle.init(use_gpu=conf.use_gpu, trainer_count=conf.trainer_count)
# Create optimizer.
optimizer = paddle.optimizer.Momentum(momentum=conf.momentum)
# Define network topology.
model = Model(dict_size, conf.image_shape, is_infer=False)
# Create all the trainable parameters.
params = paddle.parameters.create(model.cost)
trainer = paddle.trainer.SGD(
# Feeding dictionary.
feeding = {'image': 0, 'label': 1}
def event_handler(event):
if isinstance(event, paddle.event.EndIteration):
if event.batch_id % conf.log_period == 0:
print("Pass %d, batch %d, Samples %d, Cost %f, Eval %s" %
(event.pass_id, event.batch_id, event.batch_id *
conf.batch_size, event.cost, event.metrics))
if isinstance(event, paddle.event.EndPass):
# Here, because training and testing data share a same format,
# we still use the reader.train_reader to read the testing data.
result = trainer.test(
print("Test %d, Cost %f, Eval %s" %
(event.pass_id, result.cost, result.metrics))
with gzip.open(
os.path.join(model_save_dir, "params_pass_%05d.tar.gz" %
event.pass_id), "w") as f:
if __name__ == "__main__":
import os
from collections import defaultdict
def get_file_list(image_file_list):
Generate the file list for training and testing data.
:param image_file_list: The path of the file which contains
path list of image files.
:type image_file_list: str
dirname = os.path.dirname(image_file_list)
path_list = []
with open(image_file_list) as f:
for line in f:
line_split = line.strip().split(',', 1)
filename = line_split[0].strip()
path = os.path.join(dirname, filename)
label = line_split[1][2:-1].strip()
if label:
path_list.append((path, label))
return path_list
def build_label_dict(file_list, save_path):
Build label dictionary from training data.
:param file_list: The list which contains the labels
of training data.
:type file_list: list
:params save_path: The path where the label dictionary will be saved.
:type save_path: str
values = defaultdict(int)
for path, label in file_list:
for c in label:
if c:
values[c] += 1
values['<unk>'] = 0
with open(save_path, "w") as f:
for v, count in sorted(
values.iteritems(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True):
f.write("%s\t%d\n" % (v, count))
def load_dict(dict_path):
Load label dictionary from the dictionary path.
:param dict_path: The path of word dictionary.
:type dict_path: str
return dict((line.strip().split("\t")[0], idx)
for idx, line in enumerate(open(dict_path, "r").readlines()))
def load_reverse_dict(dict_path):
Load the reversed label dictionary from dictionary path.
:param dict_path: The path of word dictionary.
:type dict_path: str
return dict((idx, line.strip().split("\t")[0])
for idx, line in enumerate(open(dict_path, "r").readlines()))
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